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creating image file from DAT file


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Can anybody help? I want to send proof audio CDs over the internet. If I make a CDr from my music editing software (SADiE) and then create an image from this I can easily generate two files, a .bin and a .cue which when sent over the wires are easily burnt onto a playable audio CD by my clients. However If I try to create an image directly from the .dat file (to save time and 20p for a CD!) on my hard disc, the resultant bin file produces a CD with one track (usually slightly longer than the whole audio disc. I must be doing something idiotically wrong... any ideas?



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How are you making an image from a DAT file in the first place?


You must be using Build mode and that's just going to end up making you a data disc with the DAT file on it.


Stick to the 'burn to CD-R and then make the BIN+CUE using 'Read' mode' method - unless you can find a virtual drive program that supports the DAT files... then you could mount the DAT in the virtual drive and use Read mode to make your BIN+CUE without wasting a disc.

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