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Audio CD cannot be read on 1 of 14 CD players


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Hi everyone. I'm new to the Imgburn forum, but not to burning, and have been doing so since CDs were first introduced. I recently upgraded to a new Win7-64 computer with a Lite-On iHAS 124B CD/DVD drive, and installed Imgburn, which I have used off and on over the last year on my previous computer. I have encountered an unusual and perplexing problem using Imgburn on this computer. The audio CDs produced by this combination play on everyone of my CD players (total of 14 ranging in age from 20 years old to new and cost from a few $$ to $$$$), except one: a new Cambridge Audio 650C. This is not due to mistakes in choosing the wrong format nor in the audio files I chose to burn. CDs that I previously burnt on my old computer are read and play fine on the Cambridge. So here's an example: a direct image copy of a commercial audio CD and subsequent burn to disk, still causes a misread on the Cambridge CD player, yet plays on all my other CD players. Of course, if I compile my own playlist of audio files and burn, the same problem exists. I used the direct image burn, as it is the simplest example in my opinion. I need to stress that the Cambridge doesn't see the CD as formatted or readable. So, first point: Imgburn is burning high quality disks that can be read and played on all but one (Cambridge Audio) of my 14 CD players. Second part of the puzzle: if I burn using Windows Media player the same identical audio files, all of my CD players, including the Cambridge Audio, read and play the CD without problems. Third part of the puzzle: if I use an external USB CD/DVD burner (Samsung) and Imgburn with the same audio files, once again all 14 of my CD players read and play the resulting CD audio disk without issues.


So, the problem seems to be confined to Imgburn and the Lite-On iHAS 124B CD/DVD drive, which btw has the latest firmware. I wonder if there is some setting in Imgburn that I am ignoring that may be causing the Cambridge (and only the Cambridge) CD player to be unable to read the audio disc? I haven't messed with any of the settings in Imgburn, so advice on where to proceed is appreciated. Oh, one more point: I wondered if the Lite-On was burning the CDs too fast or there was a problem with the CD media itself, so I burnt at 16X and used two other blank CD vendors: same problem --> the Cambridge 650C would not read the CD while the other CD players did.


I apologize for being long-winded, but I find this problem interesting. Yes, I have two work-arounds, but I'd like to solve the problem so that I'm a more knowledgeable user Imgburn (besides, I enjoy solving puzzles, sometimes :)


Thank you for your help and assistance!



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Try setting the 'Write Type' to 'Track At Once' - the option is in the Settings on the Write tab.


Maybe Media Player always burns discs using that, I don't know.


Thanks, I'll try that. Are there any settings in Imgburn that may lead to "unusual" lead-ins, lead-outs, or sectoring? I'm still trying to understand why the disc isn't readable by the Cambridge 650C.



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Anyway, 1 player using that 1 drive... it's more likely to be a firmware issue with the burner or just the player being overly picky.


I'm going to swap out the Lite-On for a Samsung over the weekend. I'll post if something good happens. Thanks.

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I tried TOA: lots of "Closed Track Failed / Reason:Invalid Field in CDB" errors that occurred after each track was burnt. Went back to original write setting. A friend lent me another Lite-On drive (different model and firmware) --> same result. FYI: I'm convinced this has nothing to do with Imgburn, as two other burning programs also resulted in audio discs that were readable on all but the Cambridge Audio CD player. Also, a big thanks for the note about the Samsung and Lite-On using the same chipset. Would a Sony or Plextor drive have a different chipset? I might try one last drive before going to burning on the USB external.


Greatly appreciate your software and assistance. Thanks!

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I'm not sure which chipset the real branded Sony drives use now.


Sony and NEC joined to make Optiarc... and they aren't based on Mediatek chipsets.


I believe Plextor is Mediatek now too (at the moment anyway) - as they stopped making their own drives ages ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I replaced the Lite-On burner with a Sony CD/DVD burner, and all CDs it produced worked fine on all my players! Must be a chipset/firmware issue. Thanks for the help.

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