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File/Folder Burning


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I have a folder that has subfolders inside of it sitting on my external drive that I am burning to a DVD. The folder size on my external drive is 27mb. When I successfully burned it to my DVD, the folder size was different then my folder size on my external drive. I was just trying to make sure that the burn was 1 to 1 and I'm not loosing any data. What causes this?



Edited by TJMacc
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The program tells you how many files/folders are being burnt - do those numbers match up?


Also, if things are missing/skipped, they'll show up in the log window. (The only way they wouldn't is if you don't have 'Recurse Subdirectories' enabled)


Thanks for your responce,


Yes. The number of files/folders & sub-folders do match after the burn. I then checked both folders for size and they were different. When I open both folders to display the sub-folders, here is where I get 1 or 2 of the same sub-folder that do not match in size(mb). The log did,nt indicate any missing files/folders/sub-folders. How do I enable the "Recurse Subdirectories" and what effect, if any, will this have when I'm not using Imgburn.


Thanks again,



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On the 'Options' tab.


The option is an ImgBurn option, it has no effect on anything else.


When comparing the size, you are looking at the right values yeah? i.e. don't go by the 'size on disk' one.


I don't see an option tab. How do I get to it?


In regards to the sizing, here's is what I did about a half hour ago. I selected the folder that is sitting in 'my documents' and displayed it on the left side of my screen which showes the size in mb. I then selected the same folder that I burned on my DVD and displayed it on the right side of my screen which showes the size in mb. The size of the folder that was burned on the DVD is different then the folder that is in "my documents". What I did next was to open both folders and display all of the subfolders. What I found was the sizes on both sets of subfolders had the same sizes. Im at a loss. Below is a short copy of a log when I burned one of my folders last week. What are hidden files? I appreciate you spending your time on this. I'm hoping this turns out to be ok.


Thanks again, TJMacc




I 16:07:04 Operation Started!

I 16:07:04 Building Image Tree...

W 16:07:04 Skipped Hidden File: C:\Documents and Settings\Tony Maccariello\My Documents\Backup-Publisher Pro Clip Art\CLIPART (D)\Thumbs.db

W 16:07:04 Skipped Hidden File: C:\Documents and Settings\Tony Maccariello\My Documents\Backup-Publisher Pro Clip Art\CLIPART (D)\4500 Greatest Pictures\animals\Thumbs.db

W 16:07:04 Skipped Hidden File: C:\Documents and Settings\Tony Maccariello\My Documents\Backup-Publisher Pro Clip Art\CLIPART (D)\4500 Greatest Pictures\art\Thumbs.db

W 16:07:04 Skipped Hidden File: C:\Documents and Settings\Tony Maccariello\My Documents\Backup-Publisher Pro Clip Art\CLIPART (D)\4500 Greatest Pictures\Birds\Thumbs.db

W 16:07:04 Skipped Hidden File: C:\Documents and Settings\Tony Maccariello\My Documents\Backup-Publisher Pro Clip Art\CLIPART (D)\4500 Greatest Pictures\business\Thumbs.db

W 16:07:04 Skipped Hidden File: C:\Documents and Settings\Tony Maccariello\My Documents\Backup-Publisher Pro Clip Art\CLIPART (D)\4500 Greatest Pictures\Cornice\icons\Thumbs.db

W 16:07:04 Skipped Hidden File: C:\Documents and Settings\Tony Maccariello\My Documents\Backup-Publisher Pro Clip Art\CLIPART (D)\4500 Greatest

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It's on the main screen!


Information, Options, (Media), Labels, Advanced.


Hmm now you're asking what hidden files are... this is basic stuff. Try Googling 'What is a hidden file' !


The thumbs.db file is just a cache of what Explorer displays when you look at a folder full of pictures etc - saves it creating a new thumbnail from the image each time (which of course takes up valuable CPU cycles).


Googling 'What is Thumbs.db' will no doubt give you more info if you want to learn.

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It's on the main screen!


Information, Options, (Media), Labels, Advanced.


Hmm now you're asking what hidden files are... this is basic stuff. Try Googling 'What is a hidden file' !


The thumbs.db file is just a cache of what Explorer displays when you look at a folder full of pictures etc - saves it creating a new thumbnail from the image each time (which of course takes up valuable CPU cycles).


Googling 'What is Thumbs.db' will no doubt give you more info if you want to learn.


I'm sorry that I seem to be wasting your time. All I wanted to know is if the burning process is working as it should in regards to the problem I'm having. I know nothing about how your software works and I'm not as knowledgable about the PC environment as you are. Your responce here has nothing to do with my burning problem. It only shows how ignorent I am in the PC environment, and is a waste of your time and mine time. No need to respond. TJMacc

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Well, it's working as it should for the current configuration.


Your disc is missing those 'thumbs.db' files (because they were hidden files and the option to include hidden files was not enabled) and that's why the size is different.


The 'thumbs.db' files are not of any real importance (the OS creates them when it wants to) so I would say your backup is fine.


If you want hidden/system files included, just enable those options on the 'Options' tab I mentioned earlier.

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