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Everything posted by davidw89

  1. Watch it on a computer with Cyberlink Power DVD
  2. I'll give you a hint: Lightning UK made it
  3. I second that..infact thanks to lgihting uk its the only one that works with a corrupt NRG. CUz Magic iso/nero are all gay prrograms that give same error but when you load it but with imgburn it autoamtically fixes the error after you burn it.
  4. Get a better media e.g Verbatim/Taiyo Yuden..most often this solves the problem.
  5. Well you gotta admit its not a bad idea
  6. Thne get a new drive that supports everything? It will save you so much hasslling and dvd aint expensive atm. Edit: DVD+RW/DVD-Rw is crappy, your better off buying those DVD+R/DVD-R in bulk..as the rewritables isnt going to save you that money, takes forever to burn and once blue-ray/hd dvd comes out they will be useless. If you want to do backup try a protable hard-drive etc?
  7. Does files on imgshark last forever? No iam nto talking about uploading to fiels like how did hje resize/edit those print screen pictures? I have to save it to paint and stuff..
  8. I didnt know it was in preference i thought it was somewhere in the build button..blah lol Hey cornholio7 how do you copy those images (print screen) and resize it and highlight it etc?
  9. LIGHTNING UK! how about when you click burn it pops up reminding you if you want to bitype? Wouldn t that be smarter?
  10. I still cant find the 32k IFO/BUP padding option
  11. Out of curiosity..why doesnt Imgburn automatically save the bitsetting..everytime i burn i have to manually set it.
  12. Na i dont scratch my disc they're all in jewel cd cases od dvd cases or in cakeboxes. I treat my media like god .
  13. Last question before i go bur nanother one. is it better to sue the original layer break or to use the guide in this forum. Also regarding the 32k padding if i burn it by disabling it my DL would be perfectly fine?
  14. Could i ask what it does? Iam still unable to locate it
  15. This is the EXACT same product that i use: Verbatim DVD+R DL 8.5GB Inkjet Print 20pack FREE SHIP* and i've just killed one disc thanks to imgburn bug. How can you get the newer DL disc (non printable i suppose) for that price? Blutac what are the chances of getting a better deal if i purchased from AMerican stores? Any ideas? The onyl reason why i ahvent ordered is half the stores dont support international and you need this mail order or some crap and they put postage at like $20 USD.
  16. Sorry for being a big noob but once i know i'l ltry to help others as well..iam startign to learn How do i turn off 32k ifo/bup padding and if i turn it off what is the consequence? Couldnt help asking when the next version wll be released.
  17. K get it now Do you know how to fix this: http://server6.theimagehosting.com/image.p...ntitled.0b9.JPG
  18. Is that like a bug? BUt its weird that disc has 7.4GB my previous one has 6.9 or something? Where did the extra space come from But the dvd seems like its working atm..what does that error mean LK? Nice job making Imgburn btw i really like it. Edit: Blutach: http://server6.theimagehosting.com/image.p...ntitled.f84.JPG You said: Scroll down till you see a tick mark in the LB column and note the cell number and VCID. I found the tick mark but cant see the cell number or VCID.
  19. Blutach iam now getting this error (first time) http://server6.theimagehosting.com/image.p...ntitled.0b9.JPG
  20. Now thats random bluetach
  21. davidw89

    Hey LUK

    What happens if your dvd dont support it?
  22. Does PGC edit fix your dvd or something? http://server6.theimagehosting.com/image.p...ntitled.e35.JPG Blutach i cant find the orignal LB
  23. Well its saying some player wont support seamless so what happens if a dvd palyer dont support seamless? Is it like you can watch it without freezing?
  24. This is gay for Australia i bought my last 20 pack Verbatim (printable) for $80 + $10 postage. Now this is shocking considering what you Americans pay for them. Blutach what do you use?
  25. Sounds kinda bias dont you rekon is it better to determine the original LB or just use the SPLIP for NO and PGC for 1? And as for percentage 50/50 is best? Should i enable the option seamless?
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