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  1. I have video_ts files on my hard drive. Usually, I burn them straight to DVD in build mode without creating an ISO first. Reading through many forums at various websites many folks will create an ISO file from the video_ts files first and then burn. I'm curious if there is a benefit to creating the ISO rather than burning the video_ts files straight to disc...from a quality standpoint. Creating the ISO just seems to add an unnecessary step. Thanks
  2. I'll reply in order: 1st error: I've asked these question in both areas since i do not know where the issues arise from. 2nd error: I always selects the mds file & it doesn't stay selected, remember I wrote that! 3rd error: I never had to select layer break before, so I now do not know why it is asking for it. Then again, this is also teh 1st time I've used DL discs, is that why it's asking me teh question? And what exactly does it mean? The more I know & understand why it does what it does, the less I have to ask 4th error, Again, I deselect eject, yet it does anyway. Then again, why would there be an option to cycle the tray anyway? 5th, thanks. Not sure what you mean by this. What you are saying is set DVD Flick so it does not burn a DVD & have ImgBurn open by itself to make the DVD & all the settings I choose will not be set back to defaults when it closes? Hehe, here's where my noobness will show, what file would I use, the MDS or ISO file in the DVD Flick output directory which would mean selecting create an ISO image, right? Thanks for bearing with me on this. I really have tried to comprehend & understand all I could before I posted asking for help & I appreciate all of you guys support!
  3. Everytime I create an ISO image of any of my previously ripped DVD's (ripped using DVD Decrypter) I cannot shut off the subtitles. Any ideas? -Nduna
  4. Hi all, I'm completely new to this; just have one question. I just want to make a copy of my original DVDs for backup. Since I'm using AnyDVD, if I fire up Imgburn and switch to read mode in order to create an ISO of the DL disk, all I have to do next is switch to Burn mode, click on the MDS file and write the iso to a new disk, right? Sorry if this is a basic question but I'm just starting...
  5. Hi there. I'm new to burning my own DVDs and am having some problems getting it to work right. I am using ImgBurn to create an ISO and burn it to DVD. The resulting DVD works flawlessly in my computer, but not in my standalone DVD player. Now, I know this player will read burnt DVDs because I already have several that were given to me and it has never had a problem with them. Is there something in ImgBurn that I should check to make sure everything is set up correctly? My Writer is an HP 530r. Thank you for any input. --dwpa
  6. Hehe. '/S' is working. Any tips on how to prevent it to create Start Menu icons and Quick launch icons?
  7. hi. this is exactly what i've been dealing with. Imgburn is great especially when burning an ISO file. i also have windows xp. i know how to use the read and then write mode, however most of my videos need to be shrunk. i have shrnk 3.2 n that works beautifully. it creates ISO files. i also have 1click but it doesn't create ISO files. it creates the VIDEO_TS folder w/the vob,bup,and ifo files. i've converted this into an ISO file using Imgburn 1 time but it takes too long. anything i can do to save the copy using 1click as an ISO? if not what's the fastest way 2 convert into an ISO file using IMgburn. lastly if 1click can't make ISO file what freeware or other software can u recommend i use to shrnk and create ISO files.
  8. lol he said you're a girl !!! ha ha

    As for the wall, yeah it's a website that allows you to create all sorts like the Berlin Wall Graffitti fella !

  9. Hello and welcome. I fell asleep after reading the first paragraph of that seemingly endless diatribe. Right after he said "Another very good reason for +R DL discs to be NFG is that they are NOT DVD-Video format, and as such tend to expect the layers 0 and 1 to be of equal size." The fact that layer 0 (the top layer) *MUST* contain more information than layer 1 (the lower layer) in order to be playable in a standard DVD player seems to have been overlooked by our knowledgeable friend. I honestly don't understand the need to go through all the outlined steps just to create a DVD. ImgBurn will happily preserve the layerbreak from the original or adjust it as you wish.
  10. 1. In the beginning there existed only the God Of The Hop. and thine god did enjoy self flagellation. and thine god did whip himself into a frenzy. and the frenzy did create beer. and the beer was good. 2. and thou beatific whipping boy did create Shamus. and Shamus did ask thine provider for a free beer. and the creator of foamings suds, the divine distiller, the prognosticator of the beverage cooler, said: 3.
  11. texas2


    AFAIK I don't think that is going to happen...why not just burn the ISO or create a VIDEO_TS from the source next time around.


    AFAIK I don't think that is going to happen...why not just burn the ISO or create a VIDEO_TS from the source next time around.
