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Using Batch file to write images


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I'm trying to use ImgBurn for automatic backups of different folders of my system.

Currently I'm using one batch to create ISO-files and after that I would like to use a second batch file to burn the created images.


The creation of the images is working fine and without any problems.


But as soon as I try to write the image to disc nothing happens.

The batch just opens ImgBurn and does not do anything.


Attached you will find the two batch files - perhaps I have missed something there?!


set jahr=%date:~-4%
set monat=%date:~-7,2%
set tag=%date:~-10,2%

for /f %%i in (liste.txt) do "ImgBurn.exe" /MODE BUILD /BUILDMODE IMAGEFILE /SRC "%%i\" /DEST "ISOs\%jahr%-%monat%-%tag%__%%i.iso" /FILESYSTEM "UDF" /UDFREVISION "2.01" /VOLUMELABEL "%jahr%-%monat%-%tag%__%%i"  /rootfolder yes /start /close /noimagedetails



set brenner="e:"

for /f %%i in ('dir isos\*.iso /b') do "ImgBurn.exe" /MODE WRITE /SCR "ISOs\%%i" /DEST %brenner% /COPIES 1 /SPEED 10x /ERASE /DELETEIMAGE YES /START / CLOSE /WAITFORMEDIA /LOG "%jahr%-%monat%-%tag%.log"

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for /f %%i in ('dir isos\*.iso /b') do "ImgBurn.exe" /MODE WRITE /SCR "ISOs\%%i" /DEST %brenner% /COPIES 1 /SPEED 10x /ERASE /DELETEIMAGE YES /START / CLOSE /WAITFORMEDIA /LOG "%jahr%-%monat%-%tag%.log"

Typo there, it should be /SRC :thumbup:

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It's /SRC, not /SCR.


Also, your /CLOSE switch has a space between the / and the CLOSE.


EDIT: Doh too slow!


This is a better line (handles spaces in image file names)...


for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir ISOs\*.iso /b') do "ImgBurn.exe" /MODE WRITE /SRC "ISOs\%%i" /DEST %brenner% /COPIES 1 /SPEED 10x /ERASE /DELETEIMAGE YES /START /CLOSE /WAITFORMEDIA /LOG "%jahr%-%monat%-%tag%.log"

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for /f %%i in ('dir isos\*.iso /b') do "ImgBurn.exe" /MODE WRITE /SCR "ISOs\%%i" /DEST %brenner% /COPIES 1 /SPEED 10x /ERASE /DELETEIMAGE YES /START / CLOSE /WAITFORMEDIA /LOG "%jahr%-%monat%-%tag%.log"

Typo there, it should be /SRC :thumbup:



Thanks a lot!!!

I have been looking at it since two days and did not find that small typo...

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