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Imgburn Shuts Down During CD Burn


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So, running Windows XP SP3 on E8500 Dual Core w/4 GB RAM. Two Samsung burners, 1 EIDE, 1 SATA. Everythign works ok. I can burn DVD 5's, DVD9's, all without any issues.


When I burn a CD, if I allow it to verify the cd, the tray cycles and as soon as device starts to read the disc Imgburn shuts down. If I choose NOT to verify, the burn completes as normal, the "Complete" button pops up, and when I click "OK" Imgburn shuts down.


When I go to look for the log, it's as if the burn never happened.


The CDs are burning ok, the data is there, but I'd prefer it to verify this for me.


Any suggestions?



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Hi and welcome to the forum, Lemonhead! :)


The same issue with both burners?


The only thing I can think of is that the auto player is grabbing the disc.


You have the setting 'Lock Volume' enabled in the Write tab in the Settings?

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