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system freeze after burning


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Beeing totally new to ImgBrn and after searching the FAQ I have to post my problem here, hoping for help:

Everytime after a CD is completely burned (functioning copy beeing made) my system freezes when ImgBrn is trying to close (therefore i cannot include a log-file...). I`m using windows xp sp3 and as hardware NEC ND3570A, latest firmware. If you need any more information, feel free to ask!

Thanks for your help!



edit: managed to add a log file - that

Edited by michap
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The drive is connected to a controller operating in RAID mode, and this usually doesn't work nicely with optical drives.


Look in your computer's BIOS for a setting like Compatibility Mode / Controller Mode (it's usually in Integrated Peripherals) and change it to IDE.

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