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I can't read Audio CD burned by Nero7


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Good morning.

I use ImgBurn since last week and I’m very satisfied with it.

Only three questions.

1. When I start the program it needs 35 seconds before showing the window “loading” and then it needs other two minutes to reach a steady “ready” situation. Is it correct?

2. I can’t read (verify or read) any Audio CD that originally I burned with Nero 7. Here is a log enclosed. Typically, when I verify (for example) the CD, the operation stops at “Analyzing Session 1 Track 2” (for all Audio CD Nero burned) and everything blocks. So I have to abort the operation.

Any idea about what is happening?

3. I signal that I had to uncheck the box “Capture Graph Data” because I had to wait more than 15 minutes for any operation (I use Win XP Pro SP3 updated). I looked at the list of events on my pc but I apparently didn’t find anything strange. So I unchecked the box and now it works really well.

Thanks in advance.


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1. No, it should take about 2 seconds. It's probably due to your AV software or similar.

2. That's a semi known issue. Hopefully v2.5.3.0 will fix it.

3. There's some debug information in the program to help me track down the exact cause of that. Nobody in the beta team, nor myself, have that issue so I haven't been able to look into it properly. It's an OS issue though.

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1. No, it should take about 2 seconds. It's probably due to your AV software or similar.

2. That's a semi known issue. Hopefully v2.5.3.0 will fix it.

3. There's some debug information in the program to help me track down the exact cause of that. Nobody in the beta team, nor myself, have that issue so I haven't been able to look into it properly. It's an OS issue though.

Thank you very much LIGHTNING UK!

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