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Everything posted by Sossity

  1. does this also apply to dual layer DVDs & Blue Ray discs as well?
  2. I notice in the drop down list of data type there are 2 options & in the drop down for UDF revision there are some choices, which of these should I choose?
  3. I am burning back up data discs from my hard drive onto DVD-Rs of my photos & .mpg movie files from my Sony point & shoot camera. I would like to have the most universal/compatable discs, that can be read on older & newer Macs & PCs. I am using the write files from folders to disc in build mode. What should I choose from the options tab? data type, file system & UDF revision. There are also some default check boxes listed as well on the options tab, which of those should be checked? or should I just keep what the default settings have chosen for me? there is also an advanced tab, should I do anything with it? or just keep the default settings?
  4. can I use this program to make back up copies of my software discs & their subsequent updates that I have downloaded to my computers hard drive? how do I go about doing this? I read that one has to have the original software discs to be able to install it on different computers. Sossity
  5. I will be getting a new external hard drive, & want to move my files from my older external drive onto it, in the past I have just plugged in both my hard drives into usb ports & moved files slowly at a time from one drive to another using windows explore, are there any free programs that can efficiently & accurately without corruption do this? or should I just use windows explore like I have before? Sossity
  6. I am considering buying an OEM bare drive; a sata seagate barracuda 1 tb drive, I have already bought an enclosure, with sata internal interface, will I need any extra cables to go with my hard drive? because it is just the drive & nothing else, will the enclosure have enough of its own cables/hookups to just install the drive into it? if I need extra cables what should I get? is amazon a good place to get a hard drive? i have read 2 reviews that said for the drive I am looking at was not packaged properly. What about Zip Zoom Fly? Sossity
  7. Please don't take my word for it. I recommend that you use Google to get other opinions about Iomega products. I do most of my tech purchases at NewEgg. All you have to do is loosen the two screws on the back of the DS3 and pull out the insert from the case. Place the hard drive on top of the insert so that both interfaces are facing each other. If it looks like it's going to bind when they slide together, loosen the screw in the hole of the power connector, adjust the power connector slightly, tighten the power connector screw and then push the two interfaces together. Make sure that they don't go together crooked and that they are firmly seated to one another. While holding the insert and the hard drive together tight like a sandwich, carefully flip it over and align the two holes on each edge of the hard drive with the four holes in the insert. With the provided screws, screw the hard drive to the insert. Make sure not to cross thread or over tighten the screws. Flip the insert over and slide it back into the case and tighten the two screws on the back. Again, making sure not to cross thread or over tighten the screws. The last thing to do is make sure the power switch on the back is in the off position and you're done with assembly. Plug the power supply into an available AC socket, plug the other end into the back of the DS3. Connect one end of the USB cable to the back of the DS3 and the other into an available USB port on the computer. With windows booted, flip the power switch on the back of the DS3. After a few moments the new hardware will be recognized. Go to Computer Management and do a Full format, then create a primary drive with a single partition[1]. When that completes and if I haven't forgotten anything, you should be ready to Rock-n-Roll. If you leave the USB cable connected, as well as the in-line power supply connected, all you have to do is flip the power switch on the back and within moments the drive is available. When you're finished with it, flip the power switch back to off and it goes away. Each signaled with a mount and unmount system chime (respectively). If you want you can also assign a permanent drive letter so that each time the hard drive is mounted it will always be the same letter. [1] For the purists out there who might be reading this, yes I know that technically it's not a single partition, but I found often it's easier to explain it as a single partition. The ones I have can be found HERE, although if you want one with USB and Firewire then you would probably want this one HERE. I can't answer the camcorder question. I'd also like to add that the ones I have work great. They were purchased at different times and I haven't noticed any production issues. Having said that, it's best to always be prepared and I recommend that you read the reviews before making any decisions one way or the other. USB is USB, even for Vista. You're welcome and good luck. I found some hard drives, seagate ones at 1 tb on e-bay, is this a good/safe place to get stuff like this? they are from a seller that rates at 100% positive, they said they had bought too many, some are sealed & some appear to be just the drive, they show as new with 5 yr warrenty I clikcked on the link for the enclosure & a picture pooped up & in it it showed a cd rom that comes with it & it only goes up to XP I dont see vista, will the enclosure work with vista? Sossity
