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  1. Apparently there's a way! How to Convert a Bootable USB to an .iso File Not exactly obvious (I'll give you that), but it does work! Not only did I create that ISO file, but I also put it in my multibooting USB key, AND I just confirmed that it does boot the Acer Recovery tool too!
  2. Thanks for your reply, LIGHTNING UK! Here is a screenshot of that tab. When I found that ImgBurn did not work for me I started trying to understand oscdimg.exe. I have not accomplished that yet, but found that it said: "For images larger than 4.5 GB, you must create a boot order file to make sure that boot files are located at the beginning of the image." I had tried to use oscdimg.exe without the BootOrder file and that did not work. I tried with the file presented here and had a error saying boot\memtest.efi could not be found and was being skipped. I have a thread open in the TechNet forum to see if I can get a up to data W10 BootOrder file. My image is greater than 10 GB. Does ImgBurn use a BootOrder file and if so can you please tell me where to find it? I put Strange in the title because I certainly do not understand. I have tried many things with no luck. Thanks and enjoy, John.
  3. It would be nice to see that feature again, but it's probably beyond the extent of ImgBurn. If we just go by its name, technically, the application should only burn images. The fact that it can create images it can burn is even a little bit beyond its initial function. Don't get me wrong; I'm glad ImgBurn can create images! But anything beyond burning images is really just gravy. I could something with an IFO feature, myself. For processing DVD's I make with my stand alone DVD recorder, converting my old camcorder tapes to DVD's.
  4. I have an ASRock X399 board with NVMe RAID support, but it requires pure UEFI support. I have gone into the UEFI (BIOS) and set CSM (Compatibility Service Module) to Disabled (UEFI only). When I boot into the Boot Menu (F11) I am shown only UEFI devices. I have used ImgBurn to create an ISO for many years and tried for a UEFI bootable ISO. I use Rufus to write the ISO to a USB stick and it boots fine. The strangeness occurs when I get to the W10 "Install Where" menu. I have to use "Load Driver" to be able to see the RAID drive properly. The loading of the drivers (3) seems to go fine, but Setup never displays the RAID device properly. I used an ISO DLed from MS and written to a USB by Rufus and it works fine. I do not know what additional information may be needed, but please let me - will keep an eye on the thread. I searched for information on settings for making a UEFI ISO and found none. Thanks and enjoy, John.
  5. Hello, I have read through the forums. I have a couple BD recorders, built into a laptop and a few LG drives in desktops. I read that LG was not a good drive for dual layer, which If would have know this before I would have bought something else.. But anyway, I have never burned a BD disk. So I have a program that is 55gb in size. I found Smartbuy 10-disc 50gb 6x Blu-ray Bd-r Dl Dual Layer Double Layer White Inkjet Hub Printable for about 1.89 a disk in a 10 pack on amazon. I would need to span across 2 disks. I also found 50 Verbatim Blu Ray 25 Gb Bd-r Single Layer 6x Speed Original Spindle Printable Blueray at 1.39 per disk and have to span 3 disks. Both will cost me 4 dollars to burn this project. My question is can I just drag the 55gb folder into the IMG burn software and it will span the disks? Or if I create an image file, will it span the disk? Back in the old days of floppy disks, if the file was to big for the disk it would span disks. I hope this is the case for blu ray.. If not, then I probably will never use the burner aspect of my drives which is a shame and buy a large external HD and store files there.
