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Everything posted by dr_ml422

  1. Lightning you mean that even if I have 4 images queued and set to 2 copies of each, imgburn won't burn the 1st copy of the 1st image in queue w/my 1st burner and then go to my second burner to make the 2nd copy, and proceed like that until all 4 images have been burned twice? I could of sworn I did that a couple of weeks ago w/out having to load the same tray on the same burner for the 2nd copy before it went on to the next image in queue. The image won't leave the queue until it's burned twice or I remove it. I'm thrown off on this. I don't think I used the queue to burn 1 copy of 4 images to then queue the 4 images again for the 2nd copy.
  2. Hi Lightning. I can't figure out how to burn 2 copies of the same .iso file using both my burners so I don't have to load the same burner for the 2nd copy. I did it once, but now can't figure it out, even by reading the Queue guide. I've checked share select images amongst drives and share all images among drives, but imgburn keeps asking to put a disc in the same tray I burned the 1st copy in, instead of moving on to the next burner.
  3. ok. Thnx LIGHTNING. Everything's good. I'm going to search the forum and guides regarding the Queue and then I'll post back if i don't find what I'm looking for.
  4. Oh, Ok. I do have the latest ImgBurn When you reset everything to default does it erase your AWS as well? Or do they stay put? Thnx.
  5. Hi Lightning. I noticed that ever since I set the automatic write speed on my burners and media when it starts burning and book-typing the dvd+r verbs I'm using it doesn't start by reserving the track like it use to before I used the automatic settings. It starts w/the writing lead-in and then commences to burn. Is that normal or am I confusing burning a cd-r w/a .bin/.cue file? When it did start w/the reserve track it went straight to burning w/out the lead in. That's why I liked the dvd+r in bitset. Anyway just let me know if anything's wrong as far as my settings or if it's right just like it is. Thnx.
  6. Yeah I got it now. Thnx. Been using ImgBurn for a while and never checked out that auto-write feature completely. Got it set to 16x for cd-rs. Going to set it to 8x or 12x for my tys and verb dvd blanks. Awesome. I saw that function where you could hit the little disc button next to the window on the left where it shows what burner you're using and it would show the other burner. I think maybe I read the guide wrong because I thought by clicking on that icon it would automatically change to your other burner. I'll hit the guide again. Oh, I found out the hard way that you can't burn a .cue file w/out having the .bin file that came w/it. I thought once you created the .cue file you could delete the .bin file. If there's no .bin file associated w/the .cue file ImgBurn will tell you no such file exists.
  7. Oh Ok. I thought by leaving it at the auto-write setting in imgburn w/out messing w/the default would suffice. i went into settings and auto-write was checked off. that is the default setting right? If anything I'll go to the guides n see if i have to do anything xtra to keep it like that. I didn't set it to auto in the drop down window in write mode if that's what you thought. That file I built came out to be a .iso file w/the bin name attached to it. Lol. I thought i had found something new in the build mode.
  8. Ok. Thnx. I knew there had to be some default somewhere. I'll experiment w/burning a dvd .iso w/the auto feature see what it does. Oh I created a folder on my desktop n transfered some audio files from my E:drive where the cd files layed on the cd then used ImgBurn to build a .bin file. I'll see how that goes. ImgBurn said operation successful so maybe I found a way to put the files on my hd and then create the .bin n .cue to burn them. I'll download a cd proggie eventually, but right now this seems interesting.
  9. Ok. Thnx Lightning. I must of had some previous audio files backed up on my hd by some other proggie when I 1st used the cd burning feature in ImgBurn. I did though have ImgBurn read the disc and create a .bin file so I guess now I could create a .cue and burn it. 1?. I used the auto write/read function for the 1st time today when I read the cd and it only read at 8x. I used my samsung sata sh-s203b. Is that a reasonable read rate for my burner? Or does it depend on what you're reading? I know you guys recommend the default settings so I decided to try it out. Hope the auto-writing don't go slow either. Any suggestion always appreciated as always.
  10. Hi. Can you create a .bin .cue file from a cd that's in your burner w/out having to read it and create the bin file 1st? In other words can you select the files from the cd in the burner and put them in the create .cue window so ImgBurn can create the file? Or do they have to be already ripped to your hd in a folder w/a file name? Thnx.
  11. Thank God for tys and verbs. Started w/them late but won't turn back. Especially the dvd+rs. They definitely burn quicker as some of the other fellas have attested to.
  12. Hi Cynthia. Thnx for coming to the rescue. I knew I saw it some place here. Lot of ground to cover in the guides. What happen to the 4300 n something figure that's posted w/some guides on Shrink, Fab etc...? New findings?
  13. I've been reading the guides for a couple of hours now and tried the search function and for the life of me can't find where I think I saw what a dvd-r, or dvd+r blank actually holds. In the guides section it says that it'll report the whole size for a dvd+r blank in the description window. I've seen else where different sizes for actual output onto a dvd-r or dvd+r blank. What can each actually hold w/out using a transcoder? This would be helpful so I could set a default output size that will reasonably fit onto a dvd-r or dvd+r blank using any other proggie so that when I use ImgBurn in read mode I can create a copy that will fit onto a dvd-r or +r w/out it telling me I need a dual layer disc or that I have insufficient space on the blank. I swear I thought I saw it in the guides here somewhere. Talking about dvd 5 output which says 4.7gb but actually isn't. Thnx.
  14. Hi loco. Just now setting the jumper on the samsung sh-s202j to slave. Everything went well loco. Imgburn's working like a baby as always and my pc's back to normal. Man, these machines are sensitive.
