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ISF Newbie

ISF Newbie (1/5)

  1. Have you looked here...??
  2. The fact that you would hear the sound if you were there.. should answer the question..if there is a circumstance where a tree fell near by and did NOT produce a sound you could hear would suggest another possibility... wayne btw..there are much more important questions that need answers.....
  3. my quest to eliminate the nero blight i've been mucking thru for too long..has led me to here..thank goodness wayne
  4. Thank you sir...believe that got me going in the right direction...i'm "building" the iso as i "speak"..just wasn't confident of how/what files to collect..i appreciate your help.. wayne edit:worked like a charm...thanx again
  5. Forgive the noob question...but i have not been able to find the answer to this in the stickies... ..i have burnt a dvd of a coaches clinic that i taped with my camcorder using a Lite-on stand-alone burner...i would like to use ImgBurn to duplicate(copy) this dvd..but i'm unsure how to proceed...can you help me...thanks wayne
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