  6. There is a guide for this http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?/topic/11194-how-to-create-a-windows-vista-7-8-installation-disc-bootable-using-imgburn/
  7. I wrote another set of data that was about 32 GB that I could perform a verify of the contents on in another application. If it was going to fail at the layer change, this verify in the other application would fail to read the file. The verify on all files across both layers ended correctly, so the data was written properly by ImgBurn when done on the fly and not a Verify against an ISO file's contents. Next, just to see what kind of results I get, I'm going to use UltraISO to create a BD-50 image with the same contents as above. These types of burns I always create with UltraISO but burn with ImgBurn in my Pioneer drive to Verbatim BD-RE DL because the Verifies always failed on the LG. I'll use UltraISO or something else to burn the image in the LG drive to a Verbatim BD-RE DL. Then, I'm going to use ImgBurn to perform a Verify of the contents it didn't burn against the ISO file it created. See if that fails at the layer change. If it doesn't fail at the layer change, then it would seem that, for whatever reason, the ISO files aren't being written correctly by ImgBurn to Verbatim BD-R DL and BD-RE DL at the layer change. EDIT: Couldn't use UltraISO for burning. I forgot that most of its features don't work right. The only thing I've found it does right is that it will inject files properly into existing images, which is helpful for adding files to bootable images. The only feature I use it for. I've started the burn with Roxio NXT 4.
  8. I'd like to use my BluRay burner and the blank BD-R disks I have to create backup copies of all of the (essentially arbitrary) data files that I have stored on one particular disk drive and under one particular directory (over on my FreeBSD file server, which is Samba-exporting the relevant filesystem to my Windows7 system, where I run ImgBurn). I've already written a small Perl script which breaks up this great mass of data files into appropriately sized (25GB/23.3GiB) chunks such that no single file will be split across two of the target BD-R disks. This will make it easier to recover single files from the backup(s) should that ever be necessary. What I've just now realized is that although I have been using ImgBurn happily for years (for DVD backups) I actually don't know what I'm doing when it comes to using this fine tool for data archiving. Specifically, I am utterly confused about all of the available "Image Options", and would like some guidance. For this specific (data file archiving) aplication, what would be best? ISO 9660? UDF? Joliet? All of the above? I'm totally in the dark. My only requirement is that the resulting burned BD-Rs should be readable on Win7 and also on recent vintage Linux systems. (It would be Nice if they were readable also on recent vintage FreeBSD systems, but that's not a hard and fast requirement.) Also, with respect to UDF, I am being offered (by Imgburn) the choice of no fewer than six different UDF revision numbers. I have no idea which one of those will be "best" in this case, and don't have any idea what the pros and cons of the different versions are (and the ImgBurn guides and FAQ don't seem to say anything specifically about this). I've looked also at the summary of the UDF revisions on the applicable Wikipedia page, but it is all still rather opaque to me. And last but not least should I just stick with the default of "MODE1"? What is "MODE2" used for? Is MODE2 adding more error correction data? If so, I might want to use that. Advice on all of these points would be appreciated. P.S. The one useful tidbit of info that I was actually able to gleen from the ImgBurn guides regarding the above topics was that ISO 9660 permits only ancient DOS 8.3 filenames (yecch) which would be totally non-usable for me, but that Joliet allows filenames up to 64 bytes (characters?) and UDF up to 128 bytes (characters?). Of course, this all sort-of encourages me to use just straight UDF, but it also begs the question: What will happen if I have a file in a directory that has a 129-byte long filename and if I then ask ImgBurn to burn that (In straight UDF format) ? Will the filename just get silently truncated?? That would be Bad. And also, do these limits apply to just the filenames, or do they apply to the complete pathnames? Thanks in advance for any & all replies.
  9. You could, if you wanted, create a few extra folders for backups of those files, too, if you wrote them to a DVD-+R. While it probably never would happen, if you got a bad sector on the disc and couldn't read the files from the disc, the backup folders may still be readable and thus recoverable. While what would most likely happen is a bad sector would either not be limited to 1 or it would, most likely, render the entire disc unreadable, it is a cushion you might fall back on. You can play those MP4 files directly from the disc you make on a PC. Your DVD/Blu-Ray player has to support playing MP4 to play them from the disc and its navigation has to be programmed to accept MP4 input from optical disc. But, if it does, you shouldn't have problems playing the MP4's back from a disc.
