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The Picture Says It All!!!

Movie Junkie

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Here's another one that say's it all!

We, the people of the United States of America, as a whole, better wake up and smell the roses because something has been smelling rotten for quite a while. It's a shame when your own leaders are selling you out! I often wonder why so many people tend to live in their "own little world" with their rose colord glasses

and fail to see the real picture. Are so many people that blind? Or don't they care about the future of their country?


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fucking eh :thumbup: and with an Irish name as Irish as it gets why does some bastard call up around election time and try to talk to me in anything other than English to support some dickweed politician

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fucking eh :thumbup: and with an Irish name as Irish as it gets why does some bastard call up around election time and try to talk to me in anything other than English to support some dickweed politician


Tut , the British Labour party will phone anywhere in the world if they think they can get another vote ! :lol:

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Here's another one that say's it all!

We, the people of the United States of America, as a whole, better wake up and smell the roses because something has been smelling rotten for quite a while. It's a shame when your own leaders are selling you out! I often wonder why so many people tend to live in their "own little world" with their rose colord glasses

and fail to see the real picture. Are so many people that blind? Or don't they care about the future of their country?

You've got that right! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
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Are so many people that blind? Or don't they care about the future of their country?

A bit of both I think bill. :/


most are in survival mode just trying to get by and feed families pay bills etc and dont have time for the crap that politicians throw their way ,some are of the mind that it doesn't matter who gets elected you're going to get screwed anyway so whats the use .The Govt. counts on that, here in the US only 65% of all eligible voters vote and then some candidate gets elected with say 55% of that vote so its not like its the voice of the majority that gets him/her elected .Then they're called world leaders ,I wondered if any of them has taken a good look at the state of the worlds affairs at all, this kind of leadership we can all do without

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Are so many people that blind? Or don't they care about the future of their country?

A bit of both I think bill. :/


most are in survival mode just trying to get by and feed families pay bills etc and dont have time for the crap that politicians throw their way ,some are of the mind that it doesn't matter who gets elected you're going to get screwed anyway so whats the use .The Govt. counts on that, here in the US only 65% of all eligible voters vote and then some candidate gets elected with say 55% of that vote so its not like its the voice of the majority that gets him/her elected .Then they're called world leaders ,I wondered if any of them has taken a good look at the state of the worlds affairs at all, this kind of leadership we can all do without

I heard many years ago that as long as the government kept us busy being pissed-off at each other we would be too busy to see what the hell they were doing to us.
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I remember seeing on our news that more people voted in the final of American Idol (talent show on tv) than voted for your president - thats gotta show that are priorities are fucked up !


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Are you sure that wasn't a commercial for a recent Hugh Grant movie? :)



I guess you would know db - I think it was on our SkyNews the other day, it was one of those throw away comments that generally voters were more into talent shows than politics....

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There is one thing to keep in mind, folks. In American Idol, people can, and do, vote numerous times for the same person. The American President isn't picked that way. In fact, he's not picked by the people. :lol: But, in some cases, people can, and have voted multiple times like... no, no, that would just be a cheap shot. :devil:

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