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newbie... free space not showing up


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I am using image burn for the first time.


My pc is not showing the correct amount of free space after I deleted 2 build files with image burn.


Also I can't be sure this is the correct log but you can see my problem from attached image.






I 22:55:40 ImgBurn Version started!

I 22:55:40 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7601 : Service Pack 1)

I 22:55:40 Total Physical Memory: 16,753,600 KB - Available: 14,284,016 KB

I 22:55:40 Initialising SPTI...

I 22:55:40 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 22:55:40 -> Drive 1 - Info: Optiarc DVD RW AD-7241S 1.03 (D:) (ATAPI)

I 22:55:40 Found 1 DVD±RW!

I 23:21:56 Close Request Acknowledged

I 23:21:56 Closing Down...

I 23:21:56 Shutting down SPTI...

I 23:21:56 ImgBurn closed!

I 18:58:50 ImgBurn Version started!

I 18:58:50 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7601 : Service Pack 1)

I 18:58:50 Total Physical Memory: 16,753,600 KB - Available: 14,474,848 KB

I 18:58:50 Initialising SPTI...

I 18:58:50 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 18:58:50 -> Drive 1 - Info: Optiarc DVD RW AD-7241S 1.03 (D:) (ATAPI)

I 18:58:50 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM!

I 19:18:02 Close Request Acknowledged

I 19:18:02 Closing Down...

I 19:18:02 Shutting down SPTI...

I 19:18:02 ImgBurn closed!

I 18:51:56 ImgBurn Version started!

I 18:51:56 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition (6.1, Build 7601 : Service Pack 1)

I 18:51:56 Total Physical Memory: 16,753,600 KB - Available: 14,349,316 KB

I 18:51:56 Initialising SPTI...

I 18:51:56 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...

I 18:51:56 -> Drive 1 - Info: Optiarc DVD RW AD-7241S 1.03 (D:) (ATAPI)

I 18:51:56 Found 1 DVD±RW/RAM!

I 18:54:24 Close Request Acknowledged

I 18:54:24 Closing Down...

I 18:54:24 Shutting down SPTI...

I 18:54:24 ImgBurn closed!





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Well. It seems the build files I copied to my pc before burning haven't been removed even though I deleted them using the red "X".

I have 91.8 gb of free space but only 85.5 gb actual. I have restarted and used disk cleaner to no avail.

Maybe I need to find the folder where the build files were saved but I no longer have the path.

Maybe it's a windows problem??


Sorry if this is a repost but could not find the topic covered.

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When you use ImgBurn's Build mode it reads the files from their current location: it doesn't copy/move files to any location on your HDD. If you used the red X from the Build mode it only removes the item(s) from the compilation you're going to burn: it doesn't actually erase the file from your HDD.

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The only time it writes stuff to the hdd is when you build an image file from files/folders rather than burning those files/folders directly to a disc.


If you've done that, the image will either be in the root of the drive or in your documents folder.


Empty the recycle bin and try using something like 'TreeSize' to figure out where your space has gone.

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This is actually what I think I did. I have downloaded tree size but don't know the name of the files or where I should be looking.


Can you give me a clue as to where I can find them?

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They'll be wherever you put them!


YOU have to specify the destination path.


If you don't (and just enter a file name in the destination box), they'll be in your documents folder - like I said earlier.


As for the treesize thing, well you aren't going to have too many new/large files on your hdd so use the 'Date Modified' and 'Size' colums to find them. If you were burning DVD sized images you can ignore folder that aren't around that size.


You could even have windows search for files created in the past week or whatever.


ImgBurn also keeps a record of the most recent files. Switch to build mode (image file output) and take a look at them on the 'File' menu. It might give you a clue.

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I wouldn't be such a bother but I have an ssd and I am trying to conserve space...


I tried everything you suggested.

I know it was a dvd image of over a gb in size but I can't find any files of that size. A windows search was ineffective for me because the exact file name eludes me. I checked the documents and app data folder and did a full expand with tree size with no results. Funny thing is in Local C: disk properties the first estimation of free space of the drive shows 6gb more than the second. Please take another look at the image I supplied. I can't even be sure the files are really there.


I even deleted my restore points just to make sure it wasn't that.



If it helps any the dvd image I tried to burn twice was not successful.


Many Thanks.

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I'm not sure how you expect that image to be of any use to us.


All it shows is the size of the drive, the amount of space used up and the amount of space remaining.


Windows search can find files within a date range too. Just open an explorer window (i.e. 'Computer' off the start menu), press F3 (or CTRL+F), click the 'Advanced Search' button on the right and then mess around with the date range boxes on the left.


Not only that, searching for *.iso would have done. You're familiar with wildcards yeah? If not, you are now.


Did you actually have any image files listed in ImgBurn's 'Recent File' menu thingy? If so, do any of those files still exist in the paths it mentions? If not, you're probably worrying about nothing.

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If you did used Build image, you should find that log and look for "Destination File:" line, it will tell you the path and location where it saved the image.


You can acces older logs via Help menu.

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If only I heard from you sooner. I uninstalled burn image with an uninstaller thinking it might take the used files with it. I also tried to wipe free space with ccleaner and used disk clean up.


The files seems to be in the C:/windows folder somewhere because it is the largest folder available. The rest are under a gb or are system files.


Best bet is to leave it be and next time I reinstall windows I will hopefully not have the problem anymore.


Thanks. Sorry I wasn't much help to you. I am just a home user.



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