  8. I think I will have to get a new hard drive to play it safe & copy all my stuff off my iomega while it is still working with the back usb ports that I have just tried, just as I stated in a previous post am getting nervous about what is being said of my iomega & of iomega in general. do you know of a good reputable place to get a Western hdd? & the Venus DS3? how does one put these together, have no experience in working with computer hardware. I looked up the DS3 & there is more than one model of this, with different interfaces & hook ups, would like to be able to hook a camcorder to it or firewire. I will be using this drive for movie & photo files, with a windows XP machine but when & if I get my own PC, it will be moved to a windows vista machine, so I need it to be compatable. thanks for the input Sossity
  9. actually from reading these newest replies, I think I probably would be better off getting a whole new Hdd & enclosure after all, I am starting to get nervous, at the possibility of hard drive failure, I tried plugging my drive into the back usb ports & this seemed to work better for now, maybe I will get a new one & quickly move all my stuff off my iomega while it is working & before something goes terribly wrong. I dont like its power down method anyhow, it turns on automatically upon plugging into the usb port, but to turn it off I have to unplug the usb cable before pushing its little button to shut down, this makes it inevitable that a usb port will become problematic from all the plugging & unplugging. does hdd stand for hard drive? if I get my own hard drive with the icy dock, what model/ type of icy dock should I get? where is a good reputable American place to get a seagate or western digital hdd from? I am looking for one in the 500 GB- 1 terabyte range. For the enclosure, I would like an aluminum one, with a cooling fan, have read this is better than plastic, & an enclosure that has a switch that can turn it on & off so I can leave its usb cable plugged into the usb port.This will be an external hard drive to store movie & photo files. It will be hooked to a windows XP PC but will probably be moved to a windows vista machine, so I need it to be compatible. I have looked online at alot of enclosures & it is a little confusing, interface, hookups etc, it would be nice to be able to hook up a camcorder directly to it, or firewire. I am a total novice when it comes to moving & placing computer hard ware, only know how to use a computer & a little software, I have no idea of how to put my own hard drive together, if I get my hdd & enclosure, will there be any clear instructions on how to do it? of what part goes where? thanks so far for the help Sossity
  10. my drives have 1 cable that goes from them to a power outlet or this their AC power cord, & then the other cable is a sub cable, should I try getting a new usb cable? so you think getting a new enclosure would help? if I buy a whole new external hard drive what brands models do you think are the best?
  11. where would I get new cables? can one get new cables for external hard drives? are they universal? I dont know how to do this, should i try plugging my drives into the PCs back USB ports? is the power cord bad? could it be the front usb ports? I have 3 iomegas, 2; 250 gbs & 1; 160 that I bought in 2004 & 2005. I find it a little odd that both of them would have failing power cords or some other failure at the same time, is it common? so I wonder if it is the usb port? I will try new power cables 1st. if I get a new external hard drive, what brands models do you suggest? what are the most reliable & last the longest? I also prefer the type like my newer iomega where there is a switch on them like a light switch that can turn the drive on & off without having to unplug the drives usb cable from the usb port to shut down. Is it better to have an external drive plugged into a PCs back usb ports? or does it matter? the front ports are more convenient. Sossity
