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TDK 25GB Media showing up as Ritek


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I have purchased some TDK 25Gb Media (BRV25PWB10A) that shows up as Disc ID: RITEK-BR2-000 in Imgburn.

Have I been sold the wrong media?


My other issue is I have done a backup of one of my kids Blurays and Imgburn (Pioneer BDR-206) performs it sucessfully but once completed cannot read the burnt disc. It does however play in my Sony Bluray Player.


Is there any reason for this to occur and why?




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If you wanted TDK media using a TDK dye, yes you've been sold the wrong media.


Most 'brand' names will sell media that use a dye from a totally different company. It's just whatever makes them the most money.


As for the backup you've done, are you saying it (ImgBurn) can't Verify the disc successfully or that it won't play in your software player?


The only reasons for a disc that burns and won't verify is poor media and/or poor drive/firmware support for said media.

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yes once the disc is burnt the dvd-burner will not read the disc at all, as a result i cannot verify. It does however play sucessfully on my standalone player though. My Pioneer burner is running the latest firmware. Had not issues when burning TDK/Verbatim 50Gb discs that Imgburn recognise as branded.

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