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  1. Hi, I'm looking to create a bootable DOS CD disk that I can burn with IMGBurn. I've got some Virus programs that I'd like to place on a DOS bootable CD to check out an ailing WIN XP machine. Thanks, a newbie with IMGBurn
  2. I guess I should be clear. When I use dvd shrink to try to rip it it says no disc. But when I pull up img burn , img burn recognizes that something is on the disc. I guess im not sure what I can do because without shrink i cant create the file for img burn to burn however img burn does recognize theres something on the disc. i hope that makes sense
  3. I am new to this business. I have several mini DV tapes that I recorded with my camcorder. I want to transfer them to DVD. I hooked the camera up to my computer, and used Windows Movie Maker (came with the computer) to create the files. But when I tried to burn them to a disc using ImgBurn, it didn't work. I printed out the instructrions from the "Guides" section and followed them to the letter. Is it me, the video files, or the fact that I am using DVD-R's?
  4. Read mode is all about creating ISO images - that's it's sole purpose in life. If you're NOT getting an ISO, it's probably because you're making the image on a drive using the FAT/FAT32 filesystem - whereby the image must be split into 4GB sections or the computer blows up (kidding). The MDS is then used to join (virtually) the two back together (in software that supports MDS files). For people using NTFS for the file system on their hard drive, the program will create an ISO and then an MDS if it thinks it needs to (i.e. for double layer discs where the layer break position is then stored in the MDS).
  5. pdk

    ISO vx MDS

    I was hoping to use imgBurn to create ISO images from my DVD's and then use microsofts virtual cd/dvd controller to mount them and be able to watch movies from my HD that way. I can't seem to figure out how to create an ISO image file. could someone help me know which options to select in order to do that. Also, is there a way to mount the MDS file and play the movie directly from that? TIA -Parley
  6. Can ImgBurn create ISOs of Mac Formatted DVDs? I would like to backup some Mac Software CDs to ISO images.
  7. Hi all I had a Raw DVI file (wedding 2 vhs tapes 5 hrs 10 mins total) file that was converted to 8.5gb VideoTS, so that i could burn it onto Verbatim DVD+R DL. I had used Nero to encode the DVI, which it did so without any chapters and layer breaks. I was told to use Voblanker to create a Layerbreak Which I have done Here (Please read) http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=83016 OK I have split cell 17 10 times at at 43,700 intervals at sector (rel) which has given me a Average Break. Should I go back to Cell 17 and do another 10 spilts (so that i hit a good break) or should I burn, and what are the odd of getting a Average Break second time around Also I know that VHS quality is really low compared to DVD quality.... Can I just put the entire 5hrs 10mins wedding onto a Single DVD+R (4.5gb) and will it be vhs quality or lower thanks
  8. If you just want to copy an unprotected disc, simply use Read mode to create an ISO of it on your hdd and then use Write mode to burn that ISO to a new disc.
  9. Does the process to create a Data double layer ISO differ to that of a movie/video, or is it the same? I want to backup all my data files, e.g. programs, etc, and have until now used single layer DVD discs. I have D/L discs, and would like to use them for my data files. Thanks in advance.
  10. I'm trying to create an ISO file from directories on my hard drive. This is the contents of the batch file I'm using to achive this: "C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\imgBurn.exe" /MODE ISOBUILD /BUILDMODE /SRC "C:\Data\SourceCode\VLAN_Setup\" /DEST "C:\Data\ISO\VLAN_SETUP.iso" /NOIMAGEDETAILS /ROOTFOLDER YES /OVERWRITE YES /RECURSESUBDIRECTORIES YES /PRESERVEFULLPATHNAMES YES /VOLUMELABEL "VLAN_SETUP" /START /CLOSESUCCESS The problem is that the RootFolder switch has no affect. I'm getting the "C:\Data\SourceCode\VLAN_Setup" folders before the files. I need the contents of the VLAN_Setup folder to be at the root of the ISO image. Help!
  11. Recently I've been making lots of coasters when I burn a DL disc using imgburn. This did not start to occur until recently. I've been trying to burn a TV series(multi episodes on a disc). First I use imgBurn to read(rip, dump) the dvd to an ISO onto my HDD. Then I use imgBurn to Write the ISO to a DL Verbatim disc. The Disc is recorded 100%, but when I go to play it back, The audio skips sometimes, or I'll get full audio and NO VIDEO, or the audio of the menu screen will skip and I'm not allowed to fast forward into the chapters. I'm using a Pioneer recorder, Verbatim DL media, and my imgBurn is up to date. To test some things out I used dvd decrypter to create the ISO and then used ImgBurn to write the ISO to a Verbatim DL disc with complete success. The problem with relying on this method is that dvd decrypter can not always rip the lastest dvds.