  10. And, it depends on how you intend to play these video files, too. Depending on the method, that determines the type of disc you'll need to create. And that method determines how large the resulting disc needs to be. If you're just putting the 3 files on a disc, then, as LUK said, just add up the file sizes and see if it fits on a CD-R/RW, DVD+/-R/DL, or BD-R/E SL/DL. For instance, if you need the videos to play on a DVD player, then, you'll need to see if your player can play them from a disc. Otherwise, you'll need to convert the files to a DVD-Video VIDEO_TS, which will be larger than the files.
  11. The way creating custom .CUE files is now in ImgBurn is a little limited. You HAVE to write these .CUE files to CD's. You cannot write to image files or to any other disc format besides CD-R/RW. So, if you wanted to create an image file of an Audio CD created by an ImgBurn .CUE, you have to burn to CD and only CD (Doesn't work to other faster disc types.) and then read the CD to an image file.
  12. Hello, Just here to notify i am getting this same error using imgburn http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?/topic/22456-cant-create-...orillegal-mode-for-this-track/ Tested two data CDs in my laptop MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ892ES I ignored the errors and iso files seems to be OK. Thanks for imgburn
  13. See this post for the initial start of this "bug" which I can reproduce. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?/topic/24759-imgburn-created-2-folders-in-the-same-directory-with-the-same-name/ I don't think this did this before I updated to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. After updating, it seems to have started. Although, it could always have been there and I never encountered a case where I came across it before. However, I believe I have done this before the update successfully. What happens is if you create a folder in an .ibb job (It does not work if you drag and drop files/folders into the root directory.) and drag and drop files and/or folders from a disc in an optical drive into that folder, when ImgBurn creates the image file, the target folder is renamed Temporary Burn Folder in the image. If the contents are dragged and dropped into the root directory, they're added correctly. If you add contents from an HDD, it does NOT rename the folder Temporary Burn Folder. Only on optical discs as the source. I've tested this several times and it always does this after my update to Fall Creators Update. I shut down the PC and powered off in case it was something with the drive gone wonky. But, I've been able to reproduce it each time. The easiest way to test this, I've found, is to create a folder called Test in the root directory of an .ibb job file. Insert a disc into an optical drive, preferably with small files and/or folders, and add a few small files and folders to Test. Build the image and mount it/burn it, and check the root directory. In every case I've done this, Test becomes renamed Temporary Burn Folder. And if there are multiple folders in the root directory with contents from multiple optical drives, EACH folder is rename Temporary Burn Folder. Although, as I said before, I've NO idea how this can even possibly be. However, in my quoted post from earlier, the folders were named Temporary Burn Folders in the .ibb. My repeated tests saving these jobs to .ibb, the .ibb no longer ever has the folders named as Temporary Burn Folder. They're always named what they were named when I created the folders and named them in the sub folder. Can someone test this for me and make sure it is a reproducible bug on Fall Creators Update? Or is it just on my setup? Thanks!
  14. Technically, every disc is a data disc. It's how the hardware recognizes the format of the data that determines whether it will play it. Stick any Blu-Ray movie disc in a PC BD drive and open it in Windows/File Explorer, and you'll see a file and folder structure. Actually, I think audio CD's aren't data discs, now that I consider it. If you insert a music CD into a PC drive, I think Windows/File Explorer will only recognize it as an audio CD. You can create multi-track (I think it's a separate track.) for data on a music CD that Windows/File Explorer will recognize as data. But, traditional audio CD's played on a stand alone audio CD player aren't data discs because they were created like 35 years ago. As LUK said, the folder (I keep forgetting its name.) that stores the actual video streams, may not be authored correctly. Or the job settings that created the image were not correct for BD Video. Could also be that your Blu-Ray player doesn't like that particular BD disc brand you burned to. Is this your first time burning BD Video or have you done it before and it's suddenly started making discs that don't play?
