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SPTD conflict?


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Short story:


In the past two weeks, I burned numerous DVD+R DL coasters on my LG and Pioneer burners. (Other formats burned fine: CD, single-layer, and bluray (on the Pioneer).) Got a "servo error" in the ImgBurn log for the LG and figured it was dead. Bought a LiteOn iHBS212.


First three attempts to burn a DVD+R DL on the LiteOn crapped out right at the start. Many target failure messages in the log, right at the start of burning.


According to LiteOn utilities, firmware is up to date.


Notice the warning for daemon tools' SPTD in the log and set about disabling SPTD -- their website gives a registry tweak for to disable the driver after reboot with uninstalling. Only noticed after the fact by reading this forum that the warning should be no big deal and can be disabled ("interfering programs") in options->general. But at that point I had rebooted without SPTD running.


What the heck, tried a DVD+R DL burn AND IT WORKED.


So, is the "warning" actually a "WARNING!" 'cause it seems to have been a severe problem for me. Checking things further, I noted that I installed an update of Daemon Tools on June 2, 2012, just around when I noticed the coasters when I tried a DL burn.


I seem to be fixed now, and I may try rolling back to an older Daemon Tools.

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The SPTD driver shouldn't be making up erroneous drive errors. I understand that I/O passes through it (so it *could* change the results I guess) but I've never seen it mess up burning like that - it used to just slow things down a bit on certain systems.

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(To correct my first post, I wrote "reboot with uninstalling" and, as was hopefully clear from the surrounding description, I meant "reboot without uninstalling".)


As a follow up, I can say that enabling SPTD killed my burn ability again. I uninstalled Daemon Tools and uninstalled SPTD this time. This was the current version 1.81 of SPTD.


I installed an earlier version of Daemon Tools Lite that brings with it SPTD 1.80.


Burns like a charm again. Daemon Tools is working fine.


Is it possible that something changed in 1.81? I don't think there's anything set, right? Maybe they changed some default setting or something so I could undo the damage?


Just in case it matters, the machine is less than one year old, running Win7x64, lots of resources, etc.

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Sorry, just wanted to clear up that I had confidence, based on experience. that the problem wasn't with ImgBurn. I figured it was a software conflict, but wasn't sure what, so I checked the ImgBurn forum to see if others had solved a similar issue. In that reading, I saw a few people post logs (recently) that didn't look unlike mine (nonstop errors at the start of the burn) with the SPTD warning at the top. Maybe one of those people will find that their error is for the same reason as mine...

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