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Does ImgBurn support setting layer type? - Continued


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Appologies, continuation of this thread because I do not appear to be allowed to post a reply there...


Thanks for your reply LIGHTNING UK!  Good to see you have had some experience with the RNS-E.  :)  I'm the author of the NavPOInt DVD re-authoring software Ettu is trying to use.


It might help if I add a bit of clarification:

The disks booktype setting can be found in the high nibble of byte 4 of the disk info structure.  Layertype (if that's what it's called) is in the low nibble of byte 6.


I'm not quite sure what the official name of this structure is (sorry).  But it is obtained by sending a SCSI command direct to the drive, and you get a handful of bytes back from the media.


Anyway, the RNS-E units expect DVD-ROM booktype (0) in high nibble of byte 4, and also a layertype of READONLY (1) in the low nibble of byte 6.

I don't think anyone knew about the layertype requirement before, or if they did they weren't telling.  This appears to be why some drives "work" and other do not, as yuo put it - despite having booktype set correctly at DVD-ROM on the authored media.


I have two of legacy LiteON drives including an eTAU108.  When I set the booktype to DVD-ROM on these drives I end up with media which can be read by the RNS-E (booktype=0 layertype = 1).  Yay!


However I have just purchased 2 new drives for testing (because users keep asking me to recommand a compatible drive), a LiteON eBAU108 and also a Pioneer DVR-XT11T.  When I set the booktype on these drives I end up disk that is perfectly readable, but not recognised as a valid navigation disk, by the RNS-E.  On these non-working disks I see booktype = 0 but layertype = 2 (i.e. recordable).


Seems the LiteON bitsetting API used to set layertype so as to be consistent with booktype.  Unfortunately it doesn't do so on newer drives.  As I have implemented the bitsetting API in my own product, (and tried the LiteON own utility on the LiteON drive) I'm as sure as I can be that's down to the new drive firmware.


Appologies for the sketchiness of the details.  But hopefully this fills in some of the gaps about what was being asked by Ettu.  Obviously not a problem with ImgBurn in any way (Ive used it myself, and it's a great tool) - but just hoping you might be able to offer some insight?

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How weird, I wonder why I'm not outputting the 'layer type' value with all of the other 'Physical Format Information' for DVDs?!


I thought that chunk of info in the box on the right contained pretty much everything returned in the descriptor (and that's what I based a previous reply to the other guy on)... I guess it doesn't. I'll correct that. :)

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No problem LIGHTNING UK.  Thanks for the name of the structure.  With that it's at least possible to get a few details on it!


From experience, I can tell you that some drives will just work for the RNS-e and others won't


Do you still own your RNS-E?  If you'd like a complimentary copy of NavPOInt to go with it, then PM or contact me.

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