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LO Data Zone Miscompare Error


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I am running the latest version of imgburn and attempting to burn Xbox 360 iso's onto Verbatim 8X which are made in singapore. I have been attempting this at a speed of 2.4X on a LG GU20LU10 for the past week without any joy. The burner was only purchased last Sunday (9th June 2009) and it has had the frimware updated to the latest version. I have set my .dvd files to open straight onto imgburn and when I place a disc in and it gives the details this is what appears in the top right box.



Current Profile: DVD+R DL


Disc Information:

Status: Empty

Erasable: No

Free Sectors: 4,173,824

Free Space: 8,547,991,552 bytes

Free Time: 927:32:74 (MM:SS:FF)

Supported Write Speeds: 2.4x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x



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You might find that drive prefers burning those 8x Verbatim discs at 8x or 10x rather that 2.4x or 4x.


You'll have to ignore the layer break miscompare, some LG drives don't report the modified layer break position until the disc has actually been burnt (notice it took no time at all to set the LB before it then tried to compare it to the position it should be at).

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Thanks for the suggestion and I'll give it a try. Just to be completely certain I understand what you are saying could you confirm the following statement is what I should do.


"Open imgburn via the games .dvd file and attempt a burn at either 8X or 10X and even if I get the same miscompare error coming up ignore it and continue to burn the disc"


Also should I run it with verify in case of any other errors that may crop up.


Sorry for being a bit cautious but been on here since about 7am and presently working my way through 218 pages on the forums to see if any one else has had the same problem so my brains a bit numb. :wacko:


Plus would it be worth turning off AVG, Zone Alarm and Spy Sweeper while burning this disc or is that asking for trouble?

Edited by andyt
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Yes, open the .DVD file at try to burn at 8x or 10x.... basically, any speed you haven't already tried will do - so you might have to waste a maximum of 3 more discs trying 6x, 8x and 10x.


Yes you should run it with Verify enabled - it's on by default for a reason :)


Yes you should ignore the miscompre error for your drive. Had there have been 10+ seconds between the lines...


I 07:55:51 User Specified L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,913,760


W 07:55:51 L0 Data Zone Capacity Miscompare!

W 07:55:51 Wanted: 1913760, Got: 2086912


... then that would have suggested to me that drive HAD actually tried to position the LB there and then and it had failed. As your drive set it and checked it in the same second, I can tell the drive didn't actually do anything. The miscompare error is basically caused by a bug in the firmware - I'm sure it should still report the new position even if it hasn't actually updated the disc yet.


You can and should leave all your AV stuff on. They won't slow the burning down when it's just reading from 1 large file.

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Tried burning at 8X and it failed. Burn log posted below. Now gonna try at 6X. :angry:



; ImgBurn Version - Log

; Saturday, 13 June 2009, 11:55:39

; \\****************************************//



I 11:36:03 ImgBurn Version started!

I 11:36:03 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 3)

I 11:36:03 Total Physical Memory: 785,908 KB - Available: 192,664 KB

I 11:36:03 Initialising SPTI...

I 11:36:03 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 11:36:03 Found 2 DVD-ROMs, 1 DVD

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