  13. texas2


    I should have said, How do I create a VIDEO-TS folder. Sorry brand new at this. Thank you, Texas2
  14. Ok, first of all please Dont flame me, maybe i got some concepts wrong. (And sorry my bad english) I'm trying to remove the existence of nero in my computer, i still use it for data dvd. All the guides i have read about Build mode are for burning VIEDO_TS folder, dvd video disk. You select the VIDEO_TS folder, imgBurn creates the iso with the video dvd standards, VIDEO_TS folder AUDIO_TS folder and other stuff i guess for creating the video dvd complaint disc. Any when you are going create a regular data dvd , with tons of stuff, avi's, jpeg, etc etc. imgBurns detects no presence of VIDEO_TS folder and creates a regular data dvd? . Or Video DVD are regular data disc too ? Because in most programs , creating a data dvd, or a video dvd from video_ts folders, are separate options . And this is where my confusion comes from. because it seems that imgBurns has unified both process Well thanks in advance
  15. Nero and/or MagicISO may be the problem. Try using DVD Shrink to extract the contents to a folder. (Set "No compression" for the disc.) Also, try processing the files with FixVTS or PGC Edit. The original might have authoring or mastering errors. You can test the layer break positions with WinDVD, PowerDVD, DVD Shrink, or other programs. The newest ImgBurn also lets you preview them. It is best if the LB is at a part of the movie with no sound or movement for several seconds. A fade-to-black is ideal. Scene transitions are sometimes OK. You can also create a seamless layer break with Build Mode, if your player supports it. That'll make it less important where you put the layer break. IFO Edit is too complicated for a novice. FixVTS and PGC Edit are easier to use. If all else fails, start over or re-author with Shrink.
  16. Yes they do, God bless 'em. Oh, yeah, I agree with you there. I just think that there's more than one more season of stuff there. One more season of story to be told. IMO, JMS made a BIG mistake when he closed up Babylon 5 after the "Five Year Arc" supposedly ended. In fact, it didn't end; the show just stopped. There were more loose ends that I can remember (the biggest, of course, being Garibaldi's revenge upon Bester). The first of a series of straight-to-DVD B5 movies is do out soon. Hopefully we'll get some "closure" on some of the story lines. Unfortunately, of course, the B5 feature crashed and burned with the deaths of Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin) and Andy Katsulas (G'Kar). How could you do a NexGen movie if Brent Spiner and Marina Sirtis had died? It would have been, well, sacrilege to recast the roles. I hope JMS isn't dumb enough to recast Jerry Doyle, Claudia Christian, Biggs and Andy K.) I just REALLY hope that Moore/Eick don't leave us hanging with lots of unaswered question. Have to totally disagree with you on this one, friend. I loved the cliffhanger. The use of Hendrix's "All Along the Watchtower" was a stroke of genius. I remember listening to the snippets that we first heard. I knew it sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. As soon as Tigh said, "We've got to get out of here..." (I think that's the line), it clicked and I went, "That's the Dylan song covered by Hendrix!" My wife, not exactly a big fan of such like tunes didn't get it at all. I actually have a theory about the four who are apparently Cylons: perhaps the "Missing Five" are really earlier generations of the "skin job" models? And perhaps there was a split, a civil war, some kind of conflict and they booked. The Cylons, in the original series, weren't "created by Man", they were created by a reptillian race (apologies if you know all this) who were then exterminated by their own creations during a 1000 "yahren" (God I'm glad they ditched that silly time units in the new show!!) war against the humans. In this show the Cylons and Colonials had apparently been fighting for a very, very long time. They would have had to be. You can't just conjure up fully functional clones/cyborgs in 40 years. It would probably take centuries to "get the balance right" (as Depeche Mode once put it in another context). To create units that would be indisguishable, even on a pretty deep inspection, from "organic" humans. And, even then, the Cylons appear to have only been capable of creating mules--i.e. they can't produce their own children. So they need humanity. That's always been one of my opinions: the Cylons didn't completely annihilate humanity because they need something. After all, why create those "Baby Farms" where they imprisoned Starbuck? Why put Boomer/Sharon #2 with Helo in the hope that nature who, ah, take it's couse. Which, of course it would. Two people who find each other attractive, who have nothing else to do. Naturally, they're gonna end up doing the horizontal mambo. (Boomer #1, she shot Adama; Boomer #2 is the one who got preggo by Helo; I numbered them to keep them straight in my head. I didn't give numbers to the other Sharon models (No. 8s?). I think Dean Stockwell has to be given serious kudos for his stand out performance as "Brother Cavil." God that guy can play slimy evil so well. Really enjoy watching him. Recently rewatched some of the best Old Trek eps. And yes, even as silly as the sets (every planet but Earth has a friggin' red sky?) and costumes could get, the good episodes are still so good*. The sly humor in some of those episodes is also wonderful. The episode where Spock's brain gets, ah, stolen, is filled with humor. The concept was so overboard that I think David Gerrold (the writer, if memory serves) realized it couldn't be played straight. So they did it with a light touch and the result was wonderful. It could have been turgid and ridiculous. Instead it was fun. I love the show and have been watching it since I was 3 or 4 years old. In fact, I don't remember a time when it was on some channel sometime. (I was born in '70, after it was cancelled.) Another interesting factor--this one revealed by Ron Moore--is that if Nielsen had used the metrics back then that they use today, Old Trek