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can I autowrite from 'burn image using imgburn' shell extension

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Is there a way that I can go straight into writing the DVD when I pick 'burn using imgburn' from the context menu in windows? (I'm right-clicking an ISO file). I've set all my default options the way I want them (eject tray when done, close program when done, don't verify), but I can't get it to bypass the main Write screen and just begin writing. I searched this forum quite a bit, so if this has been answered, I just can't find the info.



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Technically though, you could edit the shell extension (in regedit) and change the command so it has a '/START' switch on the end of it.


You answered that so fast and succinctly, I must send you money. Where's the donation link? NM, I'll find it. Just wanted you to know how highly I think of your software and now the customer service as well.

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