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NTLDR Not Found error with bootable ISO image


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I have read your Guides and wanted to make a bootable CDR containing some hardware firmware images.


I did the following:

1. Selected 'Create image file from files/folders'

2. Provided labels under 'Labels' tab

3. Took defaults under 'Advanced' tab for Media and Restrictions.

4. Under bootable tab, used the 'Extract Boot Image' and selected my XPPro Installation CD. I accepted the option to use it in my project

5. Left Load Segment (0x07C0) and Sectors to load (4) at defaults.

6. Selected my files

7. Saved the ISO image to my harddrive.

8. Changed the mode to 'Write'

9. Selected the ISO image saved in step 7

10. Wrote the file to my blank CD


All steps were executed with no errors or warnings.


When I attempted to boot my target machine with this image, I got the error:


> No NTLDR found


Can you see what I've done wrong here?


Thanks in advance for the help,



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It seems you didn't have an I386 folder at the root of the disc, or else ImgBurn would've suggested the OS installation disc settings. Is that a Windows installation disc or a Windows PE ("LiveCD")?


On another note...

I 16:44:24 Destination Device: [0:1:0] ATAPI iHAS324 A BL1D (F:) (ATA)


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The disk was the Windows XP Professional - SP2 (x86) Installation disk.


I've attached an image of the listing as shown in the file browser.


I wondered about the small image size (~2Kbytes)...


Any idea on a setting mistake I've made or OS configuration that would cause ImgBurn to miss it?


I have run this on both Windows 7 (x64) and Windows XPPro (x64).


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OK - here is perhaps the misunderstanding.


I didn't think I had to re-specify H:\ in the source box because the necessary files would be in the boot image I had created.


BTW, I did check the I386 directory on the disk I used for the boot image and confirmed that both NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM are in the I386 directory.


So now I'm curious what is in my boot image file, which is only 2Kbytes or so, given that the I386 directory itself is 477MBytes.


- Is the image extractor pulling out only what is needed from the I386 directory?

- Is there a way for me to re-open the boot image file to see what has been stored there?

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The boot image is taken from a special place within the file system. It's not something you can see in Explorer and that's the whole point in having a special feature for doing it.


You still need to add everything you see there in H:\ to the image in order for it to actually work.


Isn't that shown in my guide?!

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