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I have home movies that are finished complete with chapters & menus that I made with Roxio easymedia creator 7.0, I have them saved as ISO files on my external hard drive, I saved 2 ISO files of each movie, 1 in NTSC format & 1 in PAL format, I would now like to archive/burn them to some Taiyo Yuden DVD-Rs, what is the best format to archive my movies in? NTSC or PAL? or should I burn 2 discs per movie, 1 in NTSC & 1 in PAL? also can I use image burn to burn my Roxio created ISO files to the Taiyo Yudens or would I be better off using Roxio to burn the ISO files to discs? since I used Roxio to make the movies? If I use image burn for writng the ISO to discs what is the best write speed to use? are there any other settings I should use to optimize my burns? If I use Roxio to burn the ISO files what is the best read & write speeds to use? I also used Roxios disc copier to copy one disc to another, I used 8x, it also has 12x, these were the 2 write times someone advised to me for burning my material to discs. what is the best speed to choose for this? Sossity
then the book type function worked. PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-111L 8.29 (ATA) Current Profile: DVD+R Disc Information: Status: Complete Erasable: No Sessions: 1 Sectors: 1,806,848 Size: 3,700,424,704 bytes Time: 401:33:23 (MM:SS:FF) TOC Information: Session 1... -> Track 01 (Mode 1, LBA: 0 - 1806847) -> LeadOut (LBA: 1806848) Track Information: Session 1... -> Track 01 (LTSA: 0, TS: 1806848, LRA: 0) Disc Control Blocks Information: PIONEER DVR-111L Physical Format Information (ADIP): Disc ID: RITEK-R03-02 Book Type: DVD+R Part Version: 1 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 1 Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP) Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2,491,711 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0 Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Disc ID: RITEK-R03-02 Book Type: DVD-ROM Part Version: 1 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 1 Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP) Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2,003,455 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0 the items I highlighted in bold is what I got in the window on the right in verify disc part of image burn, I copied the notes directly from the window, this was from a DVD+R disc I inserted into the DVD drive after burning some of my content to it after I flashed my DVD drive. From this, I concluded that the booktyping worked because it shows it the last recored session,( items I highlighted in green & booktype in red ) which I thought would be its properties after it was burned with my newly flashed drive. From The bold words can you tell if it booktyped it right? or worked? I notice my drive is showing in windows as a DVD-RAM & DVR 111L now insted of 111D from before flashing. Sossity
I went to the forum you gave the links to & asked your suggested question, & they gave me some other firmwares to flash witrh & I think it worked, I checked a DVD+R disc I just burned after flashing my drive & in the verify disc in image burn, towards the bottom, under last recording session, booktype DVD-ROM, did it do it? I noticed above that there was a bunch of other info about the disc, with book type DVD+R, I assumed that meant what the disc was before it was burned & the other block of info was what the booktype was for the disc after I burned it, & this was the important thing?. thanks for your help Sossity
yes, I tried burning my movie & photo files downloaded from my digicam from my external hard drive to a blank DVD+R, & it would not play on my set top DVD player, but my portable DVD player plays all my types of discs. This has been my main goal; to back up my movie file & photo files ( not edited finished from a video editor in DVD-video form ) on the most compatible discs, that will be the most compatible with various operating systems, old & new, PC & Mac, DVD players etc, these are data archive discs, of my content, not finalized DVD videos. I wanted to know what would work best for this; DVD+R or -R,as I was planning to buy some Taiyo Yuden discs for this. I have burned some of my finished edited movies in DVD video form to DVD+Rs & they play on my set top player as well as my DVD portable player, but what I am doing now is data archiving of jpgs, tiffs photos & unedited mpg movie clips, down loaded from my point & shoot digicam. thanks for your help in this, what would be the best way to ask my question in the CD freaks forum? I have a general idea, but would like a knowledgeable idea so they can help me with just what I need. Sossity
