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  1. When I followed (or attempted to follow) your guide for burning and audio cd, I could not go any further than clicking on "Tools." I don't have "Create CD CUE File" option under "Tools" dropdown menu. I checked the "About" and I have the latest version. Please help.
  2. Hi, I have two drives a BENQ IDE with the latest firmware and a Plextor SATA. I've been using some ridata 8x DVD+RW drives for temp burnings of DVDs I rent. I create the ISO using DVD Shrink. On the BENQ if I tell ImgBurn to burn the DVD at 4x or 6x, it still ends up burning at 8x. On the plextor it is fine. It burns at the speed I set ImgBurn at. Has anyone else had similar problems? And is there a solution for this problem? Thanks, -- Sanjay
  3. Hello. I recently purchased a laptop running an AMD 64 bit processor. Since I want to run a cpu intensive application on it exclusivelyI am trying to load it with a couple of different Linux operating systems. I had no luck getting my laptop to recognize any of the dvd's and cd's that should have booted on it. Then one did load, the Kanotix Live CD. I noticed that it did not have 1 single .iso file like the others but was expanded to show folders, VOB and the like. It would open under VISTA asking if I wanted to run it under autoplay. Unfortunately, Kanotix does not recognize my ethernet card so it's back to the ol' drawing board. I have tried to create 3 more DVD's and CD's using ImgBurn for other Linux systems with the same result. They all burn the one .ISO file on the disc and do not expand them. I was under the impression (from burning the Kanotix disc, which worked) that build would expand the .ISO file. Neverless, I have used this option on the last 3 discs and they have resulted in a burn with only 1 .iso file on it - no folders, and no VISTA asking to autoplay. Please tell what I am doing wrong . Thanks in advance.
  4. Use the Read mode of ImgBurn to create disc images from your DVDs, then switch to Write mode to burn those images to new discs. We recommend using Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden media, as they're known for being high quality. Have a look in the Guides section to learn more about ImgBurn
  5. Okay, so I'm new to ImgBurn and after checking the guide forum & FAQ's, still have some Q's: ImgBurn uses the term "burn an Image"... is this the terminology for a DVD/Video file? I'm simply trying to create an All-Regions DVD from a Region 2 DVD... Can ImgBurn do this? If so how should I proceed? # I've tried "writing Image" to DVD (image being a ripped ISO file) and have wasted 3 DVD's already trying to do it different ways. I simply end up with a folder containing VOB and IFO files and another IFO file outside that folder. What am I doing wrong?
  6. about the new version...if i create i cue sheet in foobar...will it work just fine in imgburn (i assume yes)? does the cue sheet in imgburn support Å, Æ and other non normal letters?
  7. I'm still not sure I know how to do a simple disc copy. I used ImgBurn to burn a movie I authored and an archive of the movie files and an archive of some jpeg files (total 3.23 GB.) I want to delete all those files from my hard drive so I can work on another project. But if I later want to make more copies of the disc, is it possible to just copy from disc in drive d:\ to disc in drive e:\ using Img Burn 2.3.2? I can get Mode=Read; Source = d:, but am unable to get the Destination = e: I guess that's what the Checkmark "Add to Write Queue When Done" is for--then do you manually have to change the Mode = Write and start the burn, or does ImgBurn automatically start burning the disc in drive e:? Will it have the same file structure that is on the source disk (it appears to create one .iso file? If it is not automatic, is there a free program that will copy from one disc drive to another disc drive with one click? (I'm new at this, so I'd prefer one button click--or step by step instructions from start to finish.) If there is such a program that can continuously and simultaneously read and write with two drives, is it a much greater risk of a bad burn? ( I have 2GB memory and dual core processor, and so far, no problems burning discs from my hard drive.) Is disc to disc faster than writing to the hard drive and then writing to a disc, especially considering one has to monitor the writing to hard drive to know when it's time to write to disc? Then you have to clean off the hard drive again. Thanks for helping me understand disc copying.
  8. I have burned over a dozen discs using imgburn and most of them freeze throughout the film and I keep my writing speed at 4x and use hp advent discs which is a good brand and was told to update imgburn so maybe this would help. I use VSODIVXTODVD to create a video-ts first before burning with imgburn and was told to update the firmware on my burner but this doesn,t seem like an east task as it,s stated at the site I went to If I use the wrong firmware it could create problems so any help on this matter I would appreciate .
