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fails to complete tasks


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I have used ImageBurn with vwry good result under windows XP. The problem I will describe occurs on two identicle laptops with different but identicle discs.


The discs are re-writable TDK and the laptop a Tosh one. The Tosh is windows 7 home version and PC is satellite C660D-1GD. Your code realises its a laptop when it wants to recycle the tray for verify.


A full erase gets to 96% and then the display toggles between 96% and 97% and just stays there forever. A quick erase then works fine.


Then when burning onto the disc the writing takes place OK but on verify it gets to syncronising but always fails and it is impossible to close to product without forcing a close. The written disc however is fine and can be read, copied or an image proced and reproduced elsewhere perfectly OK

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Nothing you've described is a bug in the program so I'm moving your thread to the 'Support' area.


Now please do as the pink box up the top says and post a log.


A full erase is 100% controlled by the drive. It reports when it's finished and it reports the % complete. If it never completes you must have a bad drive/firmware/media combo.


Ensure the firmware for your drive is up-to-date, that you're using decent media and that the drive is clean (use a cleaning disc).

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