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Everything posted by davidw89

  1. davidw89

    Hey LUK

    What program supports seamless breaks? Dvd decrypter? Iam trying to make a video_Ts from a dvd
  2. Hey blutach u aussie? lol How do i know which one is the original LB and also how do i preview the cell? Hey is Imgburn best for DL?
  3. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1777 You guide tells me to choose to SPLIP that has no in that...but what happens if the layer break all have yees and are all the average star? http://server6.theimagehosting.com/image.p...ntitled.2e4.JPG
  4. Thought this might help.. I think some drives have autoamtic bitsetting so next time you buy a drive ask them. Iam getting the Benq 1655 and it has all DVD+R disc bitsetted to DVD-ROM automatically.
  5. I think i need to clean my dvd..how lol SO Imgubrn cant copy Video_TS from a DVD (non encrypted) but it needs a VIdeo_TS file to burn?
  6. Ok i wont discuss anything about backup But i will ask about burning legal dl dvd. Just wondering does Img burn make dvds into Video_TS or Iso? But how come it only accepts Video TS files?. This is from that guide in this forum. If ia mgetting this error: W 10:28:42 Failed to read Sector 1455968 - Unknown (CRC or ECC Error) (0x10, 0x90) W 10:32:20 Failed to read Sector 1455969 - Unknown (CRC or ECC Error) (0x10, 0x90) WHat does it mean?
  7. Is that person blutach? lol
  8. Its some anime my friend downloaded..when i copied it there was no protection thingy.
  9. I also have another question in mind. I have 2 DVD back up made by clone dvd 2 that apparantly skips during the middle and the end. I dont have the originals anymore as i gave it back to my friend. If i copyied the iso using dvd decrypter to my hard-drive then using img burn and optimize the layer break setting would that remove the skipping?
  10. Any programs compatiable with Img Break..and if i create an iso with imgburn is that better than creating an image on dcd decrypter?
  11. Would i be better off running DVd Decrypter to an iso file or a VIdeo_TS file so then i can bur nit via Img burn with that layer break instruction in here?
  12. what is compatable with Img burn then? if anydvd doesnt work The media iam using is the Mitsubish DVD+R 2.4x from Japan. I also have the ful printable Verbatim ones with code Mkk 001 that i havent touched. If iget my iso from DVD decrypter is the perfectly fine? and of course burn it via img burn
  13. This is the log: W 10:23:20 AnyDVD can interfere with ImgBurn's ability to verify accurately, please ensure it's disabled!
  14. Accoridng to this: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=1777 It has the instruction on how to burn iso..but i was wondering if it worked with Anydvd? Cuz when i have anydvd enabled img burn tells me to disable it because it might conflcit with imgburn. So i was wondering if i could use DVDDecrypter to burn an iso by managing the layer break (to best quality) and put it onto an iso then burn it via img burn?? WOuld that get me best quality? Cuz last tiem iburned via Dvd Decrypter there was some freezing on my DL dvd toward the end and in the middle
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