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What Media Should I Choose?

So Solid Jedi

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Did you seriously just ask that question?!




It's posted all over the forum.


Verbatim make the best DL discs.


It's really down to your drive/firmware as to whether you can get away with (or are indeed better off with) the MKM-003-00 discs over the MKM-001-00 discs.


As for printable Vs non-printable, that should be obvious. If you want to print on your discs then you should buy the printable ones. If you don't then you shouldn't!


P.S. This is NOT an 'ImgBurn Support' question is it. :chair:

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Sorry for wasting people's time. i just hear that printable ones might crack or deterriate over time compared to the non printable verbs, its probably scaremongering tho isnt it? To be honest the price is no different for me between printable and non printable, i do however prefer the non printable because its reassuring to see the Verbatim Logo on them whereas the Printable ones, there's no way of telling. I guess, in the end, it comes down to own preferrence. :thumbup:

Edited by So Solid Jedi
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i have printed discs from 5 yrs ago, they haven't cracked yet ;)

as to whether or not you can see the verbatim logo or not, if you are only using verbs, then you know it's a verb, and for dual layer, they are the best

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