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  1. In my experience most of Maxtor's problems seemed to be in their larger drives over 120 gb
  2. If you use Dvddecrypter use ISO read/write
  3. "kirk" thank God I'm a country boy, for the national anthym
  4. try using virtualdub mpeg2. load the file click on file>Save WAV this should extract the audio from the video
  5. Now it's a catagory 5 and something about the strongest recorded
  6. I think alot of ppl will go to see this movie. I want to see it to see what happens in the end.
  7. tigerman8u

    The Fog

    I rented "The Fog" last weekend and watched it. I want to see the new one to see what it's like
  8. kirk I got rid of cable tv and got dish network. I could of kept my cable internet but they raise the price if you don't get the package deal. I got dsl and here where I live my dsl is definitely faster than my cable. Glad to see all you men and ladies. You to jill
  9. bush's nephew's contribution what great political families we have here in the usa again
  10. @ jill what was it you were doing while away the other week. taking a nap. now we know what really happened with the mice
  11. IIRC on the news the other day the mice were missing for a couple of weeks.
  12. Hi everybody. Haven't been on line much lately. Working keeping me busier than usual and my brother getting married today. See ya all later
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