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MPEG-2 7.09gig file to DL


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PC DVD player software is more forgiving than a standalone DVD player.  The software player just looks for the VIDEO_TS.IFO file to play.  You can pretty much put it anywhere and it would still play.  Although to load it as a DVD player would, the player would probably look for VIDEO_TS.IFO in VIDEO_TS in the root directory.



Why the standalone DVD player wouldn't play it would be down to the settings in the ImgBurn job.  If they're not set for DVD Video, the disc probably won't play.  The other possibility is your DVD player doesn't like the recordable DVD's you're using and won't recognize them for playing.  If you're using the same DVD+R DL you used before with Roxio, that wouldn't be the problem.

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You advised me to have a go at using DVDstyler and I am happy to say that I have a fine quality full screen DL ISO that has burnt to a very nice disk after two attempts .

The first attempt was a good quality clear image but the screen with two bars squashed the figures (actors) a bit and did not look right, something to do with the aspect ratio that I got wrong (like most other things) but with help and advice from the DVDstyler forum on the next attempt that was all corrected so it is obviously true to say that with an understanding of the terminology and configuration settings it is not so painful.

I thank yourself, Dbminter and Manolito from DVDstyler forum for your patience help and understanding and after 7 trashed DL disks

I not only have a viable DL disk but I also have a better understanding of what to do to achieve a successful outcome Johnnie

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What was the problem why it wouldn't play, if you don't mind my asking?  You've got me curious, now.  :)

I think it was a problem of my own knowledge or I should say lack of. A person from the DVDstyler forum helped me to realise a good burn.

One point is the ISO that I made in DVDstyler and resulting burn to DVD in Burndcc I tried to burn the ISO to disk in Imgburn would not work again I dont really know why other than the fact that a box telling that a split point could not be found

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Split point?  Are they talking about the layer break?  ImgBurn will return the same type of error if it cannot find a place to put the layer break.  As your VIDEO_TS gets near the upper boundary of file size for a DVD+/-R DL, it will become more difficult to put in a layer break.

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Yes layer break.

I am burning this disk from an ISO created by DVDstyler in Burndcc 64 and it just does it. Now I cannot tell technically how it does it but there are no such problem as I encounter in IngBurn the quality is excellent no menu to hinder me and a full 16.9 screen. I have always used ImgBurn in conjunction with Roxio with no problems until NXT5 I guess if I was just doing a 60 minute disk there would be no problem but you cannot produce a DL disk without menu in Roxio so as of now I will only be using roxio to edit and render my files. Any ideas on a better editing programme :-)

As I almost always produced DVD's that run for over an hour and I have used roxio since 2011 they have now really cocked this programme up

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If you really don't care about having a DVD menu, just having the movie play the moment you load it in a DVD player, here's what I would do.  I'd go find an ancient but still viable program called DVDShrink.  It's free and freely available online.  You'd have to get the VIDEO_TS from the ISO so you'd need some kind of mounting program like Virtual CloneDrive or something similar or something that can extract folders from an ISO like UltraISO.  Then, load that VIDEO_TS in DVDShrink, select Re-author mode, choose the largest size main menu movie, and make sure to choose no compression for output.  It will write a new VIDEO_TS with no menu.



DVDStyler may have an option to create its VIDEO_TS in a folder on HDD.  If you do this and don't choose ISO, you don't have to worry about extracting the VIDEO_TS from the ISO.  IF DVDStyler has such an option, I don't know.

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