I would if I had it or knew where to get it, I was given a link to this roundabout DVRFlasher I followed what other forum members gave me, I often wondered as well if there was a flasher program that could do it more directly, like media code speed, I was given a link to this & it is an actual program with an icon I can click on my desktop & it opens it up like any other software. Could someone help me find the programs & give me step by step instructions on how to get them to enable bitsetting on my pioneer drive? given my history so far in my posts as to how I have saved & messed with all my patch files etc so far, or is this a lost cause? does anyone have or know where the official flasher is? what I was linked to must not be it. I have applied & saved the bitsetting patch in media code speed along with pioneers firmware update, but it is a matter of getting a program that will combine the 2 together & actually apply it/update my drive/burner. somewhat confused & frustrated, Sossity
I was told to use all 3 file systems, for UDF use revision 1.20, you could also check my posts, one in particular where I discuss this sort of thing with other forum members, I made a post called 31 character for file data names, or you could type in Sossity in the search box & my posts will come up, there you can open the one about 31 character file names & see other forum members responses to my similar questions. Sossity
I clicked on start>run>cmd>clicked ok then the black box with white lettering opened, typed in what you suggested, & it read; C:\Documents and settings\SOSSITY>DVRFlash -vf D: B.129 'DVRFlash' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. C:\Documents and settings\SOSSITY> Am trying to do exactly as instructed, I hope I did not screw something up, don't know if this helps, some background; running Windows XP home edition service pack 2, on a Dell dimension PC Pentium 4 processor, bought PC system in 2003. maybe something is interfering? has anyone else successfully used DVRFlash program for a pioneer drive? not sure where I am going wrong Sossity
thanks for your help, maybe this is not going to work, I tried doing this, opened up the black box & typed in the commands that you said & I got this message; DVRFlash is not recoginzed as an internal or external command operable program or batch file
I moved the folders & files to c\killme, & typed dir, & a list came up with the DVRFlash. exe file, DVRFlash_v2.1 & the zipper file DVRFlash file, what do I do now, it shows them in a list, how exactly ( step by step instructions ) do I get the DVRFlash to do its thing & apply my firmware & patches? I feel like I am close.
So open up a DOS window by selecting the window start button and select the option run. In that command line window - type cmd and you should have a dos window. Change the path to where you have the DVDFlash.exe and the firmware patches installed. Assume it's in c:\donald Then type this cd \donald then type this: DVRFlash -vf D: A0812001.129 A0812001.129 and hit the enter button. The D: is the writer The first A0812001.129 A0812001.129 is the 'original' source file (the one you loaded in MediaCodeSpeedEdit) and the second one is the one you got after running MediaCodeSpeedEdit (the one you saved after applying the change(s)) If you named the files differently - then just use those names instead. I tried to do this typing just what you instructed, but it did not work, I got the black box stating; The system could not find the path specified so I tried typing in where I have the files; they are in/ or how I get to them; click the start menu>my computer> local disc C>in a folder; DVR111D>in another folder; FW129EU>in this folder are; the 2 files, A0812001.129 & the other I named; A0812001_speedpatched bit setting.129 I also have on my desktop; DVRFlash_v2.1 folder, another folder; DVRFlash_v2.1 in a compressed zip folder, & The white box; DVRFlash.exe I did not type all this, I just typed in C & then the 2 files, it cannot locate them. It seems no matter how I type the location of where they are it cannot find them. do I need to move the files? if so where & how? how do I change the path to where I have DVRFlash & firmware patches installed? it seems I have the files, but getting DVRflash to find & execute them is a whole other matter. thanks for your patience, I have zero experience in this sort of thing, just know how to use the burner, thats about it. Sossity
I followed all the instructions on how to load the firmware patch in media code speed, only change I made was checked off box for enable bit setting saved it in/with the folder that had the pioneer firmware upgrade, then went on to download DVR flasher, I got an empty white box on my desktop that is; DVRflash.exe, I double click on it & windows asks me if I want to run this software, I click yes & then a black box/window with white lettering opens & reads; DVRFlash v2.1.1 : Pioneer DVR firmware flasher by Agent Smith, et al., july 2005 Commandline: C:/Documents & settings/Sossity/Desktop/DVRFlash.exe Device parameter was not given, detecting all DVR drives: Device : D: vendor : Pioneer model : DVD-RW DVR-111D revision: 1.23 status : RPC-2 (region locked) region :none changes: 5 region changes remaining 4 vendor resets remaining state is region not set Now run DVRFlash again, from the command prompt, using one of the device (s) listed above as first parameter press return key to exit what does this mean? did it make the adjustments to my drive firmware? I tried exiting & re double clicking the DVRFlash.exe box/icon on my desktop a couple of times & 1st I get windows asking if I want to run this software, I click yes, & then I get the message above again. I hope I am not causing irreversible damage to my drive, I have no experience with this sort of thing, am just following along the best I can a little lost & confused Sossity
