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Everything posted by Ch3vr0n

  1. Just install the backup software in the VM, then it'll be able to read and mount the file. Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  2. Well I use. Macrium reflect, while they don't natively mount to a virtual drive like 'virtual clone drive' you can tell the software to mount the disc. It then mounts it in the OS and it does show up as one, drive letter to boot. Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  3. Setting the booktype afaik requires a certain chipset. Just because it's LG doesn't mean it can. It's the same reason why my bh10ns30 can set the booktype but my BH16NS55 can't. Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  4. Help you with what? You don't say what the problem is Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  5. Use quality blanks, not the cheap ritek crap you are now, like verbatim datalife plus.
  6. You do know you're quoting a 2.5yr old post right?
  7. Full IMGBurn log please Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 7 met Tapatalk
  8. There's no way to know how long it would take. The threshold warning doesn't come up unless you're reading from and writing in some way to the same drive. Causing the drive needle to constantly do 2 things at once and thus causing that 'delay'. Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 7 met Tapatalk
  9. 10:31:32 Destination Media Type: CD-RW (Disc ID: 97m26s65f, CMC Magnetics Corp. That's your problem right there most likely. Cheap crappy blanks Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  10. 5 packs do not exist. Packaging starts at 10 Shop 1: https://www.computeruniverse.net/en/search?cid=0&q=verbatim cd-r&As=False&Isc=False&Sid=True&category=||Category%3aCD+Blank+Discs Shop 2: https://www.informatique.nl/zoeken/?k=20180921&q=verbatim+cd-r&s= Shop 3: https://azerty.nl/search-bar?keywords=verbatim+cd-r#!sorting=12&limit=12&view=grid I usually get mind from link 1. Takes about a week to arrive, and i don't order much as i always buy in bulk (multiples of 100). Last order i placed, was for about 400 DVD+r's
  11. Yup, but they won my mind. DVD+r is for me far superior then dvd-r. And to add more confusion +r was then again abandoned for BD's :-P Damn people, make up your ffing mind :-D Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 7 met Tapatalk
  12. I'd love to see a single link. Cause I can't find a single one. Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  13. +r never existed in the first place for CD's. It's always been CD-R, CD-ROM Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  14. No you don't need to, because there's no such thing as a layer break on BD's like there is on DVDs. BD's are meant to be treated as 1 giant layer. No more no less. Think of them a small hard drive. Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  15. That's thanks to our auvibel tax. I order all my blanks from NL or Germany. I'll have a look through my webshop bookmarks this weekend. Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  16. That file size indicates you're burning to a bluray. Bluray doesn't have a layer break the way DVD has. Essentially a bluray is treated as 1 big 50gb sized layer. Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 7 met Tapatalk
  17. It's the DTS equivalent as .ac3 for Dolby Digital. DTS is an alternate audio option for movies Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 7 met Tapatalk
  18. The alternative to daemon tools is 'virtual clone drive' by elby. You're looking to MOUNT an image into a virtual drive, which is completely different from extracting the files to your hard drive, from an existing image for. The only thing imgburn can do is either create an image (iso) or burn them to a disc. Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  19. No image present, nor the required IMGBurn log Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 7 met Tapatalk
  20. And now read the box on top and post the full log Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  21. Or simply press 'ctrl+p' on any keyboard Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 7 met Tapatalk
  22. You open the document in a text processor and press menu - print. Profit! Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 7 met Tapatalk
  23. Use mirror 7, and there's plenty of methods to disable the offers Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  24. And now include the FULL burn log, not just a quarter of it. Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6P met Tapatalk
  25. Use better quality discs Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 7 met Tapatalk
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