  9. I have downloaded and installed ImgBurn v I went to the ImgBurn Support Forum, and under the 'General' heading, clicked on 'Guides' (CD/DVD Burning Guides). I then opened the guide, "How to burn an Audio CD from music files using ImgBurn." The instructions say that I should create a CUE file using ImgBurn. There should be an option under the Tools menu, labeled, "Create CD CUE File." But in my version of ImgBurn (v2.3.2.0) there is no "Create CD CUE File" option. I only have "Create DVD MDS File." Why is my version of ImgBurn different than the one shown for this guide, "How to burn an Audio CD from music files using ImgBurn"? Why can't I create a CUE File or create an audio CD using ImgBurn even though the guide says I can. Here is a snapshot of the ImgBurn log. I 19:02:54 ImgBurn Version started! I 19:02:54 Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 19:02:54 Total Physical Memory: 2,094,828 KB - Available: 1,476,260 KB I 19:02:54 Initialising SPTI... I 19:02:54 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 19:02:54 Found 1 DVD±RW and 1 DVD±RW/RAM! Thanks, Roger
  10. I get the following error while trying to create an image from a disk. Heres the log: I 19:29:13 Operation Started! I 19:29:13 Source Device: [0:1:0] TSSTcorp CD/DVDW SH-S182M SB05 (D:) (ATA) I 19:29:13 Source Media Type: DVD-ROM I 19:29:13 Source Media Sectors: 3,400,212 (Track Path: OTP - L0: 1,973,248 - L1: 1,426,964) I 19:29:13 Source Media Volume Identifier: HAIRSPRAY_DISC_1 I 19:29:13 Source Media Implementation Identifier: UDF Toshiba DVD Video I 19:29:13 Source Media File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 19:29:13 Destination File: C:\HAIRSPRAY_DISC_1.ISO I 19:29:13 Destination Free Space: 36,134,514,688 bytes (35,287,612 KB) (34,460 MB) (33 GB) I 19:29:13 Destination File System: NTFS I 19:29:13 File Splitting: Auto I 19:29:13 Reading Sectors... (LBA: 0 - 3400211) I 19:29:13 Reading Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1973247) W 19:29:19 Failed to Read Sector 365 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication E 19:29:21 Failed to Read Sector 368 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication E 19:29:22 Failed to Read Sectors! E 19:29:22 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:09 E 19:29:22 Average Read Rate: 78 KB/s (0.1x) - Maximum Read Rate: 78 KB/s (0.1x) Thanks to anyone who can help me!
  11. They can easily maintain their margins by raising prices. I think they should have done that without the mealy mouthed (in my opinion) excuse about the dollar's current woes. When the Euro came out, it cost 1.25 Euros to buy a buck. Currencies are cyclical like most things: they go up they go down. The dollar will go up again. Doubtless they aren't American. Unless they don't mind spending sometime in Club Fed playing golf with crooked bankers and lawyers. If not European, then Indian or Taiwanese. I doubt the IT bench in Antigua is that deep. Some country that hasn't enacted some variation of the abortion: the DMCA. One of the reasons I've bought more than one product from them is the fact that they charge only once for the license (you can pay yearly if you want tech support but how many people actually do that?!). Other companies , won't upgrade you, for free, to the next version even if you purchased the previous version just weeks before! So to get the latest and greatest updates to the prog(s), you have to pony up more bucks. Some of these companies cause people to look for keygens, cracks etc by using despicable tactics like that. If you pay for a year of program updates that's what you should get. And NOT some shit about how "Your version is the latest one." When they released the next update!! And I think that's one of the most powerful drivers of the Freeware movement (if it can be called by that overused term): people are tired of constant demands for more money from software firms. Those of us who've worked in the industry know how absurdly expensive software development is. (E.g.: Motorola spent $500,000,000--in today's values that's about ten grand--developing software for their failed satellite phone business.) And probably the majority of new software projects fail at some point in the development process. And that doesn't even count the commercial failures where the prog just failed to catch on. But the progs that are succesful can be killed by greed, always "offers" for "discounts" to buy again the program you just bought a few months back. This can even apply to companies (i.e. Apple) totally destroys itself by some of the stupidest management decisions in the history of commerce. If hadn't been for the iPod, Apple would have joined Commodore and other such companies on the ash-heap of corporate history (to paraphrase Trotsky). And the real laugher is that if it hadn't been for Microsoft pumping $300M into Apple, there wouldn't have been any company around to create the iPod.