  12. You could try updating the firmware on your 112 as 1.22 is out now. ( use xbc2.5 to create complete backup by unlocking the drive manually if its a recently released game so it shows correct partition size 6.82 or 6.81 something like that. Then read so you end up with ISO and .DVD file of the game you just read. open ImgBurn and press default button, put a new blank in writer then when in write mode browse for the .dvd file you just created and burn at 2.4x
  13. where is layerbreak info seems to be missing from the log. you need to set up the layerbreak Can you not use xbc2.5 to create backup and burn from the .dvd file
  14. After re-installing Windows, I used my previous ImgBurn settings which I had backed up. The original Graph Data folder no longer existed and when I burned an image, the graph data file was placed in the root folder, instead of the folder being automatically created. To reproduce, 1) Create a folder (eg. D:\ImgBurn_Graph_Data) 2) Go into ImgBurn and set this location as the graph data folder 3) Delete the folder created in (1) 4) Burn an image The graph data will be placed in D:\, and not D:\ImgBurn_Graph_Data\
  15. so you didnt create it yourself then ?? with ImgBurn , what goes in = what comes out .Imgburn just burns the image you tell it to , it doesnt alter it in anyway refer to Donta's reply above for that one
  16. I use DVD Shrink to create the ISO file and then use IMGBURN or DVD Decrypter to burn the ISO to the blank. This process has worked fine for several DVDs that I have copied. In fact, I successfully copied DVDs on Wednesday morning (yesterday) using TDK + R blank . Later, when I tried to make a second copy using the same ISO file, I was unsuccessful. When using IMGBURN, you get 3 windows - Progress rate, buffer and device buffer. The buffer was 100%, but the device buffer and progress showed 0% even after an hour. I rebooted and tried it several times with the same result. I need help in solving this problem. The forum administrator suggested updating the firmware. However, I am not sure how that will help. I was using the same (latest) version of IMGBURN both times (one successful one unsuccessful). Will greatly appreciate any help on this subject.
  17. dontasciime

    format hdd

    SP1 no LBA 48 bit adressing so nothing bigger than 137gig http://support.microsoft.com/kb/303013 you can create registry to enable on non sp2 if thats what your using. Better to use latest XP with SP2 and make sure bios is updated to latest.
  18. Hi, I borrowed a disc recorded from TV from a friend using a JVC DVD recorder. I'm sorry, I don't know the model. I tried read the image to create an ISO on the HDD and get a warning message that the following space requirements are required and exist: Required: 8,795,690,336,256 bytes (8,388,233MB) Remaining: 481,438,957,568 bytes (459,135MB) Firstly, the DVD disc is single layer, so 4.7GB in size. It reads and plays fine in a DVD player software package. The harddrive is actually 2x320GB drives in a RAID array (448GB free space). The option to continue anyway doesn't work, as it says not enough free space. Here are the details from the disc: BENQ DVD LS DW1655 BCIB (SCSI) Current Profile: DVD-RW Disc Information: Status: Complete Erasable: Yes Sessions: 1 Sectors: 4,294,770,672 Size: 8,795,690,336,256 bytes Time: 954393:30:72 (MM:SS:FF) TOC Information: Session 1... -> Track 01 (Mode 1, LBA: 0 - 4294770671) -> LeadOut (LBA: 4294770672) Pre-recorded Information: Manufacturer ID: JVC_VictorW7 Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Book Type: DVD-RW Part Version: 2 Disc Size: 120mm Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified Number of Layers: 1 Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP) Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit Track Density: 0.74 um/track First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608 Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 16,777,199 Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0 To show that Windows is reading the disc correctly, here is the DOS directory listing: E:\VIDEO_TS>dir Volume in drive E is JVC DVD_ROM Volume Serial Number is 76C0-0608 Directory of E:\VIDEO_TS 26/08/2007 02:14 p.m. <DIR> . 26/08/2007 02:14 p.m. <DIR> .. 