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  1. Welcome aboard. Many of us did the same thing you did. Lots of wandering. All of us are happy that L_UK took everything in stride and managed to create a new tool for us to play with and a forum for us all to talk crap...... I mean learn from. *cough*
  2. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-2136617,00.html The Sunday Times April 16, 2006 Max Headroom creator made Roswell alien Marc Horne THE creator of Max Headroom, a 1980s television cyber-presenter, has claimed he was one of the hoaxers behind the Roswell film, the grainy black and white footage supposedly showing a dead alien being dissected by American government scientists after a UFO crash. Alien Autopsy, a movie about the footage, is currently on release across Britain. It stars real-life television presenters Ant and Dec. John Humphreys, a sculptor and consultant on Alien Autopsy who has also worked on special effects for Doctor Who, said it was he who made the models for the alien dissected in the original fake footage. His confession, 11 years after the Roswell footage was first shown, will raise questions about the role of Channel 4, which unleashed Max Headroom on the world in the 1980s and bought the UK rights to screen the Roswell footage in Britain. The footage was first exposed as a fake by The Sunday Times, but an estimated billion people still watched it around the world. Rather than being shot in 1947 near Roswell in the New Mexico desert as previously claimed, the film was actually made at a flat in Camden, north London, in 1995. Philip Mantle, a UFO researcher and author who has been investigating the Roswell hoax for 10 years, said Humphreys had been a prime suspect but had never before admitted involvement. Mantle, who next month will deliver a lecture at Glasgow University on the Roswell story, said: ?I didn?t think it would take so long, but I am delighted this hoax has finally been exposed and the mystery has been solved.? Humphreys, who is based in Manchester, says he also appeared in the Roswell film as the chief surgeon. The bug-eyed alien models were filled with sheep brains, chicken entrails and knuckle joints bought from Smithfield meat market. After filming, the dummies were cut up and dumped in bins across London. For a few short weeks the world held its breath after the 91-minute silent film was unveiled by Ray Santilli, a London-based video distributor. He claimed to have bought the footage, shot on 14 reels, from a retired American military cameramen. Humphreys said the Roswell film was shot by himself, Santilli and three others. He said he spent four weeks fashioning the models from latex using clay sculptures. Humphreys, a graduate of the Royal Academy who has also created special effects for the film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory starring Johnny Depp, says he only told his wife about the hoax when he was hired to work on Alien Autopsy. ?It was a very, very strange feeling to know that I had played a key part in it,? he said. Santilli, who is played by Declan Donnelly in Alien Autopsy, insists he was trying to ?re-create? a real Roswell incident. He claims he bought genuine footage that was badly damaged when it was exposed to the air after 48 years in a can. ?John was given very precise images to work with and what he did was sheer genius,? he said.
  3. G?day Dave. The easiest thing I can think of if your file associations are playing up is to delete the filetype altogether rather than trying to re-associate it with another program. So.. Delete filetype Reboot Re-create filetype Re-associate newly created filetype with program file (your icons may not appear until rebooting yet again.) Good luck.
  4. Thanks. I read the afterdawn article. Strikes me as awfully weird. Not the article, but the concept. Why create an....ah...deliberate pain in the ass and then make it removeable by simply flashing the next firmware update? Am I the only that finds that a little redundant and lot a waste of time?
  5. Hello all. Very nice forum you have here. Much information! So ... lemme get to it. This is a problem I've read about for the past 5 hours now in various locales across the internet. I own a Toshiba Satellite Laptop with a Matshita UJ-841S Super Multi Drive. I did a burn on a Verbatim DVD+R DL, and it went fine ... super actually. I then played the disc on my laptop and on my old desktop with no issues. When I got to my standalone player and my portable, I got nothing. Just spins. heh I've since learned that the issue is most likely in the Book Type. I need to be able to change mine to DVD-ROM in order for my other machines to play the dvd. Yeah. So, my Matshita drive isn't listed in the supported Book Type drives list, and I have to assume that my drive doesn't support booktyping then. Would I be correct in this assumption? And if so, will I also be out of luck when/if I go to burn a DVD+R? Erg. What a bummer. Does anyone know of any brands of standalone DVD players that will play this media? It seems rather silly to create a video disc that will only play on a computer. Should I just go buy an external DVD burner that supports booktyping if I choose to continue on this path? Thanks in advance for any input you have. Much appreciated. And despite my troubles, ImgBurn and Decrypter are mighty fine pieces of software.