  12. We have burnt a DVD from our camcorder tape. We edited the video using Ulead Video Studio 7 SE Basic and exported it as a .avi file. I then used DVD Flick to create an ISO image of the video, and burnt it to DVD (have tried both Sony DVD-R and Maxell DVD-R) using ImgBurn. I did the Sony one on the 'Max' write speed (8x) and the Maxell one on 4x. When I play back the DVD on the computer, it plays fine, but on the DVD player (Panasonic DMR-E55EB), the image is shaky. When the picture is still, there is no problem, but whenever the camera moves, the picture will shake. Thank you!! Here is the log: I 11:32:37 ImgBurn Version started! I 11:32:37 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) I 11:32:37 Total Physical Memory: 1,045,148 KB - Available: 539,752 KB I 11:32:37 Initialising SPTI... I 11:32:37 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 11:32:37 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM! I 13:03:21 Operation Started! I 13:03:21 Source File: C:\Documents and Settings\Valued Customer\My Documents\DVD\dvd.iso I 13:03:21 Source File Sectors: 1,732,960 (MODE1/2048) I 13:03:21 Source File Size: 3,549,102,080 bytes I 13:03:21 Source File Volume Identifier: DVD I 13:03:21 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.3.2.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER! I 13:03:21 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn I 13:03:21 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 13:03:21 Destination Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H55L 1.03 (D:) (ATA) I 13:03:21 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: RITEKF1) (Speeds: 4x, 8x, 12x, 16x) I 13:03:21 Destination Media Sectors: 2,297,888 I 13:03:21 Write Mode: DVD I 13:03:21 Write Type: DAO I 13:03:21 Write Speed: 4x I 13:03:21 Link Size: Auto I 13:03:21 Test Mode: No I 13:03:21 BURN-Proof: Enabled I 13:03:21 Filling Buffer... (40 MB) I 13:03:22 Writing LeadIn... I 13:03:39 Writing Image... (LBA: 0 - 1732959) I 13:14:24 Synchronising Cache... I 13:14:54 Image MD5: ae65dac7ffcc4880895f1b4902d73aec I 13:14:54 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:11:33 I 13:14:54 Average Write Rate: 5,373 KB/s (3.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 5,618 KB/s (4.1x) I 13:14:54 Cycling Tray before Verify... W 13:15:05 Waiting for device to become ready... I 13:15:50 Device Ready! I 13:15:50 Operation Started! I 13:15:50 Source Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H55L 1.03 (D:) (ATA) I 13:15:50 Source Media Type: DVD-R (Book Type: DVD-R) (Disc ID: RITEKF1) (Speeds: 4x, 8x, 12x, 16x) I 13:15:50 Image File: C:\Documents and Settings\Valued Customer\My Documents\DVD\dvd.iso I 13:15:50 Image File Sectors: 1,732,960 (MODE1/2048) I 13:15:50 Image File Size: 3,549,102,080 bytes I 13:15:50 Image File Volume Identifier: DVD I 13:15:50 Image File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.3.2.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER! I 13:15:50 Image File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn I 13:15:50 Image File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 13:15:50 Verifying Sectors... (LBA: 0 - 1732959) I 13:26:33 Device MD5: ae65dac7ffcc4880895f1b4902d73aec I 13:26:33 Image MD5: ae65dac7ffcc4880895f1b4902d73aec I 13:26:33 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:10:43 I 13:26:33 Average Verify Rate: 5,390 KB/s (3.9x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 7,558 KB/s (5.5x) I 13:35:10 Close Request Acknowledged I 13:35:10 Closing Down... I 13:35:10 Shutting down SPTI... I 13:35:10 ImgBurn closed!
  13. Because DVD Shrink would be an unneccesary step, as it is a compression tool and since you are not doing any compressing it's just extra work for you and your PC. Set DVD Shrink, if you must use it, to save to Hard Disc as your output target, not your burner or ISO image file. This will create a VIDEO_TS folder your your HDD which you will open with Imgburn in "build" mode. Imgburn will then determine the correct layer break and an MDS file for you to burn from manually.
