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How to burn 14.5 GB video files to two DL DVD's


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Obvious Newbie here, so no assumptions please.


In the past I have successfully used the Build mode to burn many DVD's of movie's to DVD, because the size always was within the capacity of disks. Now I have 16 episodes (52 files) 14.5GB of a show I wish to burn to DVD.


I am using Verbatim 8xDVD+R DL disks.


I have a folder labeled VIDEO_TS with the 52 files (.VOB, .BUP, .IFO) I wish to burn.


When I choose this and go to build it obviously comes up with the error that the files exceed capacity of disk space.


I tried to load just half the episodes (VTS_01 - VTS_08) and build it separately but it was looking for the next chapter and not finding it (VTS_09) and therefore did not complete the task.


How can I accomplish my task?


When it gives me an error saying files too large for disk..."do you wish to continue anyway"? Can I just go ahead and the program will ask for another blank media when it fills the first?


I have not tried that as I did not wish to waste a DVD DL to find out.


I did check the FAQ's and Guides first. I found a perfect description of my task in burning to DL DVD's but the example had files that fit within the space...mine do not.


Thanks for suffering through this question.



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You'll have to use a reauthoring program to split the content.


Any suggestions?


I used VSO DivxToDVD originally. I do not know if that program can split content or do I go after another program to split Video files I know have?


Thanks for the pointers!

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Why don't you just re-encode the source files (which I assume were AVI files) and put 3-4 (or 6-8 if using DL media) episodes on a disc?





I guess I've been fortunate with my "known"procedures in the past, not thinking through all that is really taking place to try something different.


Thanks for pointing out an obvious solution.


And thanks for a great tool!



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