  6. Phatboy, Aside from Kenadjian's comments, here is a tidbit from me. I am, by far, not an expert in this, but do you have another application that you might be able to use to create the DL image file? I've backed up "Flightplan" perfectly fine, but only using a single layer. However, I've read in other threads that some applications don't create DL images properly (or as well as others). Perhaps if you used another application to create your image, you may have more success. Just a thought...
  7. Hello I am creating a CD of my own music. I can burn the music to CD with Media Player but how do I create an image file to use with ImgBurn? Many thanks Andrew
  8. I have my files on my pc in a video_ts folder. When i open IMG burn and locate the files, i get to the video_ts folder and inside there are a number of files ending in .vob and another one which i cant remember. Which of these do i need to select in order for me to create a disc with IMGBurn?? thanks!
  9. Hola All, I know the ability to rip or create images from video DVD's got DVD Decrypter into trouble in the first place because of the "legal" issues. But are there any plans to put creating ISO image functionality back into ImgBurn without the video dvd decrypting support to avoid those pesky lawyers???? Gracias -here
  10. A quick question if I reathour a disc with dvd shrink and create an iso image to burn and use calculate optimal layer break setting I assume that image burn will try to find the best position is there any need to use pcgedit first as when there is no layerbreak present pcgedit will only guess the best position for the break anyway . Would I be just using an unnecessary step as they are both trying to do the same thing
  11. Ok ,maybe I see it differently , its a free program , I save all the releases to my hard drive and have done for a few years so I have all the IMGburn versions and a good few of others and if I have to revert back to one of those no big deal . I currently have 3 burning programs on my box and if by some reason 1 doesn't work then there's another and a disc is going to be burned one way or another . If this was commercial software I paid for then I would be upset if something didn't work. Nero has bugs and they fix them only to sometimes create others and the fixes dont happen overnight, YOU PAY and you wait . Img burn is always a work in progress always will be and problems occur ,show me anything in development that doesn't go through find and fix, bottom line is theres no program that doesn't go through it .The bugs will get fixed by LUK no doubt about it and with the addition of new features it will be the best, probably already is ..I remember another program he was involved with and it was and I'm sure still is the best at what it was meant to do and again FREE. Everyone has a job LUK included thats involved with IMGburn and has familys to support and as such cant spend 24/7 working on the program. I know my time is limited because of a hectic work schedule,the bills dont wait. This is LUK's baby and he releases the next version when he thinks its ready , if a bug is found so be it, if it was perfect then there would be one version and no others forthcoming ,its not, but that doesn't mean everyone isn't trying to make it perfect, we are. If you're short on patience then nothing is ever going to be fast enough or good enough and there is always going to be something that will F-up your day. Look at the bright side today IMGburn didn't fry any drives ,delete partitions , shift the earths axis or create any mayhem thats been attributed to it in past posts, tomorrow I'm not sure
  12. you can do multiple clips with Shrink you would put the various clips on your HD in seperate folders .Then with Shrink you could open the browser find the clip(video ts folder and open it , shrink analyzes the clip ,then you drag and drop the clip from right to left under DVD structure go back to the DVD browser( drive where the clips are ,its next to the compression settings ) and you would do the same thing with the next clip and the next untill you have what you want then hit backup and Shrik will create an ISO of everything and you can burn that with IMGburn
  13. How about .BIN files that have 2352 byte sectors? Programs like the old CDRWIN call these RAW images, and will burn all 2352 bytes for each sector. The author (Goldenhawk) in the help file suggested that this was only a good idea for 1st generation burns of a copy direct from the original. Otherwise one should allow the drive to write new ECC information in the area beyond user data (2048 bytes for mode 1/2336 bytes for mode 2) in each sector. I recall there were a bunch of programs that would "COOK" such an image to allow you to burn it with CDRWIN to allow your drive to create it's own ECC. These program would convert 2352 byte-per-sector images to 2048 (for mode 1) or 2336 (for mode 2) byte-per-sector images to accomplish this. So, what does ImgBurn do when one burns, say a 2352 byte per sector BIN image (single track of course)? Does ImgBurn simply disregard any bytes beyond the 2048 or 2336 of user data on-the-fly while burning? Or does it faithfully copy all 2352 bytes to each sector? I suppose the latter would be true RAW mode writing, so I'm assuming it doesn't do this.