  14. After reading many positive reviews about Imgburn I decide to give it a try. I download it and go to the help at the top of the screen and there is no help file. There are a few thousand settings in the program and no help file to explain a single one. Ridiculous. Are people expected to know what all the settings are for already before they use the program? The guides in the forum don't even come close to explaining all the options and settings in this program. The second guide listed is how to burn an audio CD with Imgburn. Right off the bat I start having problems. The screen shots in the guide do not look like the screens in Imgburn I just downloaded. How can I follow a guide that has different options and screens than the program I have downloaded? For example I do not have "Create CD Cue File" as an option under "Tools". The screen shot of the program looks nothing like the screen on Imgburn when I launch it. The second screen shot in the guide suggests clicking a "Create CD Cue File" button that I again do not have. I stopped there because I will not guess how to use a program. EVERY respectable program I use has some form of a help file. If one exists for Imgburn please point me to it.
  15. When you create the bootimage using ImgBurn, it tells you all the important stuff in the log window (which should always be kept open). It's just down to you to feed that info back into the program.
  16. But as you can understand, from an average user point of view the suggested thing of auto-switching into a pause state after "cancel" window is launched is rather simplifying than overcomplicating. (no need to double-click!) I know what you're getting at but I can't just have it so pressing the 'Cancel' button pauses everything! As mentioned before, I don't/can't/won't keep track of every single program state just so the program can behave in a million and one different ways when the cancel button is pressed. If I made it so everything paused the second the user pressed the cancel, I'd risk creating bad burns (excessive relinking) or instant coasters. That's the whole reason I added the 'Pause' button and put a big WARNING message up before it actually did anything. Clearly you haven't actually pressed the 'Cancel' button before or you'd have already known to expect the confirmation screen (I believe consistancy in a GUI app is very important). As such, you're basing your entire argument of wanting it to work in a different way based on that one bad experience! What about the 1000's of other people that have accidently clicked the 'Cancel' button and were very glad it didn't instantly create them a nice coaster? It's impossible to please everyone.
  17. thnx lightning. i got it. i have to create it just like that and in that path on the hard drive. it went smooth w/out any prompts. i just have 2 adjust the settings on my back-up proggies so that the output, and target files are sent to the c hard drive w/the folder i created.
  18. Hi every1 i want to create an iso of a dual layer dvd with DVDFab Platinum. Will the original position of the layer break automatically be kept if i burn the iso onto a dl verbatim with imgburn? Thx for any response
  19. hi moondogger. i know that's why lightning suggests that tip. i just tried adding the folder w/the name on it, and it burned it, but it burned the folder also. that's why i didn't want 2 follow what donta suggested by clicking on yes when the pop-up window shows up asking about the root folder. etc... i've changed the setting on my proggie, and now it's a lil better to locate, and faster, the VIDEO_TS folder w/the files. otherwise i'd have to open up about 3 subfolders 2 get it. do you guys understand what i mean about creating that folder as suggested by lightning the way he explains it. just creating a new folder w/a name gives it an audio, and when backing up 2 it a VIDEO_TS folder. the folder w/in the folder that he suggests will only result in several more VIDEO_TS folders, of which 1 will only have the files. the others would b empty, and would have 2 b deleted causing even more time. i'm just curious about why lightning suggests that whole folder w/in the folder thing. every pc, or back-up proggie will automatically create a VIDEO_TS folder. is lightning referring to some other kind of video work? i don't think he is, but maybe it's so. the main thing w/build mode is the VIDEO_TS folder itself. once you choose that folder that's all that's needed. it'll automatically do what lightning suggests, give the name of the label 4 u. everything else is just going to cause more confusion. drag, selecting yes, etc...etc... most if not all of us have back-up proggies. go ahead and create that folder w/in the folder and you'll see what i mean. you'll get exactly what i've described. additional video_ts folders. i'm not going 2 go bonkers over the guide. i've read it several times and followed it to the tee. same results every time. additional video_ts folders not needed.
