I want to backup/ archive the original mpeg movie clips & their THM files, and jpg photos unaltered from my digital Sony still camera. the originals will be burned from an external hard drive, ( this is where I put them after downloading from my camera) Was advised on image burn for this, & to use build mode. I want to make an accurate burn without any audio video sync problems. Also want discs to be universal & readable by PCs & Macs older & newer, as well as older & newer DVD players. Need the disc to be readable in the future.
do I need the THM files that get recorded along with my movie clips? when I build up my files in build mode, should I remove everything from their folders that they are in? for example 2 movie clips & 2 photos in a dated folder I made on my external hard drive using windows explore.
I looked at the overview of build mode & saw alot of folder options in the options tab; preserve full pathnames; recurse subdirectories; include; hidden files, system files, & archive files only. which of these should I check off? & other options; add to write que, do I need this? what file system should I use for my purposes?
In the advanced tab, what date options should I choose? what restrictions? do I need it to be bootable? in build mode should I write directly to a disc in my DVD drive or build an image file? what burn speed should I use?