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Command Line: Burning all files/specific types in a folder

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First of all, great software!


I've been looking through the command line switches and I'm trying to work out a way that completely automates burning files within a folder.


Currently I've got (with variables set elsewhere in batch):


"C:\Program Files (x86)\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe" /mode build /BUILDOUTPUTMODE DEVICE /FILESYSTEM "ISO9660 + Joliet" /VERIFY YES /SRC "%userprofile%\Desktop\ToBurn" /VOLUMELABEL %Name% /START /CLOSESUCCESS


While this runs correctly, it prompts me with "do you want me to put files in the root instead of making a folder?" and has a summary of burning too.


Ideally I want the batch file to just burn the files in the folder without input as this process is something I do multiple times per day.


Also, Ideally I want to burn all files of a specific type (e.g *.jpg or *.*) however I can't seem to find an SRC argument that works with this. Burn lists seem to require specific file names.



Any ideas?

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As per the ReadMe.txt file, the switch to deal with the 'root folder' prompt is:


	Used to automate the 'Root Folder' prompt you get when only adding a single folder to the source list.
	Only applies to STANDARD input mode within BUILD mode.
The switch to deal with the 'information summary' is:


	Used to stop the program from displaying details about the image.
	Only applies to BUILD mode.
The command line switches just automate the GUI and I'm afraid there's no way to filter which files get added from a given directory.
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Excellent, thanks.


I've done a workaround for filtering the files as follows.


dir <BurnFolder>\*.jpg /s /b > burnlist.txt


This then makes a burn list file that's then readable by /SRCLIST, which then adds the files, giving flexibility on which files get added

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