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Failed to set L0 Data Zone Capacity


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I've tried using 2 types of dual layer disc's: Memorex DVD+DL 8x and Verbatim DVD+DL 8x , and I get the one of two errors every time: Invalid write address or Failed to set L0 Data Zone Capacity


Drive/Disc info:


Current Profile: DVD+R DL


Disc Information:

Status: Empty

Erasable: No

Free Sectors: 4,173,824

Free Space: 8,547,991,552 bytes

Free Time: 927:32:74 (MM:SS:FF)

Supported Write Speeds: 4x



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It being able to burn SL discs isn't really relevant here.


You're trying to burn DL media and it's failing to perform a function that's only performed on DL media.


If the drive has failed to do it on 2 types of media (Verbatim being the best available) and you've already cleaned the drive, there isn't much else you can do.


You *might* have more luck with the 2.4x speed Verbatims (MKM-001-00 dye) but they're getting harder to come by.


You could also contact whoever made your PC and see if there are any firmware updates available for the drive.

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