  12. recently wanted to burn some files, but windows or my USB port is having trouble seeing my drive contents; the 1st time, I plugged my external hard drive in, windows did not see it at all, usually the auto play starts & a window pops up with options for me to choose, so I know it is being seen, but this did not happen. I then shut down my PC & restarted it, plugged in my drive, & this time got the auto play & options pop up window, & windows could see it but gradually it could not see all the folders on my drive, the drive & its letter shows up, but when I click to open its contents, there is nothing, & I have dozens of folders on it. I also kept getting a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in it on the task bar at the bottom. I right & left clicked the triangle multiple times to open a window to see what it was about, but it would just go away & then pop up again. I have windows XP home edition, service pack 2, am working with iomega 250 GB external hard drives, & I plug them into the 2 usb ports at the front of my PC, the back is too difficult to reach & I need to be able to plug & unplug them. for one of the drives plugging & unplugging is the only way I can shut it down, to turn off, I have to unplug it first from the usb port & then press a button on its side to shut down, this would be awkward to do this if it were plugged into the PCs back usb ports. up until this point all was ok, when I 1st got the drives there was no problem, & when I plug them in, I hear them start up like before, are my drives failing or is it the usb ports? for now I have come to a stand still, I cannot access my files on my drives to burn Sossity
  13. I just recently backed up some data onto a Taiyo Yuden DVD-R, did not notice the small 1 or 2 curved scratches on the top surface, not the burned surface, that must of happened at manufacturing, will this jeopardize the data on the disc? should I reburn the data to a clean disc? Sossity
  14. that will work if I get into high definition video in the future? because I will not be able to get another computer for a very long time if ever, so I need it to grow with me. thanks for the direct link, I notice it is divided into 4 tabs; 1 build my dell, 2 add my software & accessories, 3 protect my investment, & 4 review & continue. do I have to go to all the others or can I just get the items in the 1st tab; build my dell, or do I have to go through & buy software & accessories? should I get everything that is already highlighted? included in the price for all the items in tab 1 in build my dell? in build my dell, what version of windows vista? ultimate or home premium? or business? do I take the video card already included? what about a sound card or just take what is included; integrated? what about bluetooth? do I need that? what about a modem? there is already an older dell with windows XP home service pack 2 in my home, in the kitchen that has a DSL modem or cables hooked to the phone & phone lines that we get at&t sbc yahoo through, the new one will be in another room, I want to be able to get the internet & access my e-mail, & exchange files between the computers. should I select anything from the wireless? there is optional ports, none is selected, or a IEEE 1394a Adapter, do I need this? if I get a camcorder high def or standard def, will I need this? should I get it now or can I get it later? in the 2nd tab, add my software & accessories, what antivirus software should I get? just what is already included? do I need anything out of the networking & storage section? for office software Microsoft works 9 is included, but I have MS word documents I need to work with, & the other dell in my home has Microsoft word, could I copy that program onto my new PC? the other one has windows XP home on it? could I do this for the programs that I want that are already on the XP dell? copy them onto my newer dell? in tab 3 protect my investment, do I just get the warranty included? if I get an external hard drive, what brands or makes do you suggest? what is the most reliable? thanks for your help so far, I know I have bombarded everyone with a lot more Qs but this is a big purchase/investment & I have this one chance to get it right. Sossity
  15. the program is an interest free loan from dell & their limit is 3,000 but have been told between 1,000 & 2,000. The less I spend the better. Sossity
  16. QUOTE (LOCOENG @ Sep 11 2008, 09:34 PM) QUOTE (donta) If you buy dell one then make sure you are buying core 2 duo and not Pentium dual core. Get one with a hard drive with a capacity that you want and choose one with at least 2 gigs of ram. You can add video cards if needed down the road as well as internal burners, hard drives etc. if i get a quad core processor, what is the minimum one I should get? what about a video card? sound card? should I get what ever dell offers, included in price & upgrade later or try to get a good one then & there from dells website. will a core 2 duo & at least 2 gigs of ram be enough power to work smoothly with high definition video? if I get into that, I notice alot of camcorders these days offer high def. I have been hearing alot of bad stuff about windows vista, but I want my OS to be up to date, what version of windows vista should I get? home premium or ultimate? will be using my computer for photography, video editing, & some text for keeping business records. Thanks so far for the help Sossity
  17. Get one with a hard drive with a capacity that you want and choose one with at least 2 gigs of ram. You can add video cards if needed down the road as well as internal burners, hard drives etc. if i get a quad core processor, what is the minimum one I should get? what about a video card? sound card? should I get what ever dell offers, included in price & upgrade later or try to get a good one then & there from dells website. will a core 2 duo & at least 2 gigs of ram be enough power to work smoothly with high definition video? if I get into that, I notice alot of camcorders these days offer high def. I have been hearing alot of bad stuff about windows vista, but I want my OS to be up to date, what version of windows vista should I get? home premium or ultimate? will be using my computer for photography, video editing, & some text for keeping business records. Thanks so far for the help Sossity
