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Hey there,


I'm a complete newbie to Imgburn and in need of some help. I download quite a lot of t.v. shows and wanted to put two files onto one disc. I've already changed them all into Iso. files but I'm unsure how to put two iso. files onto one disc.


Unbeknown to me I actually managed to get three of my t.v. episodes onto a disc using Imgburn the other day but I've no idea how this happened and now each time I try to burn a new iso. file my previous file I burnt is appearing on the disc before this new one.


If anyone can help i'd be most grateful.


Thanks !

You can't.


You need to combine the contents of the two iso's and then make a single 'larger' iso.


oh okay, thanks. But how do I actually combine two files into just one iso. file?


Erm.... it's not exactly my field, but I'd guess with something like ConvertXToDVD.


That is of course assuming you want them in a format you can play on a dvd player - and one that doesn't already support divx!


I might be wrong but can't Shrink do this ? Ages ago I seem to remember fiddling around with Shrink to see what it could do and I thought you could take 2 iso's on your PC and join them ?


Don't take my word for it tho - I might have been :drunk: and just thought I had done this !! :lol:


Yeah - shrink in compilation (re-author) mode.


Open the ISOs with Ctrl-I or mount em.



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