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Everything posted by therock003

  1. Okay restrictions done. Example lets say i have a disc with 3 folders, "1","2" and "3" respectively. "1" contains "1.avi" "2" contains "2.avi" and "3" contains "3.avi" The new discs i've burn with iso+joilet,when i'll browse the folder via sms i will see inside folder "1" the files "1.avi" and "2.avi",inside folder "2" i will see "2.avi" and "3.avi" and inside folder "3" i will see only "3.avi" which honestly messes things up.If my example is not understood i'll try post a screen,but i guess that it was clear.
  2. What do you mean by relax the restrictions,how do i do that? Also another strange thing happens burning with this filesystem under imgburn. Inside the directories i can see the contents of the next folder as well!Y?
  3. Why does the 64-character restrictionb occur,and filenames longer than that get truncated? I just found a dvd of mine with mp3 media and i have some tracks with filenames longer than that! For example 2004-12-31.DJ.Tiesto_-_Live_From_NYE_Palladium_Hollywood_USA_SAT-HLSMP3.mp3 which has a total of 71 characters and has been burnt into a dvd with iso+joliet filesystem and the name wasn't truncated. Cause thing is i do have some files with crazy filenames exceeding 64 characters and i do not want to mess them up.
  4. Are you sure,cause some guy at the sms forums said tht he burns his compilations in ud and it works fine. With joliet what limitations do i have compared to udf,and what can be done as far as my previous discs go(the ones already burned in (iso+udf)?
  5. Ok here's the original filenames under windows <script language="javascript" src="http://www.pichub.com/goframe.html?id=4777"></script> and here's under sms <script language="javascript" src="http://www.pichub.com/goframe.html?id=4776"></script> EDIT:This is the embedded link the service provides,just copy paste the http:// part into your browser.
  6. Ok tried latest release and i get the same reaction.Still strange filename with
  7. But it does say iso+udf.OK i'll update to latest and report back if problem persist. I do tend to update like crazy,but never had any issue with imgburn so i didnt bother updating up till now!
  8. Does tht affect things?
  9. There's an application on playstation 2 that reads divx-xvid files from dvd-r media.Since i dropped nero and started using imgburn to burn my discs,the ps2 program (sms -simple media station) can't read the filenames correctly.What could be wrong?The author can figure something out,but it surely is something (probably some option or seting) inside imgburn that causes it to not read filenames correctly.I use build and iso9960 + udf as filesystem.
  10. Could it have been that i changed the file system from iso+udf to udf only? Cause i had to burn some image files,and one of them was like 6+gb by itself.
  11. Now that i've dropped nero and use imgbrn i find errors most frequently,dunno why.I have a nec burner,and i use taiyo yuden as dvd+R media (the blue onews) which are the best. And like 1/10 get a sector failed error.
  12. Damn it and i bought a 5-pack for 18 euros.
  13. So how are we gonna be sure that the we get quality burns? Cause i burn sensitive data,and after that i delete them form hard drive to free up space.
  14. Today i tried burning my first dvd+r dl media.My burner i a nec and media are maxell 2.4x. I tried two compilation and both ended with a no seek complete error-Disc didn't close succesfully.First one even failed the verification.What could have gone wrong?
  15. How trustworth is the verification process?Before imgburn i used to burn with nero and then perform a crc check with vice versa pro.IS the verification option of imgburn as good as a crc chheck?
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