  15. Hi fellas I justed tried to open imgburn and it would hang on searching for scsi/atapi devices and won't open at all. It locks my mouse and I can't move the cursor either. I did take out a burner I had and put in my pioneer 112d. My system has 3 burners now. 1 ide samsung, the sata samsung and now the pioneer 112d. Never b4 had a problem w/imgburn until now like this. Help always appreciated as always. Would try to change settings but can't get into imgburn at all.
  16. Hi Donta. This was the 2nd one I sent back. They gave me a new 1 on account of the recall they had for those bad 1's they came out with but same issue still stands. Mind you I also had a 115d I had to send back also. It's they're problem. I've covered all the bases w/upgrading firmware and even setting to master etc.. and same issue w/cds. What the heck I'll just burn it into the ground w/dvds like I've been doing for a couple of days now. @Mmalves. Thnx for that tip. I probably would of hit the FAQ'S or something else to figure this out but believe me you saved me time and a possible lil headache. I'll get to it soon.
  17. Yeh I knew that when I got it and posted about that here. I thought it was the Sony Cds which aren't that bad, but now it seems you might be suggesting it's across the board w/even the top rated media like TY's? None of my other burners have had any problems whatsoever, and they include 2 sammys and the oem lg that came w/my dell. Oh well, at least it's doing a fine job w/dvds. I'm still a lil irked about the cd issue, but hey, nothing's perfect. They should straighten this out though in future models, or just sell the darn thing as a straight up Dvd burner.
  18. Yes I did. Just finished now editing one I left in. Wasn't too worried about it but you never know. Btw that avatar is off the hook. Every time I come on here my neck breaks in that direction distracting me from the post. Lol. I haven't read all the FAQ'S or all the rules, but I'm guessing one needs some more time before loading an avatar correct? I Stood a while last night trying to figure out how to load one from my pc.
  19. Hi Donta. 16x is plenty and just right. Just burned it at 40x to see what my 112d would do w/this media in the new .cue format. Thnx for recommending the TY CDrs. I now know why they've been recommending quality dvd and cd media to burn with believe me.
  20. Hi fellas. Gotta say I was very happy when I now tried the .cue file burning for cds w/Imgburn. It went well at 16 x w/sony cds. At 40 it failed. No problem as I just wanted to try it at 40x. Main thing is that it worked w/my pioneer 112d at 16x w/the .cue file. Here's a log. If anything, can you guys suggest better cd blanks than sony or one's that are more compatible also. Thnx. //****************************************\\ ; ImgBurn Version - Log ; Wednesday, 23 April 2008, 00:37:27 ; \\****************************************// ; ; I 23:22:21 ImgBurn Version started! I 23:22:21 Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 23:22:21 Total Physical Memory: 2,086,988 KB - Available: 1,737,716 KB I 23:22:21 Initialising SPTI... I 23:22:21 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 23:22:21 Found 2 DVD
  21. Hi Cynthia. Ok I read the readme file and followed the directions on there. Still Imgburn doesn't show up in the target device w/.iso burn w/Imgburn. I copied and pasted the file into the shr..k folder and nothing. Quick update. Just had to re-install shr..k and imgburn then follow the read me file. Everything Ok now. Thnx.
  22. I agree completely... Try here for shirnk w/imgburn http://my.afterdawn.com/locoeng/ Thnx for the heads up guys on this tip. I've been burning like crazy w/Fab not realising that it integrated Imgburn into its burning engine options. It's faster definitely. Loco I'll hit this link to brush up on shr..k w/Imgburn. Loco I downloaded and installed shr..k w/imgburn but I don't see Imgburn in the burn settings or target folder. Just the lil disc w/fire in it under iso. Will it open up Imgburn directly and start to burn?
  23. I agree completely... Try here for shirnk w/imgburn http://my.afterdawn.com/locoeng/ Thnx for the heads up guys on this tip. I've been burning like crazy w/Fab not realising that it integrated Imgburn into its burning engine options. It's faster definitely. Loco I'll hit this link to brush up on shr..k w/Imgburn.
  24. Edit: You need to change the Write Speed in DVDFab's settings under 'DVD/Burn'. I think it defaults to 'Recommended' speed. Hi Cynthia. Cynthia I'm using DVDFab Plat to backup and make the .iso only. I'm burning w/Imgburn. Why would the write speed in DVDFAb affect Imgburn? I think what happens is that when Imgburn starts looking for the available drive and tries to lock it there occurs a confusion because of DVDFab being minimized w/the flic in the other tray. I noticed on my last burn that both drives were lighting up when I was burning w/imgburn w/my ide sammy. My sata sammy just had the original flic in it. I put 1 and 1 together and decided to close DVDFab and take the flic out of the other tray b4 burning w/Imgburn. Ok. just checked the setting in Fab it was on 8x. But I just noticed that Fab included Imgburn as a burning engine. I didn't know this. I was doing it separately. Not all at once. On that note why does Fab make the copy and then make the .iso? I would think it would just go ahead and make the .iso and just finish there and make it available to w/e we want to do w/it.
  25. Not really. Like I mentioned in the other thread I only had my back-up copy app. minimized w/the original in another tray. I would then open Imgburn and click on write image file and then it would search 4 the drive w/blank media. I'll then hit the file folder click on the .iso and hit write. It would come up w/"trying to lock the drive" and I would have to hit continue. It then would proceed. Couple of times I would get what you just saw and the rest were at 8x. I'm going to check the burn setting Cynthia suggested. Just was curious cause I read in another forum that shr..k was updated to include Imgburn as an automatic burning tool like it did w/Nero. If in fact this is true which I was mostly guaranteed it wasn't a fraud, then I started thinking if it happened to me w/my separate app. then why wouldn't it happen w/the former seeing it would be coupled and 2 apps. would be open. Loco can you confirm the joining of Imgburn w/Shr..k as a valid upgrade 4 me? Or is this some pirated thingy going on? Would think Lightning has to know about this 4 sure. Thnx.
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