The latest firmware available for your Pioneer DVR-111D burner is 1.29, so you should upgrade yours since using the latest firmware ensures higher quality burns. Regarding the booktype, as Cynthia said, you'll have to patch the firmware before applying it on the burner, since there's no "manual" way to booktype +R media on Pioneer burners. Thanks for the firmware link, is there step by step instructions on patching the firmware? by the firmware did you mean the link to the firm wares you just gave me? maybe I screwed something up, but I just downloaded the firmware in your link, & a black screen came up showing the firmware updating, it told me to eject the disc I had in the drive, so I took the disc out, & clicked the ok prompt on the screen, & then everything went away, small black progress screen & all, so I guess it downloaded it. Is it too late to try & patch anything? or can I still patch something? how do I go about doing this? Sossity
then the book type function worked. No. It's like Pepsi and Coca-Cola, some like the other one better. I put a burned DVD+R into my drive & verified it & its book type was DVD+R, it showed my pioneer drive as; pioneer DVD-RW DVR 111D 1.23 ( ATA ) I beleive it burnes +R, DL+R +RW, -R-RW, someone in a previous post mentioned setting a drive to make DVD+R booktype to DVD-ROM, how would I go about doing this? I cliked on set book type in the image burn build mode window write files to disc, & did not see a pioneer tab to set, can it be done with my drive?
how do I go about doing this? are there step by step instructions? I noticed after burning to DVD-R & then DVD+R with image burn, a window pops up from Windows XP asking what I want to do with the DVD-ROM ( it reads in the top corner; drive d; DVD-ROM ) & lists options for me to choose. According to this pop up from windows, it showed my DVD+R as a DVD-ROM, does this mean that my pioneer drive automatically set it to the compatable DVD-ROM format that people are advising to make DVD+Rs more compatable? did it do its book bit setting thing? but I notice in windows my burned DVD-Rs show up as DVD-ROM as well, I thought this could not be done with DVD-Rs? Maybe in my instance I might be better off just getting DVD-Rs, I remember reading that pioneer was one of the makers that supported/backed the development of DVD-R, & since my DVD burner is a pioneer, & Taiyo Yuden was the inventor of the CD-R, another-R format, maybe it would make more sense to use DVD-Rs, it seems I am getting into something quite complicated trying to get a DVD+R to be a readable DVD-ROM. All I want to do is get my stuff backed up onto an optical medium, in addition to my external hard drives. Just trying to decide whether it is worth paying for the slightly more expensive DVD+R Taiyo Yudens or the DVD-Rs. Some people say it does not really matter, if that is so I don't see any reason to pay more for one format over the other? since DVD-R is an older format, does anyone think it will become obsolete? Thanks for your help so far Sossity
I have a gmail account, is that a web based email? what other web based e-mails are there? I also have a at&t yahoo mail account. I am not sure about DVD player compatability, when I burned some of my content to DVD-Rs with image burn, using all 3 file systems on my windows PC it read it as a DVD-ROM & could read/open its contents, but my set top DVD player hooked to my TV could not, but my newer portable DVD player can. I tried an experiment & burned some of my content onto a CD-R with image burn, using all 3 file sytems, & again my PC could read it, but my set top DVD player could not. I notice that if I burn my movie & photo files to CD-R using windows XP burning wizard, burning one movie file at a time, my set top DVD player can read these discs. I cannot burn to blank DVDs with windows, at least I cant with my PC, so to burn to DVD I have to use 3rd party software like a video editor or image burn. so I am still a bit confused as to what to go with; DVD-R or +R, in my instance with my set top DVD player I don't know if it would make any difference as it does not seem to have the ability to read DVD-ROMs I got it in 2004 or 2005. I have made DVDs from a video editor with menus etc, as opposed to the data discs I am doing now, onto DVD+Rs & DVD+DLs before & my set top DVD player could play these. Do you think the everest Taiyo Yudens DVD-Rs are alot better & worth the higher price as opposed to the premium line of DVD-Rs? I notice the DVD+Rs don't seem to come in a premium or everest line. Can you adjust the booktype setting for DVD-ROM DVD player compatability for DVD-Rs? I cannot quite determine my drive type for the booktype settings window in image burn, in the device window in image burn my drive is a pioneer DVD-RW DVR-111D 1.23 ATA current profile N/A Thanks for your help so far still a little confused, Sossity
