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How to burn a bootable image (ISO)


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before all, i must say that i didn't tried yet to burn a DVD the simpliest way, because i only got one here and really can´t go for shopping right now.

Thus, i´d wanted have confirmation that it´s possible to burn a bootable iso image?

If yes, how to do it?

Because in the "write" interface, there´s no options to specify that this DVD must be bootable. Do ImgBurn recognize automaticly if it´s a bootable iso?

( If there is a doubt about what i´m talking about, you can find what i call a "bootable iso image" here for example: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/downloads/ )


Anyway, congratulations for this program, great job. It´s really cute.

Now i hope that it´s eficient ;)




Edited by r0d
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