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Adjusting file size to fit onto a DVD... how?

Rich B

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Hello all...


I've created a two-hour-and-15-minute documentary using CyberLink's PowerDirector program. When I burned my DVD using their Create Disc function, the audio on some of the tracks (not all) is a second or two off, which is not good if you're doing a head-shot interview. I've checked the original mpeg2 files and they're fine -- the problem comes in the encoding.


So one of the users on their forum suggested I use ImgBurn. I've downloaded the program and I'm eager to give it a try.


Only one problem: I can't figure out how to encode the mpeg2 files at a (slightly) lower quality to get all 2:15 to fit onto one DVD.


The original PowerDirector mpeg2 files were rendered using a "DVD HQ" setting. When I burn my disc using the PowerDirector "Create Disc" function, I can go in and adjust the settings of the files so that they're encoded in a smaller size and can fit onto one DVD. (But then the audio-is-misaligned problem arises.)


So, my question is this: is there a way, using ImgBurn, to adjust the settings to a (slightly) lower quality so that I can fit everything onto one DVD?


Thanks in advance for the help.


-- Rich

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