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Layer Break DVD-9


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I have the previous versions used to tell me some info on where to make layer break at. After I updated it I don't get that info anymore. Is there something in the settings that I need to check to enable that?




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Yes, I know how to and have done that before. The last version gave me all that info that I needed to know, on where to create the break at. However all I did was uninstall and reinstalled the update. After that I just get the end of the world screen, and no additional info like I did before. No recommended layer break or any thing like that.

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I'm trying to make a DVD. I select VIDEO_TS, says the end of the world thing. I can either Cancel or continue, that's it. I don't know why it's doing this. All I did was reinstall. Never had this prob before. Is there a link for the previous version available?

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It's not going to be any different.


You've got folder there that the program can't show you any nice layer break positions for.


If it can't show you a screen where you can pick the LB from a list then you end up with the 'end of the world' screen.


That 'end of the world' screen may or may not then give you a clue as to where you could split things using VobBlanker.


So basically, it's just due to the VIDEO_TS folder you're working on.

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