  14. huh? The DVD Authoring application I use (http://www.mediachance.com/dvdlab/dvdlabpro.html) does not make "ISO images" (and I dont want it to, either), but simply creates a valid VIDEO_TS/AUDIO_TS structure in a folder on disk. Thus, I need something like bloated Nero to burn those files to disk. It already takes 10 minutes to mux a DVD project in dvdlab, I dont need another 5 minutes to create a ISO and then another 10 to burn it, if I could simply use <insert app here> and build+burn in one step (without creating temporary files).
  15. Yes, I think a lot of memory helps, but I don't think you need much to avoid issues. I had avoided using until recently because I saw the bug reports cropping up. Normally I never have an image on the same drive (or even the same IDE channel - I have boot drive on primary IDE, others on Promise Ultra controller), so I doubt that I'd see an underrun from competing with the windows swap file anyway. I happen to current have 1.5GB of DDR RAM on my 2.66 GHz P4 (non-hyper threading) computer. I decided to give a try because I wanted to get the verify curve on the DVDInfo Pro graphs. Anyway, I have NO issues with either the program or device cache emptying on me, and all works fine. I decied to open task manager before and during burning, and it looks like ImgBurn only uses about 12 MB of memory (in the process window) before burning and only about 33 MB during burning. I believe it was about the same with I also switched to the performance tab of task manger during the burn and I don't see any indication that large amounts of physical OR virtual memory are being used to create a cache for the whole image. This is on Windows XP Home SP2. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but all seems well with for me....no cache issues evident anywhere. What is it supposed to look like in task manager when all the memory disappaears during a burn? Does the available phyisical memory get consumed to leave 0 available as shown in the perofrmance tab? Mine stayed at about 1 GB free during the burn of a 4.3 GB single layer image...
  16. There was never any groudwork in DVD Decrypter for image building. You're confusing it with just reading the disc sector by sector to create an image. This is the next big thing I'll work on. No idea how long it'll take though
  17. Firstly, have used ImbBurn a couple of times and it's great (RIP DVD Decrypter - but glad I kept my installer! ) I've been fighting a project all weekend, and done a LOT of reading and digging around about layer breaks as a result (I've read though dozens of threads here too first) but I'm needing some 'inside information' in order to get over this stumbling block. In short, I have DVD Architect (was Sonic Foundry, now Sony Media Software ) and have made more than a few coasters today trying to burn a project from it to +DL (which has worked before, I dunno why this one is different.) It gets through the whole burn and goes to do the lead-out, and just dies. So, I've tried making an ISO image out of it and burning in ImgBurn instead, but DVD Architect doesn't seem to tag the IFOs with the layer break information when creating a disc image; only when you burn to an actual disc does it pop up and ask (it happens very late in the build process). When I do try to burn to a disc, it tells me I must add a chapter mark somewhere between a certain timecode of a certain title, which I've done. But besides the extra cell that gets created for the chapter mark in this title, I don't think it does anything special when you generate an ISO like it does when you burn a disc direct. Now, from everything I have read, layer breaks have to happen at a sector address divisible by 16 so as not to be in the middle of an ECC block. Since I want to pick the break point at a visually acceptable place in my video (a silent cut or scene change), I stand a pretty small chance of hitting the I-frame I want and by chance having that particular frame line up with a ECC block on the disc... so authoring apps like DVD Architect and Adobe Encore presumably take your chapter/layer-break mark and then shift the entire volume (changing all the sector addresses within all the IFOs and such) so that it lines up exactly on a sector number divisible by 16. So, finally my actual question here can/does ImgBurn do anything similar when attempting to find a place on it's own to put the layer break, or does it ONLY depend on there being a cell(s) that already line up exactly on a sector thats divisible by 16? Given this limitation of DVD Architect, is my only choice to just create a load of chapter marks and hope that one of them hits? Thanks in advance for any other technical info you might be able to provide. I'm trying to get a solution to my burning problem from within DVD Architect but I don't know how much help they will actually be in the end, their tech support is generally pretty worthless
  18. If I create an ISO with pgcedit and there are 0 byte VOB files in it, will imgburn handle these ok, cuz I've heard some burning programs have issues with them? What is the point of 0 byte VOBs anyhow?