would have been a monster hit and probably have run for 6 or 7 seasons. But the way they measured ratings back then they completely missed the big audience it was attracting. (And this was in the days before letter-writing campaigns could save a show--a la Cagney & Lacey in the 80s. *And the quality of the DVD transfers is amazing. I was very impressed. (Which gives the lie to this bullshit that Lucasfilm put out about releasing the "original" Star Wars on DVD. They used the Laserdisc version and transfered that. As a result, it really doesn't look too good. The sound is good, but the picture leaves a lot be desire. The point is this: if Paramount could keep 80+ hours of film in pristine condition for ten years longer than the original Star Wars film, I don't buy for a minute that the latter's print was so "damaged" that they had to destroy it (!) in order to use it for the "revised" version released in 1997. I mean, come on! The most valuable film in HISTORY and they just chucked it in a corner in a shoebox? It wasn't kept in some vault with xenon gas instead of oxygen (like the Mona Lisa or the Beatles' masters)? Come on George! At least make the bullshit plausible. sorry, that's my little rant on Lucas' petulant refusal to release the version movie that so enthralled me at age 6 (and changed the entire industry forever). I have a lot of admiration for the man and I really liked Episodes 1-3, esp. "Revenge". But sometimes his arrogance gets the better of him. On the other hand he is worth $4 billion and, if one isn't careful when one has that kind of money, you soon find yourself surrounded solely by ass-kissers who do nothing but tell you how great you are, how brilliant you and and your very breath is essence of rose. Ditto. The first book I ever bought (by myself with my own money) was in seventh grade. It was a collection of Arthur C. Clarke short stories called Expedition to Earth and it has the story "The Sentinel" that 2001 is based on. Unlike so many of Phillip Dick's short stories--which, imo, opinion are often terrible--"The Sentinel" is filled with the basic ideas that Clarke and Kubrick so brilliantly elaborated upon in 1968. BTW, still have the book after 25, 26 years. I paid $1.95 for it! Most paperbacks for $7=$8.99 these days.
  17. it reads just find and gets good reading speed but then at 21% I get this... I/O Error Device:[0:0:0]_NEC DVD_RW ND-35550A 1.05 (D:0 (ATA) ScsiStatus 0x02 Interpretation: Check Condition CDB: BE 00 00 00 EA A7 00 00 01 F8 00 00 Interpretation: Read CD - Sector:60071 Sense Area F0 00 03 00 00 EA A7 0A 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 Interpretation: No Seek Complete not the first cd ive attempted to create an iso with and had this happen... any suggestions?
  18. Hello, When in build mode I am trying to build a double layer image when I press the calculator button, I am asked if I would prefer ISO9660 + UDF and am then told that the VOB file is large than the ISO9660 limit. So not able to create an image. Any advice? Michael
  19. i am new to ImgBurn, but I'd been using DVD Decrypter. My problem is that I use ImgBurn to create a iso image from a DVD, disregarding the layerbreak. And then use WinRAR to extract the files to its orginal structure in my harddrive. Then I double click on the .VOB file and play it on media player. The problem is the media player complaints the video format is not for the region. I could play the vob file from DVD Decrypter, but why not from ImgBurn? does anyone know what I am missing or do wrong? Vincent
  20. I just installed imgburn. I have a liteon 20x burner.... lh-20A1P anyway, i have tried it with 2 dvds, both movies. Now I go under mode, click read. I select the drive. It sees the movie, and displays everything just fine. I click the button to start creating the iso. It starts to create, but it just gets read error's like crazy. I have let it go for like 15 minutes, and it will get 30 if not more read errors. Any ideas? I 15:04:01 Destination Free Space: 84,220,776,448 bytes (82,246,852 KB) (80,319 MB) (78 GB) I 15:04:02 Destination File System: NTFS I 15:04:02 File Splitting: Auto I 15:04:02 Reading Sectors... (LBA: 0 - 2047734) W 15:04:06 Failed to Read Sector 527 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:04:10 Failed to Read Sector 529 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:04:17 Failed to Read Sector 531 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:04:24 Failed to Read Sector 533 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:04:30 Failed to Read Sector 535 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:04:37 Failed to Read Sector 537 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:04:44 Failed to Read Sector 539 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:04:50 Failed to Read Sector 541 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:04:57 Failed to Read Sector 543 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:05:02 Failed to Read Sector 545 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:05:08 Failed to Read Sector 547 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:05:14 Failed to Read Sector 549 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:05:21 Failed to Read Sector 551 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:05:27 Failed to Read Sector 553 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:05:34 Failed to Read Sector 555 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:05:40 Failed to Read Sector 557 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:05:47 Failed to Read Sector 559 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:05:51 Failed to Read Sector 584 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:05:57 Failed to Read Sector 586 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:06:04 Failed to Read Sector 588 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:06:10 Failed to Read Sector 590 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:06:15 Failed to Read Sector 592 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:06:22 Failed to Read Sector 594 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:06:28 