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saw this while surfing and its becoming disturbing how many drives are misrepresented these days, you think you're buying a plextor great name great history but what you get is


It IS NOT a Plextor. It is a Teac drive with a Panasonic chipset. Plextor bought these drives and slapped their name on the front and put their own version of the firmware in it (rebadged). It reads/writes considderably poor for a drive with the quality "Plextor" brand name. Stay away if you are looking for a good Plextor.

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Are you sure? I have a px760A which is 18x and I can assure the quality it not poor by anymeans. It also uses the tried and tested chipsets from Sanyo which are always great quality

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Are you sure? I have a px760A which is 18x and I can assure the quality it not poor by anymeans. It also uses the tried and tested chipsets from Sanyo which are always great quality


my mistake they are 16x and not the 760 drives

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