  19. Howdy folks, I'm new to this site and have a question.I've used dvd shrink to create iso's of short video clips.Using IMGburn,I've created dvd's(using dvd-r) that work great in my living room dvd player of these individual iso's. Reading an earlier thread,I tried using the reauthoring tool to combine these iso's into one file.What i get is a MDS file.This file will burn using IMGburn,but is unreadable in my stand alone dvd player. Any suggestions on combining these short video iso's onto one dvd?
  20. Ive been trying to burn Saw 2 with no success. I have Imgburn, DVD Shrink, DVD Decryptor, DVD43. I dont even use DVD43. Ive been trying to follew the MrBass Guides but no luck. I though i had it once...First i used DVD Decryptor and put all the files on my hard drive..Then i used DVD Shrink to take some of the titles off. Then i tried to use image burn i selected I selected SAW 2.Under that folder were also Audio TS and Video TS, all the files were in Video TS none in Audio. But i selected The Parent folder which was Saw 2 which contained these two folders as the MrBass guide says. Then i choose a new directory for the ISO file that was to be created..ImgBurn didnt create an ISO file....just a regulare file...??? The promt said it was successfull...Yet when i right click on the properties, becuase the extension doesnt apear to be correct, it just says file..Does anybody have any output on this? because i dont understand.
  21. I?m curious as to how you managed to create an ISO without knowing why you created it or what to do with it. Unless, of course, it came from one of the peer-to-peer networks.
  22. polopony


    was looking at some sites for boot disks and found this one www.hitachigst.com/hdd/support/download.htm when I attempted to download the file it downloaded OK but when I went to open it it opened up IMGburn instead ,strange Download Now ---third one down create CD image
  23. i would say, create an image with pgcedit, because dvdshrink removes the layer break info and does not care about layer break. but notice pgcedit will create otp layer track i believe. best of luck
  24. create an ISO with DVD shrink and burn it with IMGburn its that simple use Verbatim +R Dual Layer discs only and you'll get a perfect copy
  25. Lastest version of scenarist (3.1) do not create more a .dvd file so all layer break are not encapsulated in I know that Info Creating VTS "VTS_1" Menu. Info Creating VTS "VTS_1" Title Info Layer1 starts at 509495 sectors in VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_3.VOB. [scene:t01_v001x021-t-s_10] Info DVD Video files created Info Info Creating Disc Image. Info Reading file list Info Extent start sector: layer0 = 291, layer1 = 1730496 Info Calculating file size and location Info 13 files total Info Disc Image created. so I can set Layer Break into setting by hand BUT I have observed is not possible specify if I want write in PTP (Paraller Track Path) or OTP (Opposite Track Path) in scenarist i have design for a OTP mode. Can I setup imgburn to write in this mode? PS exist an utility that permit to modify MDS settings created with imgburn option menu?
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