  18. thanks for the stats, but I will probably be getting a PC that is preconfigured, not bulding my own where I buy all parts from scratch, in my instance, a dell from their website where I pick a system, & pick different components. any suggestions for picking components from dell? Sossity
  19. if I go with PC what do you suggest? do you think any brand or make is better? is Dell good? I have been on someonelses for a while & I had made some DVDs with it but gradually I had problems, & no I can no longer make DVDs, something goes wrong in the encoding process & the video audio are out of sync, it seems that I have gradually lost power, memory, is there any way to avoid this when & if I get my own PC? even when I started making DVDs on this PC there were always some sort of problem; settings not being saved, slow to load etc, it felt like a miracle each time I actually got a DVD done. When I get it with a certain amount of RAM or processor, it would be nice if it retained that same amount of power without gradually getting slower & slower & having to get more RAM. I defrag the hard drive & run anti spy& adaware programs on the PC I am using now. That was something I kept hearing; that Macs are alot less prone to adaware & spyware that slow computers down. I want my system to stay as efficient & powerful down the road in time as when I 1st get it, cant afford to keep getting replacements. thanks for your input Sossity
  20. just curious why would an external one be better? am not trying to argue, I am sure you know what you are talking about, just seems a little odd that I would have to go & buy a separate one in addition to the one the laptop already has, would be an extra exspense. Are there any brands or types of external DVD writers that would work best with a laptop? would an external DVD writer hooked to a laptop via USB be as good as a desktop internal DVD writer drive? sorry if I am a little off topic, but what do you think is best to start with for my 1st computer? a laptop or desktop? I need something fairly powerful, responsive & reliable, for my photography & video editing, have been told that Macs are best for this but they are way beyond my budget. what are some of the better PC brands makers for what I need? thanks so far for the input Sossity
  21. would an external DVD burner plugged into a laptops USB port be better than the laptops built in DVD CD writer? I want to get my own computer & am torn between getting a desktop or a laptop, for a PC I will probably be getting a Dell, I like how I would be able to take a laptop from room to room for privacy, & also near my easel, I could have images on the screen to paint from; references. I am now stationed at someone else's desktop in the kitchen, & it is awkward, people are coming in & out constantly, so to be able to get out of the kitchen would be nice. Need something for artistic purposes, photo & video editing, have been told Macs are best for this but they are beyond my budget. will probably have to go with a PC. Any recommendations? for my 1st computer? sorry if I got off topic, but need some expert advice. Sossity
  22. I have been looking at laptops & I found a dell that has an 8x slot load dual layer DVD drive, I often use image burn & burn my material at 8x but would I be able to burn at anything above this? I found 12x worked best if I am just burning photos to a blank DVD, & 8x for photos & movie clips. Are laptop drives allright for burning backing up data discs? Sossity
  23. I am in a jam, I now cannot back up & burn my movie & photo files off my external hard drive, when I am in build mode & wrting files to disc, in the window, I used to be able to click on my folders & their contents to burn, but now when I do this I get multiple pop messages that read; windows no disk; Exception processing message c0000013 parameters 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c with these options; continue, try again, cancel, I have clicked all three of these & this message just keeps popping up. I cannot get image burn to do anything now, I click to get windows task manager open, & it states image burn is not responding, I have to click on the windows no disc to end this program & it closes image burn down. I am trying to back up important data, this program used to work well for me but now am stopped in my tracks. Sossity
  24. Before I burn or back up my movie & photo files to a data DVD disc, do I need to defrag my external hard drive each time? I have already burned some back up discs without def ragging, had done it not too long ago, are these discs ok? are they fragmented? I want to use these for restoring my data to a new drive if mine fail. or should I reburn them after defragging my hard drive? Sossity
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