  15. Hi there, Been a long time user of ImgBurn, but always used it in a sequential manner. I'm trying to figure out if I can automate the burning of multiple folders? Let me explain in more detail what I'm trying to do: The old way: I separate the files that I'm backing up into separate folders (i.e. f1, f2, f3) that fit onto a BD-R. I then launch ImgBurn, select that I want to burn files to disc, drag over the folder (say f1), press burn... and repeat for each folder. This takes forever because I wait until I have about 30 BD-Rs worth of files before getting around to doing the burning. What I have: I bought a Nimbie BD duplicator. Great little device... except the software is abysmal. The app that I'm using crashes constantly, is a pain to queue up jobs (the creator has no concept of GUI usability), and when the app eventually freezes, it's queue manager is buggy and not actually able to process queued items (it just burns a few megs then creates a coaster while claiming success) so I have I have to create the queue manually again using the terrible GUI only for it to crash again later and repeat this process each time... aaargh! What I'd like: I'd like to go back to using ImgBurn because I loved using it. I noticed that it supports the Nimbie, but as far as I can tell, the only way I can automate a build is to pre-convert everything into ISO files (this will take forever) or just have it make a bunch of copies of a single ISO file. Is there to batch up jobs like I did in the old way when I used to select files? So I could just do that 30 times, hit go and let ImgBurn burn the 30 discs? Thanks for the help.
  16. From step: Santa Cruz subverts the brand-new England You may make boys inside the Cruz therefore we sure as hell did sizes of skateboards. The Santa Cruz team visiting the Colonial to depart the elegant ground, palms and fascinating waves for virtually any bit. We started in New you can city where they throw your change and crumpled-up receipt to suit your needs finally, before using something within the corner market. Cracks and rough concrete will be the norm and Bondo is wonderful for pussies. The skate hospitality, however, is unlike individuals of free air travel travel. Men and women love this, it's inform you spots, offer you directions, selection sessions a few states away and obtain the factor you'll need because it is needed. The spots were coming hot: pools, backyard vert ramps, full pipes, street spots, DIYs, cold beers and BBQs all were had. Guzman, Shuriken, Sid, Borden, Cody and Strubing were along for that rip ride from New you can city to Wilmington, NC. Upon landing in New you can city, news was spread that Jason Jessee broke his wrist before we proven up. Damn! There goes my dream on shooting an image with Jason for that Bible. Next time. I swear! Skateparks are finally appearing all over the Colonial, nevertheless the resurgence of backyard ramps, bowls and DIY spots being built much like quickly. Quite different in comparison to early '80s when parks started getting bulldozed and skaters started building their own backyard scenes only to keep skating alive. Skateboarding is not dying soon, however, many skaters are planning on creating their own scene where they may do what they demand after they want. A forgotten lot, vacant building or even the old go-to, within bridge, the drive maybe there's to create strange products to skate, being from step and reluctant to adapt while using the guidelines inside the standard, pad-nanny parks. "The real reason for developing a place regarding this abandoned slab of concrete? How come not you take care of the brand-new skatepark the city created to suit your needs lower the street wonderful individuals other kids?" Needs for instance common questions that skaters shouldn't spend some time answering. Well, the brand-new England is loaded with many different DIY therefore we demonstrated up at hit many of them up: Shorty's, FDR, The Junk Place, Tim's ramp, Crater Bowl, Lost Bowl, Manassas Garage Bowl--a couple of of people we sessioned regarding this trip. Individuals were the spots we'd have loved to skate and people were the skaters we'd have loved to skate with complete skateboard review. And there are plenty really them around simply choose to search! It's good you'll find enough concrete parks at this time, but skateboarding will not ever truly thrive behind fences. We'd a few occasions of skating in Electricity, well, i had been pipe desiring shooting an opener inside the crew within the infamous Dischord Records house. Inside my mind I imagined us coming--unannounced--and Ian MacKaye walking out transporting that famous skateboard when using the From Step sheep relating to this. He'd let us skate his board constantly when you are watching house and spend some time over the porch and he'd reveal tales--like the one about him and Henry Rollins when using the Greyhound to California for first-some time to skating a couple of within the parks there inside the late '70s. He'd probably reveal concerning the Minor Threat show in Santa Monica where some dude leaped on stage and started biting his arm--simply to uncover later it absolutely was subsequently Jay Adams. I envisioned him graciously letting us recreate the famous photo from Minor Threat's Salad Days album, round the porch when using the Santa Cruz crew and him really walking to the photo, too. Oh wait! Everything really happened, no lie. It absolutely was the most effective impromptu stalking scenario imaginable. Ian is the best guys, hands lower what size skateboard to get. Just hospitality, mister! And i'm really glad you didn't see Emmanual Guzman puking besides the Dischord offices if you walked nearby from satisfy us. Sorry, Ian. But we're not able to become "Straight Edge."