thanks for the tips, I looked through the guides for book type DVD Roms, & all I saw was it briefly mentioned in the guide overview on how to burn to single layer discs, could not see anything more in depth about it, I must have missed something? I am not sure if I was clear in my purpose of archiving my content, sorry if not, but I am not using a camcorder, just using my Sony point & shoot digicam which is primarily a camera that shoots jpgs, but it can also shoot mpg 480 x 640 movie clips with only the capacity of the memory card being the limit of how long one can record. I download all my photos & movie files unedited from my digicam onto my external hard drives, from the external hard drives is where I will/want to back up archive my photo/movie files unedited/untouched to DVD discs. In my internet research I came across another brand of DVD discs, MAM-A gold & silver, would these be better than Tayo Yuden discs? MAM-A shows on their website as their gold discs lasting over 100 years. I notice their discs, especially the gold ones are quite a bit more expensive than Taiyo Yudens, I like the look Taiyo Yudens as they are less expensive & are of good quality. I also researched the difference between DVD-R & DVD+R, & so far from what I gather, DVD-Rs are an older format, & +Rs are a newer format. does anyone think Will DVD-Rs eventually become obsolete? I know no one has a crystal ball, just some knowledgeable opinions, I don't want to go with a format that may become obsolete, but read that this older format is more compatible with older equipment, like older computers DVD players, which is what i want my discs to be, but also want them to be viable & compatible with equipment of the future. Sossity
for my purposes of burning movie & photo files off my point & shoot digicam, what would be best? DVD-R or DVD+R? does it matter? which type wpuld be the most compatable with the most type of computers, older/newer PCs & Macs? I am just archiving the movie & photo clips, in their pure original form straight from the camera right now, not making DVD videos. The movie files are mpgs & photos are jpgs from a sony cybershot digicam.Does anyone know what the "everst certified " Taiyo yuden discs are? that I saw among the disc choices beig sold? what is the difference between those & the others? is the super media online store (supermediastore.com) a good safe place to get genuine Taiyo Yuden discs? Is it safe to write on the top surface of the discs with something like a sharpie marker for description of disc contents? how long will the discs keep for? I will srart burning to them soon, do they go bad if not used by a certain time? ie; if I get cake box full now in 2008, & have a few left over say in 2009,2010, & so on will those few left over be still good? thanks everyone for the help so far Sossity
what is best for my purposes of archiving backing up my photo & video clips off my digicam, DVD+R or DVD-R? which brand is best Verbatium or Taiyo yuden? I went to super media stores website & found all these different discs, which ones should I get/ does anyone reccommend? Taiyo Yuden Media Taiyo Yuden Recordable DVD and CD Media is the best of the best. Used by professionals for mastering around the world, Japanese-made Taiyo Yuden is made by the inventor of the CD-R disc. Taiyo Yuden has the widest playback compatibility, the lowest error rates in recording, and comes with a 100-year data integrity guarantee. Taiyo Yuden media is with lacquer, thermal printable, white and silver inkjet-printable, and hub printable surfaces. Microboards recommends Taiyo Yuden media for use in all of their DVD and CD duplicators and printers. How to Identitify Fake or Real Taiyo Yuden Media? Find out with our Genuine Taiyo Yuden Guide. 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Free Shipping CD-001-0430 From $0.33/disc Taiyo Yuden Silver Inkjet Hub Printable 52X CD-R Media in Retail Box (Free Ground Shipping) Taiyo Yuden Silver Inkjet Hub Printable 52X CD-R Media in Retail Box (Free Ground Shipping) Get Free Shipping CD-001-0434 From $0.33/disc Taiyo Yuden CD DVD Media - More Info Taiyo Yuden Co., Ltd., was established in 1950. Today Taiyo Yuden leads the way in high quality CD DVD media, inductors, and circuit modules. As the first company to pioneer recordable CDs, Taiyo Yuden sets the global standard in DVD media. The global reach of its CD DVD media products extends from Japan, South Korea, China, the Philippines and Malaysia, with sales offices in the US, Asia, and