Failed to Read Sector 596 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:06:35 Failed to Read Sector 598 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:06:42 Failed to Read Sector 600 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:06:49 Failed to Read Sector 602 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:06:55 Failed to Read Sector 604 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:07:02 Failed to Read Sector 606 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:07:07 Failed to Read Sector 608 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:07:14 Failed to Read Sector 610 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:07:20 Failed to Read Sector 612 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:07:27 Failed to Read Sector 614 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:07:34 Failed to Read Sector 616 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:07:41 Failed to Read Sector 620 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:07:48 Failed to Read Sector 622 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:07:52 Failed to Read Sector 624 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:07:59 Failed to Read Sector 626 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:08:06 Failed to Read Sector 628 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:08:12 Failed to Read Sector 630 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:08:19 Failed to Read Sector 632 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:08:26 Failed to Read Sector 634 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:08:33 Failed to Read Sector 636 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:08:39 Failed to Read Sector 638 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:08:44 Failed to Read Sector 642 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:08:51 Failed to Read Sector 644 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:08:58 Failed to Read Sector 646 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:09:04 Failed to Read Sector 648 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:09:11 Failed to Read Sector 650 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:09:18 Failed to Read Sector 652 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:09:25 Failed to Read Sector 654 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:09:29 Failed to Read Sector 656 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:09:36 Failed to Read Sector 658 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:09:42 Failed to Read Sector 660 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:09:49 Failed to Read Sector 662 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:09:55 Failed to Read Sector 664 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:10:02 Failed to Read Sector 666 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:10:08 Failed to Read Sector 668 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:10:14 Failed to Read Sector 670 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:10:19 Failed to Read Sector 672 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:10:25 Failed to Read Sector 674 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:10:32 Failed to Read Sector 676 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:10:39 Failed to Read Sector 678 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:10:45 Failed to Read Sector 680 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:10:52 Failed to Read Sector 682 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:10:58 Failed to Read Sector 684 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:11:05 Failed to Read Sector 686 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:11:09 Failed to Read Sector 688 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication W 15:11:16 Failed to Read Sector 690 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication I 15:11:20 Abort Request Acknowledged E 15:11:20 Failed to Read Sector 692 - Read of Scrambled Sector Without Authentication E 15:11:20 Failed to Read Sectors! E 15:11:20 Operation Aborted! - Duration: 00:07:18 E 15:11:20 Average Read Rate: 3 KB/s (0.0x) - Maximum Read Rate: 3 KB/s (0.0x)
  21. I'm wondering how you've managed to create a backup containing multiple .rar files and not know what to do with them.
  22. Ok thanks, Here's what I got, I uploaded 4 screen shots. Image 1 is like you said (small GI with larger files) and it works. Image 2a GI does not work and creates the error message as shown in Image 2b. Image 3 is a single GI file (when you create a GI of a dvd that is small it will only create one file) and it generates that error message.... so it would only work with a GI that is made from a full DVD that has one small file and the rest gi's that are large. Thanks Yankee
  23. I burned a 2 layer DVD from the MDS file on an NEC RW ND-2510A DVD read-write machine, using Verbatim DVD+R DL disc media. I let ImageBurn create automatic ISO & MDS files. I verified the ISO image file with DVDInfoPro prior to burning, it said it was identical to DVD. When I put the disc into my Sony DVD player, I get the error message 'The Disc is Dirty C:13:70' as I did using DVD Decrypter. (I previously tried using FixVTS program with DVD Decrypter as well - same results) Thanks
  24. I Have Been using img since dvd decrypter isnt suported by vista, whenever i try to copy a dvd with imgburn a error message comes up saying Unable to Create or Replace File: C\: Pirate_of_the_caribbean.ISO Reason: Acess is Denied what could be causing this problem?
  25. Howdy,, and a good Weekend to one and all.. I am doing a major cleanup and backup of my two hd's and noticed that IB creates folders for each in my computer. For instance, C\&S\Me\Desktop\my backup folder. It does the same for other drives, I got an error msg that i had too many folder layers,, but figured out how to overcome this. My question is,, how do i create a disk,,,and have my primary backed up folder be the only one on the dvd? Hope this makes sense,,and thanks in advance anvil
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