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I was on another site that explaind how to rip the audio from a concert dvd to an mp3. i tried to burn said mp3 files, but it cut out the lead ins thus making the cd sound a bit choppy. i asked if there was a program that could burn the cd properly, i was referd to use imgburn. i tried to figure it out myself but ended up wasting a 2 cds. so long story short, can someone help explaine how to make an audio cd with imgburn? thank you


You can't I'm afraid, it's for data only.


That is of course assuming you were talking about a proper CD Audio (CDDA) disc and not just a disc containing a bunch of MP3 files.


well yes it's mp3's, it's 16 mp3 tracks that i want to put on to a cd, like i said, burning these mp3 files with itunes or blindwrite cuts out the lead-out into the next track, thus like i said making the cd seem a little disjointed. So i was told to use imgburn, all i would like to know is, can imgburn make those mp3 files lead into each other properly, im guessing it might be able to seeing as how i was told to use this program. sorry for the long post, thanks in advance


I think we need to clarify this. Are you trying to burn your 16 mp3s onto a CD as just normal data files or are you trying to burn them in the same way MusicMatch Jukebox does (or whatever program you use) to convert them to .wav files playable in something like a DiscMan or CD player?

Posted (edited)

I assume your talking about a mixed CD, eg song 1 plays into song 2.


This can be tricky to fix, especially as they have been converted to mp3.


I have a sort of fix, as this annoys the hell out of me, simple if you just CD copy to CD copy.

Awkward when they have been ripped to mp3.


This is how I do this.


OK get hold of winamp any version if you already have it, should all be the same, (if you use winamp to play your mp3s though, you will need to uninstall it after i tell you what to change as reverting back to settings used b4 i told you what to change will not make it run normally anymore)


OK open winamp/ right click on winamp window/ choose/options/preferences.



Goto plugins at bottom choose output, then highlight Nullsoft disk writer plugin at right.


Configure it a new window will open, tick the single file mode box, click file and choose where to output it to, then click format and choose 44.100 16 bit stereo/ then click OK.


You can now close options.


On winamp look for clear playlist, clear it if there is one.


OK, now you have 16 tracks, They need to be sorted in order eg track 1 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc.


Add them to winamps playlist in order (do not press play on any of them at this stage)


Once you have added them all and are sure that they are in order as it can be picky when adding all at once, If you choose to do it this way.


Anyway once all in order etc, press play, this will then combine them all into 1 WAV(you will hear no output at this stage).


Once like this you can then burn the wav to cd as in to make an audio CD, Imgburn will not do this though.


You should try http://www.dbpoweramp.com/ think its free and 30 day trial for the mp3 bit.


Or you could just use Nero to build audio CD.


Or convert the wav to mp3, This will only make 1 track though and you will not be able to skip to next song other than fast forwarding etc.


If done right you will not notice any skip etc between where the tracks used to link together.


Some work better than others though.


Also remember you will not be able to play music from winamp without re installing it.



Edit will sound dodgy if you did not add them in the correct order they would have played from original CD

Edited by dontasciime

Hmm I go from mp3 -> CD Audio disc using cdrwin from www.goldenhawk.com


I've never had any issues, not even when the tracks flow from one to the other without any breaks in the songs (i.e. they're all mixed into 1)


You won't get a seamless MP3 data (audio) disc though unless your player implements some clever caching methods. Even mediaplayer pauses for a fraction of a second at the end of a track before loading the next one.


Real CDDA discs without any track pregaps do not suffer that problem.

Posted (edited)

Which option in cdrwin, extract sectors etc.


Have i got the right version 4.0c


Also you say from mp3 to audio , these have to be stored on cd (the mp3)



so you got say clubmix 10 which you ripped to mp3, then when you play them back from a playlist they stutter at change over from track 1 to 2, you then pass them thru cdrwin and recreate and audio cd from the mp3s and its like you had just copied the cd on the fly etc, no audible stutters between tracks.

Edited by dontasciime

I was actually just talking about using the top left button - 'Record Disc'.


I click that, then load the tracks (drag + drop MP3 files), then click 'Record Disc'.


So long as 'track pregap' is set to 0 seconds it'll all flow smoothly, yes. No gaps, stuttering etc.

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