Hi , i'm a newbie about IMGBURN but i'd like to add multiple files/folders to IMGBURN from TC.
Total Commander can create different types of lists :
Which one do you think is the best for IMGBURN ?
In order to be able to launch IMGBURN from TC i must configure TC this way :
and IMGBURN will recieve this (TC'll change file names so that CMD8A.tmp is not a constant) :
I've been testing and it doesn't work, if you introduce /SRCLIST switch may you consider to also accept .tmp files ?.
It may be a good idea also to create an /SRCLIST APPEND switch, to append different files lists to the same project.
If i only use ImgBurn.exe /SRC "C:\BackupProject.Txt", will IMGBURN use all my other current IMGBURN settings or i have to add other switches to command line ?.
I've tried Imgburn /SRC "C:\LIST.TXT" (executed from command line) and IMGBURN starts in buildmode, but it doesn't assume each line is a folder, only C:\LIST.TXT appears on source, what am i doing wrong ?
Thank you very much for such a great program .