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Abort, abort, abort


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WHen I decide to cancel a burn in progress, I'm thoroughly aware that this trashes the disk. So why the lengthy shutdown process? Why syncronize the cache? Who cares? Who wants it syncrhonised in the first place?


ImgBurn tells me that the write process failed so do I want to try (other stuff)?

I do not.

I do not want to be asked questions.

I want it to shut down.

Now. Abort. Stop. Quit. Go back to the main menu and await instructions, stopping all things being done to or on behalf of that disk which, as soon as its let go of, (drumming of fingers) will be put in the trash.


Can the shutdown process be changed to throw out all of this pointless post-processing, or is there a way to make ImgBurn stop this silly stuff and just simply quit?

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Not closing things down properly can also leave the drive in state of limbo - i.e. it won't accept normal commands util they're done because it thinks it's still burning.


I'm not changing anything.


So your softare figures it knows better than me, and has more important things to do than follow my instructions? And its author thinks that's a GOOD thing?


Buh-bye ImgBurn, won't be using you anymore.


What I do now is pop the disk out with a paperclip, and shoot Imgburn in the head with APT. This is preferable? It's what I do rather than wait, wait, wait for ImgBurn to wake up again, pay attention again and do as it's told.


I don't need Imgburn to ignore commands: I've got Windows for that. Well, I gotta use Windows. I don't gotta use or commend Imgburn.


Seriously, I won't tolerate behaviour like this from my software, and I fault you as a programmer and a designer for releasing a product that intentionally behaves this way. You need to learn better and stop making software that does things like that. It was OK -- well, no, it was never OK, it was just so prevalent and we didn't know any better, in the 90's, but it's no longer acceptable and it's very unprofessional these days. You need to bone up on making software usable. Holy Fifteen-Years-Ago, Batman! Software that behaved like this and treated users like this, is why Google was able to walk in and just take over the existing market for web search, kicking Yahoo, Microsoft, Altavista, Ask Jeeves and all the other long-extant competition to the curb. The whole industry should have learned a lesson from that, but some of us still haven't.


Now IF you've got a legitimate point here, then your software needs to say, "sorry, I'm shutting this drive down and it's really important that I get it right", and it needs to stop asking me that stupid question -- "of COURSE the write failed, you moron! I terminated it in the middle! So Effing STOP!!!!" rather than treating the customer with this "Eff you, I'm busy" and "you did something wrong" presentation it does now.


(Rather than just leave and start telling people ImgBurn is trash... or rather, supplemental to. I'm outta here. Let me tell you my new favorite "dumb software" story... "Yeah, free and worth every penny..." ) Just let me synchronize my cache before I go.

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