26/08/2007 02:14 p.m. 12,288 VIDEO_TS.BUP 26/08/2007 02:14 p.m. 12,288 VIDEO_TS.IFO 26/08/2007 02:14 p.m. 88,064 VIDEO_TS.VOB 26/08/2007 02:14 p.m. 104,448 VTS_01_0.BUP 26/08/2007 02:14 p.m. 104,448 VTS_01_0.IFO 26/08/2007 02:14 p.m. 1,073,709,056 VTS_01_1.VOB 26/08/2007 02:14 p.m. 1,073,709,056 VTS_01_2.VOB 26/08/2007 02:14 p.m. 915,654,656 VTS_01_3.VOB 8 File(s) 3,063,394,304 bytes 2 Dir(s) 0 bytes free The recording in question is a movie, so approximately 2.5 hours long, not the 954393:30:72 reported. The IMP_ID is given as JVC DVD_ROM UDF, and the drive doesn't auto finalise. Without being finalised it is unreadable under Windows. Hence it has been manually finalised and works as described above, and doesn't work being Read by ImgBurn. As the disc isn't copy protected and is to watch a legally recorded show I can dump it to the HDD as folders/files, but I had intended to do it as an ISO and watch using VLC. Makes it nice and easy to watch then delete. Regards, Graeme
  19. I read the other topics concerning a portable ImgBurn. For the people that do not know, a portable version of any program is one that does not create any registry entries, loads/saves all settings from .INI files, and can be put on a USB flash stick and can be put into any computer and will run perfectly. Now, I've been using quite a few portable applications from this famous website called PortableApps.com, and it tries to convert all OpenSource applications to Portable applications. The one feature that everyone likes about this is that no one likes "footprints" to be left behind from any program. So uninstalling should be as easy as deleting the directory from Program Files rather than uninstalling the program and then trying to delete every registry entry. I know this has been posted before, but since the website I mentioned earlier has drawn so much attention because so many people have the same mind-set, I was hoping you could add this feature in the next version to make sure it does not touch the registry at all and only saves the settings to .INI files. One last example. I was in a different country for 6 weeks and I could only use my Aunt's computer. She is very particular about the computer and did not want me to install anything. When I asked why, she told me she doesn't want any extra registry entries because her registry is already cluttered. I then remembered of that website (PortableApps.com), and quickly went there and downloaded my favorite apps and my Aunt was also satisfied with this. So it's a real huge plus if you can add this feature. I would be very happy and I'm sure others would as well. Thank you for hearing me out.
  20. Well, after a few hours of staring at these specs and finding where all of these descriptors and tags are at in a couple headers, I believe I've decided its not time effective for me to make this application. Though I believe I could create a working product, I probably wouldn't trust the application to not corrupt the ISO since there are so many factors to take into consideration (even simple things like NSR02 vs NSR03). So I've pretty much decided to do things the manual way with ImgBurn. However, as a last request/suggestion, it would be nice if you would consider adding in a command line method of changing the ISO and UDF labels in a future version. Though this is obviously not very useful to most people, it could sure help a few of us out a lot . The main reason I would request this is just because you've put so much power in the command line interface already, that it seems like a fairly useful addition. Thanks for all the help though, I still may look into this some more, and I will most likely make a bulk label viewer to go through and check all my exisiting ISOs for correct name format. I definitely learned much more about the UDF format than I ever planned to. -Blake
  21. You shouldn't think of these things being at certain fixed locations, they're not. You need to parse the file system properly and follow all the offsets, looking at the tagid's of each descriptor until you find one you know how to manipulate and want to change. Create some structures so you can refer to the fields by name and not just as an offset. The TAG at the start of a descriptor has 2 CRC values (well ok, one's just a checksum). One is for the entire descriptor (minus the tag I think) and the other is for the tag itself, including the other CRC. (2.2.1, page 13) At the end of the UDF 1.02 pdf it tells you how you should read a UDF disc. It's 6.9.2 on page 90. Yes the info in 6.5 is correct for calculating the crc.
