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Dual Layer and splip question, yes ends up as no??


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Hi all,


I was hoping to be able to sort this problem out myself but after much googleing and searching I have relented and decided to come straight to the source.


It concerns Splip on Dual Layer burns.... before any one ask's .... yes I only ever use Verbs.


If my iso i am going to burn states this:


LBA % File/VTS LU PGC Chapter Cell V/C ID Start Time Splip


1965152 50/50 VTS_03 NA 1 10 19 2/1 1:09:10 NO



Blue Star for LBA, as it is the only one available, I have tested these "as is" and the LB is very noticable at 1:09:10

so I thought lets try out the Tick in "Seamless"..... I am slightly bewildered by the warning of "You should only enable this option if you know for a fact that your player does not need the layer break cell to be marked as non-seamless. are you sure you want to enable this?


Does this mean that your burnt disc is telling the DVD drive that "Yes, I am a seamless Disc" ??


any way back to my point even if i place a tick into seamless I always get this :


I 10:45:00 Write Mode: DVD

I 10:45:00 Write Type: DAO

I 10:45:00 Write Speed: 4x

I 10:45:00 Link Size: Auto

I 10:45:00 Lock Volume: Yes

I 10:45:00 Test Mode: No

I 10:45:00 OPC: No

I 10:45:00 BURN-Proof: Enabled

I 10:45:00 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 5,540 KB/s (4x)

I 10:45:00 Book Type Setting: DVD-ROM

I 10:45:59 Optimal L1 Data Zone Start LBA: 1965920 (VTS_06, PGC: 1, Cell: 33, Vob/Cell ID: 2/3, Time: 01:07:49, SPLIP: No -> Yes)

I 10:45:59 Optimal L0 Data Zone Capacity: 1,965,920

I 10:45:59 Optimal L0 Data Zone Method: IFO Cell Boundary, 'SPLIP' Flag Not Set

I 10:45:59 Set L0 Data Zone Capacity Succeeded!

I 10:46:00 Filling Buffer... (201 MB)

I 10:46:03 Writing LeadIn...

I 10:46:38 Writing Session 1 of 1... (1 Track, LBA: 0 - 3844264)

I 10:46:38 Writing Track 1 of 1... (MODE1/2048, LBA: 0 - 3844264)

I 10:46:38 Writing Layer 0... (LBA: 0 - 1965919)

I 10:59:28 Writing Layer 1... (LBA: 1965920 - 3844264)


Why if I have put a tick into "seamless" I get "SPLIP" flag not set? Sorry if I have this totally wrong, maybe there is nothing wrong at all but wouldn't "SLIP" flag say SET for seamless, please except my apologies if I have got the wrong end of the stick.


The burner is an LG GSA H55N, and so far no coasters at all.

Imgburn is v (but I don't think this will have any bearing on the problem, as it's been the same for the last couple of upgrades.


This is always the same whenever the SPLIP says "NO".


I would really appreciate some help or guidelines on this one chaps, could it be that I have not set something up within the Tools/Settings correctly.


Thanks all


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Ok well the first thing is that you shouldn't be on Install the latest version - I fix lots of stuff between versions, even if you don't think you've come across any problems... you probably have.


Does this mean that your burnt disc is telling the DVD drive that "Yes, I am a seamless Disc" ??


No, it just means that the cell starting on the 2nd layer is going to be marked as 'seamless' when normally a player might always expect them to be 'non seamless'. Being marked as 'seamless' and yet physically non-seamless (because of the transition from L0 to L1) can throw some players off and cause them to hang etc. It's one of those things that either works or doesn't and you only find out which by actually trying it.


The line you're seeing with ''SPLIP' Flag Not Set' is just there because that's the (original) basis of the layer break position. It doesn't and isn't supposed to reflect that you've opted for a seamless layer break, that's covered in the 'SPLIP: No -> Yes' bit above it.

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Thanks for clearing that up for me Lightning UK!,


I appreciate the speed in which you responded....... big thumbs up on that one mate...


I'm going to update as you suggested and see how I go from there.

Are there any particular settings that I should set within the prefs for Dual Layer Discs?


Thanks for the help and info.


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