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Special Characters

Joao Gomes

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Hi there


Can anyone tell me how can I stop imgburn from changing words with special characters when burning a disc?


In words like "Neuköln" the "ö" appear as the mathematical division sign (two points, one above the other, with an horizontal bar in the middle).


I've tried several things with no sucess.


Thanks in advance for your help

João Gomes

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ImgBurn fully supports Unicode in both the Joliet and UDF file systems.


The log file would tell us if there's a problem with that.


What are you checking said discs with exactly?


Thanks for your answer, LIGHTNING UK!


I'm inexperient with this thing of file systems, so I was just burning with ISO9660.

After your tip I google around to learn more about file systems and I've just made a small test with ISO9660+UDF and it looks like it worked.


Thank you, once more, for your help!


Best regards

João Gomes

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