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Ejecy Tray option not working properly


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Hi guys,


I'm burning 200 disks from the same image. I have 4 computers setup on a KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) switch and the latest ImgBurn setup on all of them. I set ImgBurn on each computer to burn 50 copies and to eject tray after it is finished. The idea is that I will just put an empty dvd disk into the drive as each disk is finished burning. However, on 2 of 4 computers the Eject Tray check mark disappears after a dvd is burned. Basically, it will eject the tray once and then on the next copy it won't do it anymore.


As you can imagine this is quite annoying. Something that should have been relatively simple and straightforward is now not so simple anymore. Basically I have to "guess" when a disk is done burning by switching to that computer and ejecting the disk myself, or I have to manually check the Eject Tray check mark after each copy is burned. Either way, its not working like it should.


Did anyone else experience this problem? If so do you have any advice?


Thanks in advance.

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Are you using


It should be persistent across burns in that one.


Otherwise, you just have to enable it in the settings. Either via the 'Eject tray before next write' on the Write tab (Page 2) or via the 'Eject tray after write' option on the Device tab.

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