Europe. Itscordable product line includes the Taiyo Yuden DVD-R, DVD+R, CD-R. With quality comes a relative expense. However, be careful with companies that advertise cheap Taiyo Yudens. Imitations of TY discs can be spotted by the packaging and the media code. what speed or number times discs should I get? I have a pioneer DVD-R +R ROM writer drive. I posted recently about best burn speeds & I was advised to use 8x or 12X, so what speed discs should I get? they also have laquer, thermal printable,white & silver inkjet printable, & hub pritable. They also have their value lines & premium lines, is there a big difference here? supposedly, if it is a Taiyo Yuden, the best, can I go very far wrong with their value line? or should I get premium line? Sossity
will the log window say specifically that your file names are too long? I was also told by someone to use ISO as well for the file system. Which is best between 8x or 12x burn speed? is there a big difference in performance between these? are all the other default options in build mode that are already checked most compatable? what UDF reversion should I choose? Sossity
I want to burn /back up my photo & video files off my digicam to blank DVDs, need them to be readable compatable with as many computer/drives as possible, older/newer PCs & older/newer Macs, what settings in the image burn window are best? I am in build mode writing files to a disc. Are the default settings OK? Many of my folders/file names are over 31 charactars long. What is the best burn speed to use? for minimal errors in burning, so my DVDs are readable? I notice in the window there are quite a few, automatic, max, 1x all the way up to 52x. I read somewhere that burning at the slowest or slow speeds give more reliable results. There is also a tab near the burn speeds for book type & advanced settings related to the drive, are what they are at, default settings work for my purposes? I am using a pioneer DVD burner. Sossity
which is more reliable/archival? single layer or double layer discs? which should I use? Sossity
does it matter if I use DVD-R or DVD+R? do discs have a shelf life? I have a stack of shiny silver Verbatim Data Life plus DVD-Rs that I got from the supermedia store in 2006, are they still good? can image burn work with newer blue ray & HD DVD discs? what is the best brand/ type of double layer discs to use for backup? Sossity
in the image burn build mode window, what is the source window & the window below it? do I need to choose the source & a folder? can I use all 3 file type systems? no matter how long the folder names are? in another forum about video editing ( digital FAQ ) I was advised to use all three file systems types when I was asking about burning my digicam movie files, they referred me; to use image burn. Sossity
what about all the options in the build mode window? there is the advanced tab; with sub tabs; one is restrictions for each file system; ISO9660; which one? level 1-11? level 2-31? or x-219? which character set? standard, DOS or ASCII? do I need to check off any of the 4 boxes below? for Joiliet there is; level 1-64 & x-110, which one? & do I need to check any of the 2 boxes below? & for the UDF tab, do I need to check those boxes? do I need to make the image bootable? if so what settings do I choose for that? do I just leave all the advanced tab options in image burn build mode at the default choices? will it work for my archiving purposes for photos & movie files? so I do not need to try to keep all my folder names to 31 letters or less? will the different file systems I check off deal with the 31+ letters of the folder names & then can I just leave the names I already have alone weather they are 31+ or not? Do I need to run a disk def rag or run anti spy ware or ad ware programs before I burn backup discs? Thanks for your help Sossity
I would like to make an archive/backup disc of my photos, ( jpgs, tiffs,) & movie files from my digicam, but I was told that for optimal compatibility with both older & newer Macs & PCs & software that any individual files & folders cannot have names that exceed 31 letters. When I bring my folders into the build mode image burn window, I find I cannot edit or rename the folders. I even tried making an image file & mounting it in windows, but I still cannot edit/rename the folders before I burn to an actual disc. Is there anyway I can rename my folders & files before burning to a disc? Is the 31 letter limit critical? I was told that I will run into problems on different systems or software if my file names are 31+ letters. To conform to this limit, I am faced with going into windows explore & counting all the letters of my dated folders & trying to shorten them, so I thought I would just eliminate the folder names altogether, & just leave the dates on them, ( in image burn build mode window ) before burning to my archive disc, to save me counting out letters, & make a corresponding written list on paper that describes the dated folder contents.