  17. Hello. I'm attempting to create an image file from a dvd (copy dvd to my hard drive to subsequently upload to a blank dvd). I done this several times without incident but now I'm getting an error. I've attached a screenshot of the error. Please help?
  18. It certainly is excellent to acquire a call from Lee up at NHS that begins with, "Hey Rhino, you need to visit Australia for just two primary days while using the Creach crew?" The apparent the simple truth is, ". You consider it 'til you need to pack and acquire across the plane. Any lottery pick of team riders employing this crew is rad, combined with winning figures now were Navarrette, Partanen, Gravette, Bingaman, Hooker, newest team rider Ryan Reyes, and special Fiend Emmanuel Guzman. The street was Melbourne to Queensland, two vans, mega demos, when much piss should you could drink along the way. But there's a little wrench tossed for that plan, like in case you ignore certain needs, or once the true information on the trip aren't discussed when you turn up. Additional Aimers, photographers, and a pair of vans engrossed in Creature stickers advertising the Australian tour? Extra demos and BBQs and shop signings? https://github.com/skateszone/skate/wiki/How-To-Know-What-Size-Of-Skateboard-Should-I-Need-To-Get And then we all discover it merely a Aiming trip for your approaching Creature vid. Still, presently when some skateboard companies can't even be capable of escape town, these wrenches are super easy to use. It is a extended way if you wish to stone. Speaking DEMOS WITH DARREN NAVARRETTE The component that was the wedding pro demo you attended just like a kid? Negligence material Impact Tour--most likely 1988--in Dayton's Mall, downtown Minneapolis. There is a vert ramp along with a small street course acquiring a few launch ramps. The area was packed. Inside the eating some hotdogs, therefore we left and went skating downtown. The town was flooded with skaters. I used to be skating inside the mall and experienced Take full advantage of Kendall simply because they was departing. Hell yeah i used to be hyped! We simply saw Kendall! Are you aware it absolutely was a demo trip? I truly did not know. I assumed it absolutely was our regular Creature journeys where we'd go skate rad spots and shoot and movie our adventure individually. But number.. Not now. When we've got within the plane, both of these cars with "Creature Australian Tour 2012" plastered within the sides selected us up. I stated it loud: "Once the don't say demo throughout it, I'm unsure simply how much does.In . The quantity of demos what's about before coming australia? I heard we have to do three, nevertheless the number of them were only shop signings. And the quantity of have you will need to do? They reversed it here. It switched out that individuals had thee slow days, and individuals were the driving days! It began once the cars selected us up transporting out a 13-hour flight and informed us that individuals really needed to carry out a shop signing along with a demo that round-the-clock. That you simply think all of your bloodstream stream stream goes transporting out a 13-hour flight? For the ankles! Now go and jump lower to create! No lie, we really did three demos immediately. Describe an unofficial demo situation in regards to this trip. The component that was tabs on the BBQs? I used to be informed the demos is frequently more within the meet-and-greet. This family seems and states, "Rad, man! We drove seven hrs afterwards watch everyone!" I assumed to myself, "They drove seven hrs to look at us eat hotdogs?Inch What is the worst question someone can inquire inside the demo? "Why your gaming character so a lot better than you?" What's your go-to trick inside the demo? https://github.com/skateszone/skate/wiki/How-To-Choose-The-Best-Complete-Skateboard-For-Beginners-2017 Is acting as being a team manager a trick? The component that was