  20. The reason why it is suggested to organize it that way is because Imgburn will know your trying to build a DVD-Video disc and automatically use the parent folder's name as the disc label and also create the AUDIO_TS folder on the fly if it doesn't already exist. All you need to do is drag the VIDEO_TS folder that contains the files into the main window and Imgburn does all the rest automatically!!!(if you answer yes to the questions)
  21. hi volvo. i'm using dvdf...hd to make my back-ups. it has a predestined folder 4 mo..e only. now this is fine, but i have to open up my documents, then my name's documents, then dvdf..b hd, then, the mo..e only folder, then click on the VIDEO_TS folder. understand now. maybe i can bypass this. all i know is that even when i create a new folder, it'll go under this heading and the same path. i still don't understand why in lightning's guide he suggests to create a folder in a path, one inside that 1 w/the name, and 1 inside that one which is the VIDEO_TS folder. he then says to save the files to the VIDEO_TS folder. well it does that automatically anyway, and you don't have to create folders w/in folders because once you just create a folder and name it, whether on your hard drive etc... it automatically creates the audio, and VIDEO_TS folders. saving it in the VIDEO_TS folder like he suggests in his guide only ends up making another VIDEO_TS folder in that 1. somewhere here i don't get why he suggests that whole set up. it does work when you select the VIDEO_TS folder, and then click build in device mode so that imgburn will name your label 4 u. that saves time like lightning suggests, and i like that. i just don't get the folder w/in the folder thing. it has nothing to do w/DL either. if you have any suggestion on this, or lightning's guide it's greatly appreciated as always.
  22. donta i know all about that. you guys r missing the point about the pre-selected folder my program has. also i'm talking about burning in build mode w/device, not creating an iso. that's why lightning put out that guide bcause this can bcome confusing even to some of us more advanced in digital video. when you select the VIDEO_TS folder in ur destination folder like lightning suggests you won't get any pop-up windows. that's y he has that tip there. i just need some suggestion how i could create a folder independent of the 1 my program has as its target. otherwise it'll show up under my folder plus under the program's target destination. i'm trying 2 keep within the rules of the forum, if you get what i mean. it doesn't matter though bcause it'll happen regardless w/my program.
  23. hi volvo. i'm trying to eliminate having to go through all that hassle of deleting the extra VIDEO_TS folders. and just picking the name of the folder i don't think will burn the files just the folder w/its name which is empty. i think. i'm not sure. that use to happen to me b4, but i'm not sure if it was through adding files, or browsing the folder option. that's why i think lightning suggested choosing the VIDEO_TS folder when adding it to the source window. the program i use automatically has a name for the back-up folder, and i think that's the issue. i just want to create 1 w/a different name because then it'll b quicker 4 me to select the VIDEO_TS folder in it and let imgburn add it and then burn in build mode using output 2 device. i just need some suggestion how i could create my own folder like lightning suggests, and not have the program i use throw the files into their preset destination folder. it'll save me some time doing that. i don't like having to search for folders w/in folders. 1 yes like the VIDEO_TS folder w/in my back-up folder's name, but not another 1 within that one, or vice versa.
  24. in build mode all you need is a folder containing 1x VIDEO_TS folder and 1 x AUDIO_TS folder for example lets say you name the top folder as "project" then within the "project" folder you should have 1 x folder called VIDEO_TS and 1 folder called AUDIO_TS "project" folder should have the following 2 folders inside it the VIDEO_TS folder which should contain BUP files IFO files and VOB files and the AUDIO_TS folder, which doesnt usually have anything in it when you see the source window, hit the folder icon to the right of it ( hover over it and it says "browse for a folder" )and browse to your "project" folder source in BUILD mode , just select the folder called "project" then ImgBurn will know your trying to create a DVD compliant ISO or Disc if i understand what youve explained, and you end up with VIDEO_TS folders within VIDEO_TS folders, just empty the contents of 1 folder into the other, and delete the empty VIDEO_TS one, likewise if you dont have an AUDIO_TS folder, just create a new folder and name it AUDIO_TS ( in caps and with an underscore between AUDIO and TS hope thats of some help
  25. hi lightning. i created that folder structure you suggested in your guide, and what happens is when i back-up the files to that video_ts folder, it creates another video_ts folder w/in that one automatically. also the program i use to back-up my video files already has a folder for them, and that creates a video_ts folder also. do i have to pick a totally different place on my pc to store the video files w/ just w/just its name, and when it backs up the video just pick the video_ts folder it creates automatically, and let imgburn do the rest? otherwise i get 2, even 3 video_ts folders. yes, i did try the device method and it's faster. eliminates having to create an iso and then burning.
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