  22. Not sure I understand exactly what your asking but at the time you create the ISO and just before burning would be the best bet to doing this. You can still alter it if you have the ISO by typing name then click the green icon this will then duplicate the label to other fields applicable to filesystem type as for bulk No idea I always do it at point of building ISO
  23. binkx


    hope this helps I 20:51:22 ImgBurn Version started! I 20:51:22 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition (6.0, Build 6000) I 20:51:22 Total Physical Memory: 1,045,952 KB - Available: 398,624 KB I 20:51:22 Initialising SPTI... I 20:51:22 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 20:51:22 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 DVD±RW/RAM! I 20:52:02 Operation Started! I 20:52:02 Source Device: [0:0:0] MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-851S 1.50 (E:) (ATA) I 20:52:02 Source Media Type: DVD-ROM I 20:52:02 Source Media Sectors: 4,169,920 (Track Path: OTP - L0: 2,084,960 - L1: 2,084,960) I 20:52:02 Source Media Volume Identifier: Contractor I 20:52:02 Source Media Implementation Identifier: DVDAfterEdit I 20:52:02 Source Media File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 20:52:02 Destination File: C:\Contractor.iso I 20:52:02 Destination Free Space: 84,759,236,608 bytes (82,772,692 KB) (80,832 MB) (78 GB) I 20:52:02 Destination File System: NTFS I 20:52:02 File Splitting: Auto E 20:52:10 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:08 E 20:52:10 Average Read Rate: N/A - Maximum Read Rate: N/A I 20:53:56 Operation Started! I 20:53:56 Source Device: [0:0:0] MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-851S 1.50 (E:) (ATA) I 20:53:56 Source Media Type: DVD-ROM I 20:53:56 Source Media Sectors: 4,169,920 (Track Path: OTP - L0: 2,084,960 - L1: 2,084,960) I 20:53:56 Source Media Volume Identifier: Contractor I 20:53:56 Source Media Implementation Identifier: DVDAfterEdit I 20:53:56 Source Media File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 20:53:56 Destination File: C:\Contractor.iso I 20:53:56 Destination Free Space: 84,759,089,152 bytes (82,772,548 KB) (80,832 MB) (78 GB) I 20:53:56 Destination File System: NTFS I 20:53:56 File Splitting: Auto E 20:58:51 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:04:54 E 20:58:51 Average Read Rate: N/A - Maximum Read Rate: N/A I 20:59:06 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 20:59:06 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 DVD±RW/RAM! I 21:00:19 Operation Started! I 21:00:19 Source Device: [0:0:0] MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-851S 1.50 (E:) (ATA) I 21:00:19 Source Media Type: DVD-ROM I 21:00:19 Source Media Sectors: 4,169,920 (Track Path: OTP - L0: 2,084,960 - L1: 2,084,960) I 21:00:19 Source Media Volume Identifier: Contractor I 21:00:19 Source Media Implementation Identifier: DVDAfterEdit I 21:00:19 Source Media File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 21:00:19 Destination File: C:\Contractor.iso I 21:00:19 Destination Free Space: 84,758,147,072 bytes (82,771,628 KB) (80,831 MB) (78 GB) I 21:00:19 Destination File System: NTFS I 21:00:19 File Splitting: Auto E 21:00:22 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:02 E 21:00:22 Average Read Rate: N/A - Maximum Read Rate: N/A I 21:01:51 Operation Started! I 21:01:51 Source Device: [0:0:0] MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-851S 1.50 (E:) (ATA) I 21:01:51 Source Media Type: DVD-ROM I 21:01:51 Source Media Sectors: 4,169,920 (Track Path: OTP - L0: 2,084,960 - L1: 2,084,960) I 21:01:51 Source Media Volume Identifier: Contractor I 21:01:51 Source Media Implementation Identifier: DVDAfterEdit I 21:01:51 Source Media File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 21:01:51 Destination File: C:\Contractor.iso I 21:01:51 Destination Free Space: 84,757,995,520 bytes (82,771,480 KB) (80,831 MB) (78 GB) I 21:01:51 Destination File System: NTFS I 21:01:51 File Splitting: Auto E 21:01:54 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:02 E 21:01:54 Average Read Rate: N/A - Maximum Read Rate: N/A I 21:02:11 Operation Started! I 21:02:11 Source Device: [0:0:0] MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-851S 1.50 (E:) (ATA) I 21:02:11 Source Media Type: DVD-ROM I 21:02:11 Source Media Sectors: 4,169,920 (Track Path: OTP - L0: 2,084,960 - L1: 2,084,960) I 21:02:11 Source Media Volume Identifier: Contractor I 21:02:11 Source Media Implementation Identifier: DVDAfterEdit I 21:02:11 Source Media File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02) I 21:02:11 Destination File: C:\Contractor.iso I 21:02:11 Destination Free Space: 84,757,995,520 bytes (82,771,480 KB) (80,831 MB) (78 GB) I 21:02:11 Destination File System: NTFS I 21:02:11 File Splitting: Auto E 21:02:45 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:34 E 21:02:45 Average Read Rate: N/A - Maximum Read Rate: N/A I get a pop up stating Unable to create or replace file C:\Contractor.iso Reason - Access is denied
  24. binkx


    Hi Is Imgburn still being updated? as I am having problems backing a Dvd - Unable to create or replace file - Reason - Access is denied
  25. Trying to create a DVD+R DL disc. Same as when it worked yesterday! I get the 5 options in the "Build" stage, but not in the "Write" stage. I'll create Logs & try again. Will post back shortly.
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