the very best demo within the trip? Belconnen skatepark. A1 and Eman nicknamed me the Demo God. I had been just bummed the factor I selected over skate was before 100 people, which day was the only real day we could exist because we'd another meet-and-greet BBQ every morning. I merely selected over ride it badly that folks guess I shut it lower. Combined with worst? I suppose Newcastle. Some 10-year-old kid stole my board, nonetheless this process was type of rad. I merely began running, full-on Forrest Gump style, while using the whole demo following behind me. All of the kids were yelling, "We are gonna kill him!" We thought she got away, however an arbitrary lady goes, "Pardon me, I saw the entire factor," and suggests a fat kid. Precisely what a ruler! The small snot-noser denied it initially, however he pulled numerous damaged cigarettes from his pocket and began crying. He mentioned some older dude and a pair of chicks told him they'd provide him with with cigarettes if he stole a board by themselves account. To make sure that may have really got the most used demo, since it meant to not get to accomplish before 300 kids. The next time you have to Australia, just how can the trip come lower? We are gonna go concurrently as Tony Hawk so nobody might even know we are there. EMAN'S 420 PARTY ROLLS I acquired hungry and go to a 7-11 across inside the hotel on a single wet night in Newcastle. They'd these little sausage things known as 420 Party Rolls. I wasn't thinking about buying them, however observed you will observe a cartoon inside the skateboarding bird putting on a bib within the package i understood it had been future. I acquired Them and saved the treatment lamp. Within the yesterday within the tour, Duncan (our Aussie friend and driver for your trip) emerged and did the outline work, a few inside the crew (Rhino, Darren, Al, Noah, and Gravette) contributed somewhat ink for the designated zones. It's funny: The entire factor got infected aside from the outline, but no lower were ruffled and additionally it switched out tight!--Guzman NEW CREATURE ADDITION RYAN REYES Ryan's among the easiest skaters to visit somewhere with. He proven towards obtaining a Mr Rogers sweater on, he'll get creeped out by silverware, and he'd rather sleep on the ground greater than a bed. No under he saves us cash on resort rooms. Also, he loves shitty radio music and could get yourself a grin on his face when susceptible to eight-hour drive before us. "Eight hrs? Really? I'm not able to restrain!In . Nothing appears to daunt him. It absolutely was type of his first trip while using the Creature guys. Darren nicknamed him "Fire Starter" because he'd visit anywhere and rip. He's doing what he's doing and does not care. Does he have issues? Yeah, but that is why him unique! FIVE Why You Ought To BRING DAVID GRAVETTE Over The SKATE TRIP 1 He'll get drank across the plane and supply all around the aisle 2 Will shut lower the demos with Indiana 360s, fly-outs, and back flips 3 Probably to piss on another person's luggage within the accommodation 4 Tales for almost any few days within the van https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-size-skateboard-should-i-get-skates-zone 5 You'll witness him scorpion no under 10 occasions per trip
  19. Decades ago, ping Pong players provided among the West's first openings to communist China. It was explained as ping pong diplomacy. Now ping pong may offer a different sort of opening in the Beijing Olympics. The United States will be represented by players for whom the trip to China feels just like going home. All four members were born in China. That includes the group's top female player, Gao Jun Chinese dominates the world of ping-pong, though there's an Effort to change that. Here is NPR's Frank Langfitt ping pong paddles review FRANK LANGFITT: From athletic standards, Gao Jun is older - 39 years old. Some years back she thought about