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  1. its been years since ive done any good research into the subject (just happened stumbled upon this after updating imgburn and came to forum to see what others have to say). i used to be a CDFreak: burned and tested, and burned and tested all my media at different speeds using different drives for both burning and testing. anyway, as a CDFreak (myce) member the go to programs are ImgBurn for burning and Nero CD-DVD Speed for quality scanning. There is a patched version of Nero CD-DVD Speed by C0dking for the new lite-on drives. though i dont know if the newest ones are supported. Myce members now recommend using Opti Drive Control though i still use the patched cd-dvd speed. take a look at myce and find your drive or similar drive models (even possible rebadged models) and look for scans of your media to find reference points. keep in mind that typically only the best scans are posted (for good media) or only the worst (for crap media). so your scans may vary.
  2. thank you for your reply. i am fully aware of the history of bitsetting, ive done the research, i do know how to use google you know. just making fun. now ive never tried actually using imgBurns or Benqs booktype utilities. i use modified firmware from others or by using MCSE and have imgburn set to automatically booktype when available. this has always worked for +r media bitsetting the first four bits of the booktype field with 0000, thus my +r disc would read physical format of +r but booktype DVD-ROM. i am fully aware of the bitsetting to achieve the desired booktype, 0001 DVD-RAM, 0010 DVD-R or DVD-R DL, 0011 DVD-RW, 1001 DVD+RW, 1010 DVD+R, 1101 DVD+RW DL and 1110 DVD+R DL. remember i said i know how to use google. being fully aware of the bitsetting options, i was not aware any drive actually supported bitsetting other than DVD-ROM, with the exception of changing dvd+rw to dvd-rom and back to dvd+rw. thus i was very surprised when i was presented with the screen shot of BenQ booktype settings having many options. to me the option of using a BenQ drive to bitset +r/+rw media to -r is a gimmick, the disc was only readable by the BenQ drive. however when the booktype of the +rw was changed back to +rw or changed to +r my other drives did properly recognize the disc and read the data ImgBurn had written. there is no mention of the -r option in the BenQ BookType Management Tool FAQ sheet, nor any mention of -r bitsetting on the DVD+RW alliance or DVDplusRW web sites.
  3. however it seems this disc in only readable in my BenQ drive. 4 other drives will not read the disc, 2 lite-on, a pionner and an optiarc. so whats the point.
  4. okay i went ahead and used a +rw disc in my BenQ 1640, you know what it works, do the other drives offer this feature, is this exclusive to BenQ? BENQ DVD DD EW164B BEFB (ATA) Current Profile: DVD+RW Disc Information: Status: Complete Erasable: Yes Formatted: Yes Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Disc ID: OPTODISC-OP4-01 Book Type: DVD-R Nero CD-DVD Speed: Disc Info Basic Information Disc type: : DVD+RW Book Type : DVD-R Manufacturer: : Optodisc MID : OPTODISC OP4 001 (01h) Write speeds: : 2.4 X - 4 X Blank Capacity : n/a Extended Information Layers : 1 Write strategies : n/a Disc Status : Closed Raw Data Physical Format Information (00h) 0000 - 25 0F 04 00 00 03 00 00 00 26 05 3F 00 00 00 00 - %........&.?.... 0010 - 00 00 00 4F 50 54 4F 44 49 53 43 4F 50 34 01 39 - ...OPTODISCOP4.9 0020 - 23 00 9C 7C 64 02 28 00 96 7E 74 02 28 00 9C 7B - #..|d.(..~t.(..{ 0030 - 70 02 28 04 04 10 F0 00 F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - p.(............. Media Information Region information N/A not a DVD-VIDEO Media code/Manufacturer ID OPTODISCOP4 Media Product Revision Number 01h UDF Format Type V1.02 UDF Volume autodvdfabv1 UDF Application id *ImgBurn v2.5.0.0 UDF Implementation id ImgBurn UDF Recording Date/Time (mm/dd/yyyy) 08/06/2009 10:37:06 Format Capacity 4.38GB(4.70GB) Book Type DVD-R Media Type DVD+RW
  5. ive reviewed the BenQ FAQ for Booktype Management Tool. i saw no mentioning of bitsetting -r. the faq only mentions bitsetting dvd-rom. thanks both for the confirmation of errors during burn if trying to perform the -r bitsetting. i can not test this as this is not my drive or screen shot. but one from another user which has presented me with the question. so i was just wanting to get some solid answers before going to suggest this to the user whom presented this to me. i had fully assumed it would error out or imgburn would give some kind of warning, just wanted to be prepared with a good response there after. thanks
  6. can one bitset dvd+rw media to dvd-r using a LG GH10L drive? is this possible, i thought only bitsetting to dvd-rom was available with rare unsupported occurrences of bitsetting to dvd-r? fully understanding that the wrong tab is selected, but should the options not be available? would selecting the option to perform the -r bitset using the benq setting actually work? i can not test this as this is not my drive or screen shot. but one from another user which has presented me with the question.
  7. i do not see a line in the log file indicating ATA transfer modes of DMA or PIO. or am i just over looking the transfer mode?
  8. then the next update should not allow burning of ritek d01
  9. i would definitely buy an ImgBurn shirt. good idea.
  10. i like my JCXP.net Laguna ICE
  11. thank you. change log is huge!!
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