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need help on Command Line Switches


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i make one shortcut from ImgBurn.exe and placed it in sendto

folder xp(select multiple file folder and send to imgburn)

this work fine and go to build mode but it just work with one folder or one file

i can not select Multiple file or folder(get file or folder dosent exit).so how can do it with Multiple file folder?

here properties of shortcut



"C:\Program Files\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /MODE BUILD /SOURCE


start in


"C:\Program Files\ImgBurn"




and please see this picture

possible change background of imgburn to white?

it Inheritance from theme of window but if change to White it more Beautiful



Edited by momo
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even in Future؟?

or currently not support

can you add some optione like this

*|* or *.*| or |*.*

this way can very good for fast createion iso

and can you change background to white?

Edited by momo
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You can already specify multiple files via CLI but 'Send To' doesn't appear to let you format the output. It just adds them in one long 'space delimited' string and puts quotes round long file names.


Of course I'm not going to change the background to white. You are but 1 person! (plus I'd hate it)


It uses your Windows colours. If you want white windows, make it so on your own system.

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