retiring, then China won its bid to host the Summer Olympics Ms. GAO JUN (Ping-Pong Player): I feel like, oh, Olympics in Beijing - that's likely to be, you know, a lot of fun. So I believe, oh, perhaps I can playwith, and perhaps I can move LANGFITT: Gao used to play for China. In 1992, she won a Silver medal in the Barcelona Olympics. Afterwards, she moved into the U.S. to get married. But playing here was frustrating. Back in China, ping-pong is a serious game you can see on TV. Here it is something you play at a basement, such as air hockey Ms. GAO: ping pong in The U.S. is - I can't say it is that - but it's really no good LANGFITT: In fact, Gao says the competition is so poor here, She must live most of the year in Shanghai only to keep up her skills Gao's game looks like the one you see in American rec rooms. Here she's warming up with an opponent at a bar near her former home in Maryland. Her shoes squeak as she slides back and forth across the floor. She flicks her paddle, shooting the ball at speeds up to 70 miles an hour To get a feel for the Olympic level game, I pick up a paddle Ms. GAO: Ready? LANGFITT:. No, I'm sure I am not, but proceed best ping pong tables (Soundbite of laughter) Ms. GAO: Oh LANGFITT: That is Gao's response as I send her first function Sailing off the dining table. When she functions she pieces the ball with her paddle. It comes corkscrewing towards me. I knock this one straight into the Internet (Soundbite of ball bouncing) LANGFITT: Thus I can't get it up over the net Ms. GAO: If you cannot read my spin LANGFITT: Then I can't return it? Ms. GAO: No LANGFITT: Gao opinions on my own form. She is appalled Ms. GAO: Look how you hold your own racket. It's like you're Holding a knife LANGFITT: Yup, it is Beijing marks Gao's fourth Olympics. Some younger U.S. Players think that is too many. Not Able to Create their national group, older Chinese players often go abroad and then dominate the groups of other countries. That's what Chen Weixing did. He plays for Austria. Today he's demonstrating a function at Club Joola, a ping-pong center outside Washington, D.C Mr. CHEN WEIXING (Ping-Pong Player): You must go like this LANGFITT: Among his student's is 16-year-old Amaresh Sahu. Sahu admires Chinese-born players, but he also resents them Mr. AMARESH SAHU (Student): I think it's great for us to view Their fashions. However, I believe for them to take up so many spots over and over and again, and just refuse the gifted players here to go up to global competition is sort of wrong. And you don't really know if they are really playing for us, or they just want to go play LANGFITT: The International ping pong Federation needs to make it easier For people such as Sahu. Before this season, it left a new rule. Most overseas players must reside in their adopted country for a time period before they can compete for their new country abroad. The principle, however, does not apply to the Olympics, and it isn't retroactive Richard Lee runs Club Joola. He says the limitations may Give native-born players more chances in the home Mr. RICHARD LEE: However, the problem is once the U.S. players move Abroad and suddenly play with a Chinese participant or a European participant, they are going to get crushed Best Ping Pong Robot/Machine & How To Choose LANGFITT: Gao Jun admits she takes opportunities away Out of native-born players. But she says fans wish to see competitive games, and often that means Chinese against Chinese. With Gao pushing 40, I ask her about the long run Ms. GAO: I believe after 2008 I will stop. But perhaps, who Understands, after four years, next Olympics come, I believe, oh, nevertheless nobody could beat me at the U.S. Maybe I'll start again. I really don't understand LANGFITT: For today though she is focused on this month in the Beijing University gymnasium in which the audience will be a sell out and Nobody will Equate ping-pong with air hockey.
