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Posts posted by sas2000

  1. You mean specify multiple lists?


    As in


    /SRCLIST "C:\List1.txt|C:\List2.txt" ?


    No, i mean a different thing.


    Let say that i want to burn a DVD that it'll contain directories from two different hard drives ( C: & D:).


    TC doesn't let me select directories from two different hard drives simultaneously, so that i'll have to do it this way :


    First i'll select directories from C: and then i'll execute imgburn /SCRLIST "%L" to create a new project with these directories.


    I'll have to repeat the process with D: directories and execute imgburn /SCRLIST "%L" again, but these directories should be appended to the previous ones, to create only one project with all directories.


    Thank you :)

  2. Hi :) , i'm a newbie about IMGBURN but i'd like to add multiple files/folders to IMGBURN from TC.


    Total Commander can create different types of lists :


    %L, %l, %F, %f, %D, %d create a list file in the TEMP directory with the names of the selected files and directories, and appends the name of the list file to the command line. The list is deleted automatically when the called program quits. 6 types of list files can be created:


    %L Long file names including the complete path, e.g. c:\Program Files\Long name.exe

    %l (lowercase L) Short file names including the complete path, e.g. C:\PROGRA~1\LONGNA~1.EXE

    %F Long file names without path, e.g. Long name.exe

    %f Short file names without path, e.g. LONGNA~1.EXE

    %D Short file names including the complete path, but using the DOS character set for accents.

    %d Short file names without path, but using the DOS character set for accents.

    Which one do you think is the best for IMGBURN ?



    In order to be able to launch IMGBURN from TC i must configure TC this way :




    Cmd=c:\Archivos de programa\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe

    Param=/SRC "%L"


    and IMGBURN will recieve this (TC'll change file names so that CMD8A.tmp is not a constant) :


    ImgBurn.exe /SRC "C:\TEMP\CMD8A.tmp"

    I've been testing and it doesn't work, if you introduce /SRCLIST switch may you consider to also accept .tmp files ?.


    It may be a good idea also to create an /SRCLIST APPEND switch, to append different files lists to the same project.



    If i only use ImgBurn.exe /SRC "C:\BackupProject.Txt", will IMGBURN use all my other current IMGBURN settings or i have to add other switches to command line ?.



    2 files types are now support for the folder/file list actually.


    *.LST and *.TXT


    Pass a single file with either of those extensions via the /SRC switch (when in Build mode) and the program will assume each line in the file is a folder / file name.


    I've tried Imgburn /SRC "C:\LIST.TXT" (executed from command line) and IMGBURN starts in buildmode, but it doesn't assume each line is a folder, only C:\LIST.TXT appears on source, what am i doing wrong ?


    Thank you very much for such a great program :clapping: .

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