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Everything posted by Sossity

  1. Do I need to concern myself with the length of the folder names that I am burning to discs, should I try to keep the names to 31 characters or will they be readable/universal to different computers as they are; with the long descriptive names? does it matter? pardon my ignorance, what is a virtual drive? how do they work? how do I use my built image file with it? thanks for all your help so far Sossity
  2. thank you for the reply, just to check other settings; In build mode; Under the options tab; which of the empty boxes ( under the file system choices ) do I check off? In the advanced tab; do I need to make it a bootable disc? do I need to check off any of the dates? under restrictions what items do I check off for ISO9660, Joliet, & UDF? when I bring in folders from my hard drive to burn to my disc, is there anyway I can edit the folder names that appear in the window? I tried right clicking & highlighting the folder but no windows options show up where I can rename them. I tried this because I read that all file names should no more than 31 characters long to insure maximum compatibility, & many of the folders that I want to burn have long file names. The folder names are long because they describe the content in them for reference. Sossity
  3. using the latest version of image burn, in build mode am planning to burn my various jpg photos & mpg movie clips that my still camera takes, onto blank single layer DVDs. I am using the over view of build mode as my guide, ( read this guide, & will use the settings it recommends, I can use build mode overview settings for my project right? ) I noticed the newest version of imageburn has different UDF revision settings, which one would be best for my project? the build mode overview guide seems to show the older version of imageburn. Someone recommended that I use all three; ISO9660 + Joliet + UDF settings to make sure my DVDs are compatible with as many computers possible; these will be archive backup/ discs of my important files, & want them to be cross platform & readable by both older & newer Macs & PCs. would also be nice if DVD players could read them too. Sossity
  4. I want to backup/ archive the original mpeg movie clips & their THM files, and jpg photos unaltered from my digital Sony still camera. the originals will be burned from an external hard drive, ( this is where I put them after downloading from my camera) Was advised on image burn for this, & to use build mode. I want to make an accurate burn without any audio video sync problems. Also want discs to be universal & readable by PCs & Macs older & newer, as well as older & newer DVD players. Need the disc to be readable in the future. do I need the THM files that get recorded along with my movie clips? when I build up my files in build mode, should I remove everything from their folders that they are in? for example 2 movie clips & 2 photos in a dated folder I made on my external hard drive using windows explore. I looked at the overview of build mode & saw alot of folder options in the options tab; preserve full pathnames; recurse subdirectories; include; hidden files, system files, & archive files only. which of these should I check off? & other options; add to write que, do I need this? what file system should I use for my purposes? In the advanced tab, what date options should I choose? what restrictions? do I need it to be bootable? in build mode should I write directly to a disc in my DVD drive or build an image file? what burn speed should I use? Sossity
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