  20. It seems unlikely a Blu-Ray Video disc would be just 2 GB. Unless you made it yourself. Did you create it? If so, did you add a VIDEO_TS folder to the ISO? If so, that's a DVD Video disc. If it's a DVD Video disc, you have to burn it to a DVD in order to get a standalone player to recognize it. Blu-Ray is more scratch resistant (They're not scratch proof. Take a pair of scissors to them and see if they resist scratches.) but if you put VIDEO_TS to a BD disc, you can only get it to play in a software player on a PC. Unless the ISO just contains a container file in 1920x1080. A 2 GB container file might explain that. If that's the case, then burning to a BD might have its advantages. A standalone Blu-Ray player that supports reading that container file type from BD discs would work and you'd get the scratch resistance you want. You could try burning it to a DVD. If it's not a CMC MAG DVD, it would help isolate if your problem is caused by CMC MAG BD. However, you may end up "wasting" a disc. If it is Blu-Ray Video content, then a standalone Blu-Ray player won't play it either. Blu-Ray players check the physical type of media inserted to decide what format to play. Blame stupid Sony for this.
  21. I did forget 2 things. Your target folder for creating a new image file may be on a FAT32 partition instead of NTFS. If it's FAT32, the new image file MUST be split into parts if the image file is greater than 4 GB. Since you said the image was 6 GB, if you have a FAT32 partition, you can't merge the split parts into a single ISO on that partition. Your ImgBurn settings may have image files split into parts at certain file sizes. If so, you'd have to change the setting so it doesn't split the image files if you were going to mount the image and create an image from the virtual drive. I believe I did say you would have to create an MDS in ImgBurn's Tools menu with the split parts if you didn't have an MDS for mounting in a virtual drive software.
  22. Thanks but I'm not following you just yet. You suggest 'Mount the split image in virtual drive software and use ImgBurn to create an image of the virtual drive letter without the splitting'. But when I use imgburn to split a 6GB disk I get two files, program.i00 and program.i01, neither of which is an ISO image. Thus I can't mount them. Your second suggestion 'Load the MDS or create one from the split parts in ImgBurn and load that new MDS. Burn the image to a disc and use ImgBurn to image the disc you just burned' would work fine but the computers to which I have access don't normally have dvd writers. Ideally I want a way to recombine the two imgburn files into one image for mounting on the recipient computer. Thanks for your help. Any further suggestions are very welcome. regards Robert
  23. And I can think of 2 alternate ways. Mount the split image in virtual drive software and use ImgBurn to create an image of the virtual drive letter without the splitting. The other way is a bit more work. Load the MDS or create one from the split parts in ImgBurn and load that new MDS. Burn the image to a disc and use ImgBurn to image the disc you just burned. So, use a rewritable disc if you have one to save on discs. It will take longer, but you won't have a disc you're just going to throw away. Thought of a possible 3rd option if you have UltraISO. UltraISO might be able to read in the MDS of the split image. Then, you choose to save the image as a new ISO file.
  24. Hi! I have a problem storing ISO images on a usb flash disk. I travel a lot and my work takes me to places with little or no internet access. I use whatever computers are at hand. I carry my software as ISO images on a usb stick and install it on the computer available when on site. I use a 128 GB flash drive formatted to FAT32. This formatting enables me to use it on Android tablet and phone. My question is: how to I make ISO images of software where the ISO file size exceeds the 4GB limit of FAT32? I've used imgburn to make an ISO image, splitting the file into components of less than 4GB. These are stored on the flash disk as program.i01, program.i02 etc and program.mds. I want to be able to combine the components back into one single ISO file on the hard disk of the computer I'm using. Then I can mount that ISO file and install the software. I rarely have access to a dvd burner so I'm limited to writing the ISO file to a hard disk. I tried 'create image file from disk' but that requires a disk as source and not an ISO file. I tried 'write image file to disk' but that requires a dvd burner as destination rather than ISO file. 'Build' requires files not ISO images Any suggestions? Thanks in advance Robert, Australia
  25. Hey guys ,I had created the Puppy linux software on cd for windows but now I would like to create on a pc a bootable cd or dvd with the linux software for use on a mac. I went here and downloaded the mac version of Puppy linux which is called "macpup" : http://macpup.org/ I am having problems creating the bootable disc with this file, can anyone tell me if it can be done please?
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